Accelerating QSM using Compressed Sensing and Deep Neural Network
Yang Gao1, Feng Liu1, Stuart Crozier1, and Hongfu Sun1
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) has shown significant clinical potential for studying neurological disorders, but its acquisitions are relatively slow, e.g. 5-10 mins. Compressed sensing (CS) undersampling and reconstruction techniques have been used to accelerate the magnitude-based MRI acquisitions; however, most of them are ineffective to phase signal due to its non-convex nature. In this study, we propose a deep neural network “CANet” using complex attention modules to recover both the magnitude and phase images from the CS-undersampled data, enabling substantial acceleration of phase-based QSM.


QSM is a valuable phase-based post-processing technique, which quantifies the magnetic susceptibility distribution of biological tissues. QSM scans are generally acquired with GRE1 or SWI2 sequences, which are relatively slow. Compressed sensing (CS) undersampling and reconstruction have been used to accelerate magnitude-based MRI scans3-6. However, these methods are not applicable to the phase. In this study, we propose a complex attention network, named CANet, via incorporating complex convolutional layers and complex attention modules, to recover both MR magnitude and quantitative phase images, thus enabling the acceleration of QSM acquisitions. Magnitude, phase, and QSM results from CANet will be compared with a recent compressed sensing phase cycling (CSPC)7 reconstruction algorithm.


The overall QSM accelerating framework and the architecture of the proposed CANet are shown in Figure 1. The CANet is built on the residual network backbone by adding complex convolutional layers and complex attention modules. As illustrated in Figure 2(a), the complex convolution can be formulated as:
Y=X\divideontimes W$ where $ \left\{\begin{matrix}Y=\ Y_R+\ i\ Y_I\ \\Y_R=\ X_R\ast W_R+X_I\ast W_I\\Y_I=\ X_R\ast W_I+X_I\ast W_R\\\end{matrix}\right.
where $\divideontimes$ represents the complex-valued convolution and * represents the conventional real-valued convolution in traditional CNNs; X is the input, W is the complex convolutional kernels, and Y is the output.
Figure 2(b) and (c) depict the data flow of the proposed complex attention framework, consisting of two sequentially stacked sub-modules: i) channel attention module and ii) spatial attention module, which is formulated as:
\begin{matrix}Atten\left(X\right)=M_S\left(X_C\right)\bigotimes X_C\\{X_C=M}_C(X)\bigotimes X\\\end{matrix}
where $\bigotimes$ denote the element-wise complex multiplication, MC and MS are the 1D channel and 2D spatial attention maps, respectively. MC is computed as:
\begin{matrix}M_C(X)=\sigma\left(MLP\left(MaxPool\left(X\right)\right)+MLP\left(AvgPool\left(X\right)\right)\right)\\MLP\left(a\right)=W_2\divideontimes(W_1\divideontimes a)\\\end{matrix}
where $\sigma$ is the sigmoid activation function; W1 and W2 are the kernels of the MLP; MaxPool and AvgPool are the global MaxPooling and AvgPooling operations. Ms can then be expressed as:
\begin{matrix}M_S\left(X\right)=\sigma\left(W_S\divideontimes D(X)\right)\\D\left(X\right)=\ concat(MaxPool\left(X,\ \prime C\prime\right),AvgPool\left(X,\prime C\prime\right))\\\end{matrix}
where Ws is the complex convolutional kernel; Concat, MaxPool(, 'C'), and AvgPool(, 'C') denote the concatenation, MaxPooling, and AvgPooling operations along the channel dimension.
The proposed CANet comprises 11 complex convolutional layers, 5 complex attention modules, and 1 final convolutional output layers. To train the proposed CANet, a total of 50,400 brain complex-valued images (size: 256×128) were generated from 30 GRE scans, which were acquired with 1 mm isotropic voxel size, 256×256×128 mm3 FOV at 3T. All network parameters were initialized with normally distributed random numbers of zero mean and 0.01 standard deviation. Adaptive moment estimation was used to optimize the network. It took around 40 hours (i.e.,100 epochs) to complete the network training on two Tesla V100 GPUs using Pytorch 1.0, with the mini-batch size of 32 and MSE as the loss function.
Validation with Human Brain Datasets
Qualitative and quantitative comparisons are performed between the proposed CANet and CSPC algorithms on the magnitude, phase, and QSM images acquired from 4 healthy subjects (1 mm isotropic at 3T, FOV: 256×256×132 mm3), 1 intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) patient (1 mm isotropic at 3T, FOV: 226×226×120 mm3), and 1 multiple sclerosis (MS) patient (1 mm isotropic at 3T, FOV: 256×256×132 mm3). All k-space data were retrospectively undersampled with a factor of 4× with a 2D variable density undersampling mask8.


