On the use of neural networks to fit high-dimensional microstructure models
João Pedro de Almeida Martins1,2, Markus Nilsson1, Björn Lampinen3, Marco Palombo4, Carl-Fredrik Westin5,6, and Filip Szczepankiewicz1,5,6
1Department of Clinical Sciences, Radiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, St. Olav's University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Department of Clinical Sciences, Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 4Centre for Medical Image Computing and Dept of Computer Science, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Radiology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 6Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


The application of function fitting neural networks in microstructural MRI has so far been restricted to lower-dimensional biophysical models. Moreover, the data sufficiency requirements of learning-based approaches remain unclear. Here, we use supervised learning to vastly accelerate the fitting of a high-dimensional relaxation-diffusion model of tissue microstructure and develop analysis tools for assessing the accuracy and sensitivity of model fitting networks. The developed learning-based fitting pipelines were tested on relaxation-diffusion data acquired with optimal and sub-optimal protocols. We found no evidence that machine-learning algorithms can correct for a degenerate fitting landscape or replace a careful design of the acquisition protocol.


Specific features of white matter microstructure can be investigated using biophysical modelling and relaxation-diffusion MRI1,2. However, the increasing complexity of models introduces two challenges: slow non-linear fitting and degenerate parameter estimation3,4. Machine learning has been proposed as a solution5-11, but has only been applied to low-dimensional microstructural models where dense sets of training data are easy to generate7,9,10,12. Using tensor-valued diffusion encoding and correlations with relaxation may resolve the degeneracy in parameter estimation problem13,14, but it is yet unknown if learning-based fitting can replace some or all of such data, thereby simplifying and accelerating the acquisition. In this work, we use neural networks to fit a high-dimensional relaxation-diffusion model of tissue microstructure14, develop strategies for testing the accuracy and sensitivity of the networks, and explore the impact of the acquisition protocol on the network performance.

Microstructural Model

We use the model by Lampinen et al.14, who recently extended the “standard model” of WM microstructure2,15 to include the effects of transversal relaxation (T2). The microstructural kernel contains “stick” (S) and “zeppelin” (Z) components with signal fractions fS and 1-fS:

$$K=f_\mathrm{S}\exp\left(-bD_\mathrm{I;S}\left(1-b_\Delta\right)\right)\exp\left(-\tau_\mathrm{E}/T_\mathrm{2;S}\right)+\left(1-f_\mathrm{S}\right)\exp\left(-bD_\mathrm{I;Z}\left(1-b_\Delta D_{\Delta;\mathrm{Z}}\right)\right)\exp\left(-\tau_\mathrm{E}/T_\mathrm{2;Z}\right)$$

where τE is the echo-time, and b and bΔ denote the trace and anisotropy of the diffusion-encoding b-tensor (B). The two components have relaxation times T2;S and T2;Z, isotropic diffusivities DI;S and DI;Z, and normalized diffusion anisotropy values DΔ;S=1 and DΔ;Z16. Additionally, the model describe the orientation distribution using 5 spherical harmonics coefficients17. In total, the model features 11 free parameters.


Neural Network design and training: We used a multi-layer perceptron (Fig.1), a network class that can uniformly approximate any continuous function18 and is thus well-suited for non-linear regression problems. The input layer processes M datapoints acquired with different τE and B, while the ouput layer maps to an 11-dimensional model parameter vector.
Training was performed on synthetic data, using a scaled conjugate gradient optimiser, a mean-squared error loss function, and validation-based early stopping. The training data was created using two parameter sets:
- 325·103 parameter vectors, obtained by uniform random sampling (munif);
- 175·103 vectors derived from least-squared model fitting to an in vivo brain (mbrain).
The ratio between the number of munif and mbrain vectors was chosen after comparing the performance of networks trained with different relative amounts of munif and mbrain.

Data generation: Synthetic signals were generated from munif and mbrain, using the forward model and one of three (τE,B) acquisition schemes:
- Protocol A, tensor-valued encoding with full relaxation-diffusion-correlation optimised for parameter precision14;
- Protocol B, tensor-valued encoding; relaxation-diffusion-correlations only at low b-values4;
- Protocol C, relaxation-diffusion-correlation scheme optimised for parameter precision, but limited to linear diffusion encoding (bΔ=1)14.
Protocols B and C are known to yield degenerate parameter estimates, while Protocol A is non-degenerate14. All protocols result in acquisition times ~15 minutes.
Distinct datasets and respective networks were generated for each of the above protocols and Rice distributed noise was added to the ground-truth signals. The noise amplitude at b=0 and minimal τE was uniformly sampled from SNR$$$\in$$$[20, 50].

