3D Whole-ventricle, Free-Breathing, Non-ECG, T1-T2-B1+ Mapping and Cine Imaging with Cardiac MR Multitasking
Xianglun Mao1, Fardad M Serry1, Sen Ma1, Zhehao Hu1,2, Alan C Kwan1,3, Fei Han4, Yibin Xie1, Debiao Li1,2, and Anthony G Christodoulou1,2
1Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Department of Bioengineering, University of California in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Siemens Medical Solutions Inc., Los Angeles, CA, United States


Conventional cardiovascular MR (CMR) exams are relatively inefficient and demanding for patients because 1) they rely on methods that necessitate breath-holding or intermittent pauses (via gating) to compensate for motion, 2) images are acquired as a series of 2D slices often with large gaps. We propose a single 3D free-breathing acquisition without ECG requirements, providing motion resolved, quantitative T1 and T2 cine mapping with whole-ventricle coverage with high resolution and no slice gaps. The 3D Multitasking framework additionally incorporates a B1+ component, critical for accurate T1 measurement at 3T. This technique is preliminarily validated both in phantoms and healthy volunteers.


Myocardial T1 and T2 mapping are used to assess focal and diffuse cardiac pathologies. Cardiac cine MRI is also the gold standard for assessing cardiac motion and function. Single-acquisition 3D joint T1/T2 mapping with simultaneous cine motion resolution would offer significant efficiency benefits over standard gated, 2D, contrast-specific, serial imaging acquisition. Current free-breathing myocardial multi-parametric mapping techniques1-3 have been reported at 1.5T, and still require ECG triggering or retrospective gating. MR Multitasking has demonstrated T1/T2 cine mapping without ECG gating and breath-holding, but only in 2D slices thus far4. We propose a 3D free-breathing, non-ECG, T1 and T2 cine mapping technique. The non-uniformity of the B1+ transmit field often causes a different flip angle to be experienced by tissue, so our 3D Multitasking framework additionally incorporates a novel B1+ mapping component5 to allow for accurate T1 mapping.


Sequence Design: The proposed sequence uses a prototype 3D stack-of-stars trajectory modified to collect low-rank tensor auxiliary data interleaved with image data. The image data is incremented by a tiny golden angle (i.e., 23.67°). The auxiliary data is acquired every 8th readout. Interleaved IR and T2-IR pulses are employed to generate the T1 and T2 contrasts (i.e., Fig. 1). FLASH excitation alternates between 3° and 10° for each recovery period to allow for B1+ robust T1 mapping5-7.
Image Reconstruction: The images acquired in the Multitasking framework can be represented as a 6-way tensor $$$ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}} $$$ with voxel location index $$$ \mathbf{r}=(x,y,z) $$$, a T1 recovery dimension, a T2 decay dimension, a cardiac motion dimension, a respiratory motion dimension, and a flip angle dimension. The high correlation along and across multiple time dimensions induces $$$ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}} $$$ to be low-rank, which can be factorized as $$$ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}}_{(1)}=\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Phi} $$$, where $$$ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}}_{(1)} $$$ is the mode-1 matricization of $$$ \boldsymbol{\mathcal{A}} $$$, $$$ \mathbf{U} $$$ contains spatial coefficient maps, and $$$ \mathbf{\Phi} $$$ contains matricized, separable multi-dimensional temporal basis functions describing T1/T2 relaxation, cardiac motion, respiratory motion, and FLASH readout flip angles. In reconstruction, $$$ \mathbf{\Phi} $$$ was first determined from the HOSVD of the low-rank tensor–completed auxiliary data. $$$ \mathbf{U} $$$ was then recovered by fitting $$$ \mathbf{\Phi} $$$ to the acquired imaging data $$$ \mathbf{d} $$$, according to the following optimization problem:$$ \mathbf{\hat{U}}=\text{arg}\underset{\mathbf{U}}{\operatorname{min}} ||\mathbf{d}-\Omega(\mathbf{FSU\Phi})||_2^2 + R(\mathbf{U}), $$ where $$$ \Omega $$$ is the undersampling operator, $$$ \mathbf{F} $$$ is the nonuniform Fourier transform operator, $$$ \mathbf{S} $$$ is the coil sensitivity operator, and $$$ R(\cdot) $$$ is a regularization functional promoting transform sparsity (in this case, wavelet sparsity of $$$ \mathbf{U} $$$).
T1,T2 Quantification: The native T1, T2 measurements are estimated from the signal model $$ s(A,\beta,B,T_1,T_2)=A \frac{1-e^{-TR/T_1}}{1-e^{-TR/T_1}cos(\beta \alpha)} [1+(Be^{-\tau/T_2}-1)(e^{-TR/T_1}cos(\beta \alpha))^n]\cdot sin(\alpha), $$ with amplitude factor $$$ A $$$, IR/T2-IR pulse efficiency $$$ B $$$, FLASH readout interval $$$ TR $$$, prescribed flip angle $$$\alpha$$$, Look-Locker B1+ factor5 $$$\beta$$$ and recovery time point $$$ n=1,2,..., N$$$, ( $$$ N $$$ is the number of FLASH pulses in a recovery period).
Data Collection: A 16-vial ISMRM NIST phantom and 7 human volunteers (3 male; 4 females) were imaged on a 3T scanner (MAGNETOM Vida, Siemens). Multitasking pulse sequence parameters were: TR/TE=3.6 ms/1.7 ms, recovery period = 2.5 s, spatial resolution=1.4x1.4x8.0 mm3, scan time=9min14s, 20 cardiac bins, 6 respiratory bins. Reference 2D T1 maps with MOLLI and 2D T2 maps with T2-prep FLASH (matched resolution, 1.4x1.4x8.0 mm3) were acquired at both systole and diastole during end-expiration breath-holds at basal, mid, and apical short-axis slices. A full short-axis stack of ECG-gated, breath-held, 2D bSSFP cine scans (1.3x1.3x8.0 mm3, TA=11s per slice) were acquired.