Figure 3 compared zero-filling, CSPC and the proposed CANet results on a healthy human brain data. The magnitude, phase, local field maps (by RESHARP9), QSM (by xQSM10) and their corresponding error maps are reported from top to bottom. The CANet led to the most accurate reconstructions with the smallest error maps and the best PSNR and SSIM (e.g., 43.83/0.98 for QSM reconstructions). The bar graph in Figure 3 (c) compared the QSM measurements of one deep white matter and six deep grey matter regions from different CS reconstruction methods using four human subjects, which confirmed CANet leading to the most accurate quantitative results.
The CANet and CSPC were also applied to an ICH patient in Figure 4. As shown in Figure 4(a), the CSPC resulted in an over-smoothed reconstruction. In addition to the numerical metrics (i.e., PSNR and SSIM), the scatter plots and the linear regression results reported in Figure 4(b) and (c) demonstrated that the CANet (R2: 0.65, SSE: 1.89) led to the most accurate brain hemorrhage susceptibility measurements against the fully-sampled ground truth, as compared with CSPC (R2: 0.46, SSE: 2.28).
The results from an MS subject are shown in Figure 5. All QSM acceleration methods successfully detected all the brain lesions, as indicated by the red arrows. However, the CSPC method led to significant over-smoothing effects, which is negligible in the reconstructions from CANet.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this study, we proposed a deep network-based MRI reconstruction method (i.e., CANet) to accelerate phase-based QSM, which led to fewer reconstruction errors and more accurate susceptibility estimations than the state-of-the-art CSPC method. The improvement may be due to the reason that conventional regularizers used in CSPC (e.g., wavelet transform) tend to over-smooth the MRI reconstruction, while deep learning method can learn more effective regularizers from the training datasets, which reduces the image over-smoothing.


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Figure 1. The proposed CANet based QSM accelerating framework. (a) illustrates the overall QSM accelerating pipeline, (b) demonstrates the overall structure of the proposed CANet, which is developed from a residual network backbone using complex convolutional and complex channel and spatial attention modules. The numbers below the network blocks represent the channel numbers of the output features from the corresponding blocks.

Figure 2. The diagram of the proposed complex convolution operations and complex attention module. (a) shows how to calculate the complex convolution using conventional convolutional operations. (b) and (c) illustrates the channel attention module and the spatial attention module, respectively. R-circle splits the complex features into two real-valued features corresponding to its real and imaginary components, while C-circle generates one complex image based on two real-valued input images.

Figure 3. Comparison of different phase reconstruction methods on healthy human brain data (1 mm isotropic resolution at 3T). (a) shows the reconstruction of MRI magnitude and phase images, while (b) illustrates the local field and QSM reconstruction of different methods. (c) compares six deep grey matter and one deep white matter susceptibility estimation of different methods on five human brain data.

Figure 4. Comparison of the proposed CANet and CSPC on an intracranial hemorrhage patient. QSM reconstructions are illustrated in (a) along with PSNR and SSIM. (b)-(c) demonstrate the scatter plot of susceptibility values in the brain lesion (blue circles in (a)) of different reconstructions (in x-axis) against the ground truth (in y-axis), with the linear regression results reported in the bottom-right corner.

Figure 5. Comparison of CSPC and the proposed CANet on a patient with multiple sclerosis. The first column shows fully-sampled magnitude images in two orthogonal slices, while the registered QSM results of different methods were illustrated from the second column. Red arrows point to the MS lesions that are identified by visual inspection.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)