Network evaluation: Networks were deployed on unseen data and compared in terms of normalized root-mean-squared errors (NRMSE), correlation with ground-truth values, and sensitivity to parameter changes. The latter was gauged by sequentially modulating fS,DI;S,DI;Z,DΔ;Z,T2;S,T2;Z by 10% and measuring the response in all parameters.


Network-based parameter estimation was ~104 times faster than NNLS fitting on the same PC, and yielded parameter maps in good agreement with each other (Fig. 2). The largest discrepancy was found for DΔ;Z, likely because the signal is insensitive to this parameter below values of 0.519. Figure 3 shows that the network-based estimates correlated well with the ground-truth labels for protocol A, with most parameters yielding linear correlation coefficients above 0.9. Again, the DΔ;Z parameter exhibits poor performance. The same was seen for T2-times that are much longer than the maximal τE. The observed correlations were stronger than those reported in an early learning-based microstructural modelling work7, and equivalent to the correlations reported in more recent studies9,10.
Network-based fitting could not ameliorate the known degeneracy in Protocols B and C. Networks based on Protocol A consistently yielded parameter estimates with lower NRMSE (Fig. 4) and stronger correlations to ground-truth values. Sensitivity analysis (Fig. 5) shows that Protocol A is more sensitive to small parameter changes than Protocols B and C, which are oblivious to changes in DΔ;Z and DI;S, respectively.

Discussion & Conclusion

Parameter estimation with high-dimensional microstructural models can be vastly accelerated with function fitting neural networks. Correlation and sensitivity analyses are useful tools for evaluating network performance and for identifying the limitations of learning-based approaches, providing a more rigorous quantitative assessment of parameter-specific accuracy/sensitivity than superficial inspection of machine-learned parameter maps.
We found no evidence that probing all dimensions of interest could be replaced, even partially, by the learning-based fitting pipelines. Learning based on inadequate protocols can still generate convincing parameter maps (reproducible, robust, anatomically plausible), but a closer inspection of the network-based estimates reveals both poor accuracy and sensitivity. While deep learning strategies can assist in the design of optimal acquisition protocols20,21, our results suggest that learning-based model fitting cannot by itself substitute for a rich set of data or correct for model degeneracy problems.


This work was financially supported by the Swedish Research Council (2016‐03443). J. P. de Almeida Martins gratefully acknowledges support from the Research Council of Norway (FRIPRO Researcher Project 302624) and M. Palombo gratefully acknowledges support from the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T020296/1).


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Figure 1. Multi-layer perceptron used in this work. The network was configured to have 180, 80 and 55 neurons in the hidden layers, and all hidden activation functions were hyperbolic tangent sigmoid functions. The third and last hidden layer is connected to the output layer with a linear activation function. The input to the network is a vector of M signal amplitudes measured with an appropriate relaxation-diffusion encoding protocol.

Figure 2. Deploying trained networks on previously unseen synthetic and in vivo data provides anatomically plausible parameter maps in under 10 s. The parameter maps corresponding to the synthetic dataset (second column) are compared to the corresponding ground-truth labels (first column), with difference maps being shown in the third column. Parameter maps obtained from applying a trained network on in vivo brain data are displayed in the fourth column.

Figure 3. Scatter plots of ground-truth parameters vs. neural network predictions. Light blue points inform on the performance of the network when deployed on uniformly distributed random model parameters. The dark blue points correspond to a synthetic dataset derived from a least-squares fit to non-cortical in vivo brain data. The red points identify voxels where the relevant compartment has a low signal fraction. The inner legends indicate the linear correlation coefficients (ρ) of the blue points.

Figure 4. Optimised acquisition protocols result in learning-based parameter estimates with lower errors. The bar plots show the normalised root-mean-squared errors (NRMSE), between ground-truth and predicted parameters, for synthetic datasets generated with acquisition protocols A-C. Panel A shows network performance on parameters sampled from a uniform distribution, and panel B shows the performance on synthetic data based on least-squares fitting results to in vivo non-cortical brain tissue data.

Figure 5. Sensitivity of different acquisition protocols to 10% parameter modulations. The matrices display the relation between an induced parameter change and the observed response. When a single parameter on the y-axis is modulated by 10%, the response can be read in all other parameters along the x-axis. An ideal network would report a diagonal matrix with the value 10% on the diagonal, and zero otherwise. Protocol A appears sensitive in all parameters, whereas Protocols B and C lack sensitivity to DΔ;Z and DI;S, respectively.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)