T1 and T2 mapping results from the phantom are shown in Fig. 2. Diastolic and systolic T1, T2, and B1+ mapping results from one subject are shown in Fig. 3, including the basal, mid, and apical short-axis slices from the 3D multitasking sequence and reference 2D MOLLI and T2-prep FLASH sequences. Fig. 4 depicts the summary statistics for segment-wise T1/T2 values in human volunteers. Multitasking T1 maps reported higher myocardial T1 values (1495±47.8ms) than the MOLLI T1 values (1223±16.1ms). Multitasking T2 maps also produced slightly higher myocardial T2 values (43.8±1.3 ms) than the T2-prep FLASH T2 values (39.8±1.3 ms). Fig. 4 also shows the black-blood cine maps from the Multitasking output and the bright-blood cine maps from the bSSFP cine sequence.


In phantom experiments, Multitasking measurements produced slightly higher ICC against gold standard IR-SE and SE measurements than the MOLLI and T2-prep FLASH sequences did, but all ICCs were >0.96. Although Multitasking produced substantially higher T1 measurements than MOLLI, MOLLI is known to underestimate T1; Multitasking measurements were closer to the reported values from SASHA at 3T8, which is known to be more accurate than MOLLI. Look-Locker B1+ maps showed a lower Look-Locker effect in the blood pool than myocardium, consistent with inflow.


3D MR Multitasking is feasible for myocardial T1/T2 mapping and cine imaging in the myocardium at 3T without ECG and breath-holds. Future studies will focus on improving the SNR of T1-T2 cine maps without extending the scan time. Larger cohorts including patients (e.g., cardiomyopathy patients) are necessary for further investigation.


This work was supported by NIH 1R01EB028146.


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Fig.1: Schematic diagram of the proposed 3D MR Multitasking sequence, where 5 different preparations are repeated throughout the scan. IR pulse is performed for the first recovery period, whereas the T2-IR pulses with four different preparation times (i.e., 30ms, 40ms, 50ms, 60ms) are performed in the following four recovery periods. The FLASH readout flip angles are alternating between 3° and 10° for each TR.

Fig.2: (A) The Multitasking T1, T2 maps, MOLLI T1 and T2-prep FLASH T2 maps, and the IR-SE T1 and SE T2 maps. (B) ICC, bias, and limits of agreement, and p-values for comparison analysis between Multitasking T1 and T2 values and reference values across different vials in the phantom.

Fig.3: The proposed 3D Multitasking T1,T2, B1+ cine mapping results (basal, mid and apical) and short-axis 2D MOLLI T1 maps, T2-prep FLASH T2 maps for one subject (F, 27).

Fig.4: The 16-segment AHA model for the proposed multitasking T1/T2 maps and the reference T1/T2 maps (A-B) in the myocardium in all 7 scanned subjects. The Bland-Altman plot compares the T1/T2 differences (C-D) in each myocardial segment across all subjects.

Fig.5 (animated): Cardiac motion-resolved images of two subjects of proposed 3D Stack-of-Stars Multitasking in short axis orientation with 3D (1.4x1.4x8.0 mm3 resolution) whole-ventricle coverage in TA=9:14min. Comparative multi-slice and multi breath-hold 2D TrueFisp CINE in short axis (non-fat suppressed, 1.3x1.3x8.0 mm3 resolution, TA=11s per slice).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)