GluCEST as an in vivo biomarker for monitoring abnormal glutamate dehydrogenase activity in Hyperinsulinism/Hyperammonemia syndrome at 7.0T
Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1, Elizabeth A Rosenfeld2, Deepa Thakuri1, Mark Elliott1, Ravinder Reddy1, and Diva D De Leon2
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Endocrinology and Diabetes, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States


Hyperinsulinism/Hyperammonemia (HI/HA) syndrome is an orphan disease characterized by fasting and protein-induced hypoglycemia, hyperammonemia, and has high prevalence of epilepsy, developmental delays, and learning disabilities. Understanding the mechanism involved in brain phenotype remains limited. We have previously shown the application of glutamate weighted chemical exchange saturation transfer (GluCEST) imaging in small set of subjects to spatially map the glutamate levels of hippocampus. In this study we have expanded the human subject pool for studying the abnormal function of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) enzyme activity with HI/HA syndrome.


Hyperinsulinism/Hyperammonemia (HI/HA) syndrome is the second most common form of congenital HI and is caused by activating mutations in GLUD1, which encodes glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)1-7. GDH is a mitochondrial enzyme expressed not only in pancreas but also in kidneys, liver and brain8-12. It is highly regulated in humans and is allosterically inhibited by GTP whereas it is allosterically activated by ADP, ATP and leucine13-18. In HI/HA subjects GDH is less sensitive to GTP inhibition, resulting in higher concentrations of alpha-ketoglutarate and this reaction is bidirectional, at least in some tissues. In the pancreatic beta cell, where the reaction is unidirectional, activating mutations in GDH causes excessive and inappropriate insulin secretion, resulting from excessive conversion of glutamate to alpha-ketoglutarate which enters the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and produces adenosine-triphosphate (ATP). The hyperammonemia results from the effect of the activating mutation in the kidney7. Children with HI/HA syndrome suffer from recurrent hypoglycemia due to inappropriate secretion of insulin and also have persistent HA from which they appear to be asymptomatic7. They are also susceptible to epileptic seizures, developmental delays and learning disabilities. Since there is only limited pathophysiological understanding of the central nervous system (CNS) manifestations, current therapies are limited only to treat the HI, but not the HA or brain manifestations. Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) imaging of glutamate (GluCEST) has gained importance in the recent years and its applications in vivo in human studies such as temporal lobe epilepsy, brain gliomas and in early psychosis are promising19-22. We were the first group to use GluCEST MRI to investigate the abnormal functioning of GDH enzyme activity in human subjects with HI/HA syndrome. This study builds upon the previous study and presents GluCEST MRI results from expanded human subject pool.


Twelve subjects (5M/7F; mean-age:25.36Y; range:13-56Y) with HI/HA syndrome, participated in the approved IRB study. GluCEST MRI was acquired on each subject using a 7.0T Siemens scanner with a 32-Channel phased-array head coil. For 2DGluCEST, an axial slice was selected, and imaging parameters were, slice-thickness=5mm, in-plane_resolution=1x1mm2, matrix-size=208x256, B1rms=3.06μT, pulse duration=800ms (series of 100ms pulses), single-shot GRE readout TR/TE=6.2/2.4ms, BW=560Hz/pixel, number of shots=2, averages=2, and shotTR=8000ms. Raw CEST images were acquired at varying saturation offset frequencies from ±1.8 to ±4.2ppm (relative to water-resonance set as 0ppm) with a step-size of ±0.3ppm. For MTR, ±20 and ±100 ppm offsets were also acquired. Water saturation shift referencing (WASSR) images (from ±0 to ±1.5ppm; Δ=±0.15ppm) with a saturation pulse at B1rms of 0.29μT with 200ms duration were collected to compute B0map23. Relative B1map was generated from the three images obtained using square preparation pulses with flip-angles 20°,40° and 80°. Overall, acquisition time for CEST, WASSR and B1 together was ~15min. MP2RAGE was used to generate a T1 map which is used for segmentation of gray matter, white matter and CSF. The B0 and B1-corrected GluCEST contrast map was then averaged for the region of interests (ROIs) drawn on hippocampus.


GluCEST contrast values from all the nine volunteers for the ROIs drawn on lateral (here on, the side where GluCEST contrast was higher) and contralateral hippocampal regions are shown in Figure 1. For three of the volunteers, the data were not usable due to severe motion artifacts. Representative B0 and B1-corrected GluCEST map of a male and two females subjects are shown in Figure 2. On the lateral side of hippocampus (LH), the median GluCEST contrast was 9.5±1.34% (range 8.4–12.3%) whereas on the contralateral side of hippocampus (CH), the median GluCEST contrast was 8.0±0.98% (range 6–9.1%). Highest difference in GluCEST contrast was observed in a parent (Subject 3) and one of his offspring (Subject 2), a difference of 4.2% vs 6.3% between LH and CH. In two of the young female subjects (13Y) this difference varied from 0.8 to 1.3%. Since the sample size is small and not normally distributed, we have reported median values (LH 9.5%; CH 8%), although these do not differ from the means (LH 9.91%; CH 7.99%) reported.


GluCEST imaging has been previously implemented in the study of some of the diseases hypothesized to be due to excitotoxicity such as temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), early psychosis and in brain gliomas. But in the HI/HA syndrome, we hypothesize that the increase in glutamate we observe may be due to the overactivity in the GDH enzyme which is bidirectional. Since this enzyme is also overexpressed in hippocampus24 which is a region for memory we have chosen to the axial hippocampal slice for our GluCEST study. Interestingly, we have observed a higher magnitude of measured change in GluCEST contrast in hippocampus in this small set of subjects when compared to the ones observed in the TLE subjects20. A potential reason for this observed higher magnitude of GluCEST could be due to the saturation of the downstream enzymes involved in the conversion of alpha-ketoglutarate and ammonia that could potentially favor the conversion back to glutamate. Further studies are needed to validate this saturation of downstream enzymes hypotheses.


This preliminary study demonstrates the application of GluCEST MRI for studying glutamatergic changes in human subjects with HI/HA syndrome and may aid in understanding the mechanisms involved in this under-explored area.


This project was supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering of the National Institute of Health through grant number p41-EB015893, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke through grant number R01NS087516, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Frontier Program for the Advancement of Hyperinsulinism Care and Research, The University of Pennsylvania Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy, and NIH T32 DK063688 (ER).


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Figure 1: GluCEST contrast values from the ROIs drawn on hippocampus of all the nine subjects as well as their rearranged values from hippocampus based on the side where GluCEST contrast was higher (termed as Lateral) and the other side (termed as Contralateral).

Figure 2: The top panel consists of an overlay of GluCEST map for the entire slice (left), followed by the overlay of only hippocampal ROIs (middle) and the corresponding T1map of the slice from MP2RAGE (right) from a male (top) and two female volunteers (center, bottom).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)