Resonant oscillatory modes in rat cortical activity revealed by ultra-fast fMRI
Joana Cabral1,2, Francisca F. Fernandes1, and Noam Shemesh1
1Champalimaud Research, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal


We provide evidence of the oscillatory nature of spontaneous BOLD signal fluctuations by performing a spectral analysis of fMRI signals recorded at unprecedented time resolution (TR = 38 ms) from a frontal brain slice of sedated and anesthetized rats. Oscillations peaking between 0.03 Hz and 0.25 Hz are detected in the cortex under sedation, drastically decreasing in power with deep anaesthesia. Notably, the power of BOLD signal oscillations is modulated in space and time, synchronizing in phase across distant bilateral brain areas, providing insights into the mechanisms underlying resting-state functional connectivity.


The biophysical mechanisms mediating system-level integration in the brain remain unclear. Neuroimaging studies have demonstrated the relevance of large-scale correlation patterns detected in BOLD signal at rest, yielding so-called resting-state networks that appear disrupted in most psychiatric disorders.
However, the origin and in particular the oscillatory nature of ultra-slow BOLD signal fluctuations remains elusive. Unlike the canonical event-related hemodynamic response function, oscillations are sinusoidal waves with a consistent periodicity resulting in a characteristic peak in the system’s frequency power spectrum. Recently, ultra-slow oscillations have been reported to emerge in fMRI signal, but their full characterization has been hindered by the limited temporal resolution of the acquisitions [1, 2]. Therefore, further investigating BOLD oscillations at high temporal resolution may shed light into the mechanisms coupling brain areas together.


A frontal slice of the brain was scanned from 3 female rats under 3 different conditions: Medotomidine, Isoflurane 1% and Isoflurane 3% (two scans per rat in each condition). A fourth dead rat was scanned twice with the same parameters to serve as control.
Ultra-fast resting-state fMRI acquisitions:
GE-EPI: TR/TE=38/11ms, FOV=21x21mm^2, in-plane resolution=250x250um^2, slice thickness=1.2mm, tacq=10m8s, flip angle=15 degrees, Nreps=16000, matrix size=84x84).
Anatomical image acquisitions:
MGE: TE = 2.5:5:97.5 ms, TR = 300ms, flip angle = 40degrees, FOV = 21x21 mm^2, in-plane resolution = 100x100um^2, slice thickness =1.2 mm.
Spectral analysis of fMRI data:
Power spectra were computed on each of the 84x84=7056 voxels, after ghost correcting, detrending and removing the first 500 frames. Voxel-wise power spectra were obtained up to the Nyquist frequency of (2TR)-1=13.1579 Hz with 1000 frequency bins of 0.0263 Hz each (Figure 1A). Spectral power maps report the power in each voxel averaged across frequency bins (Figures 1, 2 and 3). All spectral analyses were performed at the single scan level. Beyond the expected differences in physiological rhythms, with breathing and heartbeat frequencies – and corresponding harmonics - decreasing with the depth of anaesthesia, no other frequencies above 0.25 Hz were found to differentiate between conditions or resonate above control-levels.


All frequencies between 0.02Hz and 0.24Hz were found to resonate above control levels in live animals (Figure 2). Importantly, the spatial distribution of power is found to be different across frequencies, with slower components (peaking at 0.05Hz) being detected both in the brain and muscles, whereas faster components (peaking at 0.21 Hz) are detected mostly within the cortex. Notably, these two spatially- and frequency-distinct resonant modes are the ones that most significantly differentiate between all 3 conditions (p<0.00083, surviving Bonferroni correction). The power in these frequencies is the highest in sedated rats (under Medetomidine) and decreases with Isoflurane concentration. These differences are detected not only at the group level but are also clearly visible in individual scans (Figure 3).
Oscillations were also detected between 0.06 and 0.20 Hz in cortical and subcortical structures, present with similar power both in sedation and light anaesthesia (p>0.03), but vanishing sharply with deep anaesthesia (all p<0.001, Figure 2). Notably, while oscillations between 0.02 and 0.24 Hz were found to decrease in power with isoflurane concentration, oscillations below 0.02 Hz were found to increase concomitantly in cortical areas under deep anaesthesia.
Filtering the fMRI signal in the 0.20-0.24Hz band reveals oscillations organized both in space and in time (Figure 4). Beyond emerging within spatially defined cortical boundaries (see Figure 4A), we find that the power of the oscillations fluctuates over time (Figure 4B), and their phases are locked across space, exhibiting in-phase synchronization between bilateral cortical areas (Figure 4C).


Our results provide insights into the mechanisms orchestrating the collective behaviour of billions of neurons together through the engagement into rhythmic activity patterns. Overall, these results align with the proposed mechanistic scenario that resting-state networks emerge from metastable cluster synchronization, obeying to universal laws governing the behaviour of coupled oscillators in Nature across a range of scales and fields, from animal swarms to electron clouds [3-5]. In this scenario, each cortical column resonating in the gamma-frequency band represents an oscillatory unit, which, when coupled in the brain network structure may be transiently engaged into macroscopic oscillations emerging at substantially slower collective frequencies [6, 7].


These results provide evidence of resonant oscillations occurring at ultra-slow frequencies in the brain, bringing fresh insights into the principles governing collective integration in the nervous system.


This study was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) (agreement No. 679058). JC was supported by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (CEECIND/03325/2017, UIDB/50026/2020 and UIDP/50026/2020) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013.


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Spectral fMRI analysis. A – Power spectra of the fMRI signal in the 7056 slice voxels from a rat under medetomidine. Peaks highlight resonant frequencies. B – Spectral maps showing the power in each voxel in each frequency band. C – Power spectrum showing the maximum power detected across voxels. A green patch indicates the recorded breathing frequency. All frequency peaks >0.5 Hz are identified. D – Oscillatory power above control levels was detected in brain voxels for frequencies below 0.25 Hz.

Slow oscillations decrease in power with anesthesia. A – fMRI Spectral power maps (averaged across scans) reveal resonance at specific frequencies in different brain and body structures that decrease significantly in power under deep anesthesia. B – Comparison of the power in each frequency bin between conditions (6 scans per condition), normalized by the average power in the dead rat scans. C – Statistically significant differences are only considered if p<0.00083 (Bonferroni threshold).

Cortical Oscillations consistently detected in sedated rats across scans. Power at 0.20-0.24Hz in each of the 20 recorded scans. Each voxel in each slice is colored according to its power in this frequency range. The scale is the same for all plots.

Bilaterally synchronized cortex-specific oscillations in fMRI signal detected at 0.20-0.24Hz. A – A mask is defined by considering all voxels exhibiting power 5 standard deviations above the mean level detected in a dead rat. B – The fMRI signal in the mask voxels is band-pass filtered between 0.20 and 0.24 Hz and plotted over time, revealing ultra-slow amplitude modulations (here one representative scan). C – Snap shots of the band-pass filtered fMRI signal revealing bilateral synchronization.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)