How do we know we measure tissue parameters, not the prior?
Santiago Coelho1, Els Fieremans1, and Dmitry S. Novikov1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging and Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI$^2$R), Department of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States


In the machine-learning (ML) era, we are transitioning from max-likelihood parameter estimation to learning the mapping from measurements to model parameters. While such maps look smooth, there is danger of them becoming too smooth: At low SNR, ML estimates become the mean of the training set. Here we derive fit quality (MSE) as function of SNR, and show that MSE for various ML methods (regression, neural-nets, random forest) approaches a universal curve interpolating between Cramér-Rao bound at high SNR, and variance of the prior at low SNR. Theory is validated numerically and on white matter Standard Model in vivo.


Maximizing spatial resolution and minimizing scan time forces us to deal with noisy and limited data. Thus, efficiently extracting microstructural tissue features of interest from the measurements is crucial. From relaxometry to microstructure MRI, the standard parameter estimation paradigm consists of minimizing an objective function with respect to the parameters of interest given noisy measurements. For its asymptotic benefits, maximum likelihood is a widespread estimator. However, for smooth nonlinear models like the ones we typically see in diffusion MRI1, parameter estimation is challenging. As the saying goes, `the diffusion signal is remarkably unremarkable'2, thus, a typical set of noisy measurements easily becomes overparametrized by the models we use to describe them. This may lead to imprecise or degenerate parameter estimates3. To solve this, constraints4, extra assumptions5 have been proposed but may lead to bias.

Recently, data-driven approaches from supervised machine learning (ML) have gained popularity due to their ability to quickly solve nonlinear regressions. ML approach is to parametrize the mapping from measurements + noise (realistic model output) to model parameters. Neural networks6, random forest7, or polynomial regression8 have been shown to provide useful results in different MRI applications. However, the influence of the training data on the estimates has been an overlooked ML aspect.

Here, by locally linearizing the model, we analytically derive the optimal mean-squared error (MSE) quality metric of ML parameter estimation as function of SNR. We show that this MSE interpolates between classic max-likelihood quality metric (Cramér-Rao-bound) and the variance of the training set. Remarkably, any `black box' ML regressor approaches this analytical curve. This enables regressor-independent evaluation of data quality and sensitivity to model parameters.


Noise as a regularizer. Supervised ML methods rely on the selection of a prior distribution to generate training data for `learning' the optimal mapping from input features/measurements to parameters. To capture the best mapping for noisy data, noise should be added to the training. However, this has a regularization effect. Figure 1 shows that at different noise levels, the manifold defined by the all the measurements in the training becomes smoothed. Thus, the optimal regression loses complexity. As noise blurs high-order features, the best approximation becomes heavily biased towards the prior distribution that defined such manifold. For extremely low SNR, the optimal regression becomes the expected value of the prior.

Optimal MSE(SNR). Consider a polynomial regression on $$$N$$$ measurements to estimate $$$\theta$$$:
$$\begin{align*}x_{i}&=f_{i}(\theta)+\epsilon_{i},\quad\text{with}\,\quad\,i=1\ldots\,N,\qquad\epsilon\sim \mathcal{N}(0,\sigma),\,\,\epsilon_i\text{ iid}\\\hat{\theta}&=a_0+\sum\limits_{i=1}^N\,a_{1,i}\,x_{i},+\,\text{higher}\,\text{orders},\end{align*}$$
where $$$\hat{\theta}$$$ is our estimator and $$$f(\theta)$$$ our model. In the training, the coefficients of the regression are selected such that they minimize the MSE over noise realizations and training set. For the linear regression, MSE over the training-set
$$\begin{equation*}\mathrm{MSE}_{tr}=\int_{\Theta}d\theta\,\,p\left(\theta\right)\left\langle\left(\hat{\theta}-\theta\right)^{2}\right\rangle= a_{1, i}\,a_{1, j}\left( \overline{ f_i(\theta)\,f_j(\theta)}+\sigma^2\delta_{ij} \right)+a_0^2+\overline{\theta^{2}}+2 \,a_{0}\,a_{1, i}\,\overline{ f_i(\theta)}-2a_{1, i}\,\overline{\theta\,f_i(\theta)}-2 a_{0}\,\overline{\theta},\end{equation*}$$
where angular brackets denote averaging over noise ($$$\langle\epsilon_i\rangle=0,\,\langle\epsilon_i\epsilon_j\rangle=\sigma^2\delta_{ij}$$$), and bar averages over prior $$$p(\theta)$$$. Solving for the regression coefficients minimizing $$$\mathrm{MSE}_{tr}$$$ gives:
$$\begin{equation*}\mathrm{MSE}_{tr}=\operatorname{var}(\theta)-B_{ij}C_{ij},\quad\text{where}\,\,\boldsymbol{B}=(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}+\sigma^2\boldsymbol{I})^{-1},\,\Sigma_{ij}=\overline{f_i(\theta) f_j(\theta)}-\overline{f_i(\theta)}\,\overline{f_j(\theta)},\,C_{ij}=\left(\overline{\theta\,f_i(\theta)}-\overline{\theta}\,\overline{f_i(\theta)}\right)\left(\overline{\theta\,f_j(\theta)}-\overline{\theta}\,\overline{f_j(\theta)}\right).\end{equation*}$$
If we linearly expand $$$f(\theta)\approx\,f(\theta^*)+f'(\theta)\,(\theta-\theta^*)$$$, we can rewrite the above equation as:
where in this example $$$\operatorname{CRB}(\theta)=I(\theta)^{-1}=(\tfrac{1}{\sigma^2}\frac{d f_i(\theta)}{d \theta}\,\frac{d\,f_i(\theta)}{d \theta})^{-1}$$$. An intuitive meaning for $$$\sqrt{x_p}$$$ is intrinsic SNR.

Two regimes. From above, interesting insights can be obtained if we take two limits. For $$$\lim_{x_p\rightarrow\infty}$$$ (high SNR), $$$\mathrm{MSE}_{tr}$$$ tends to the Cramér-Rao bound of $$$\theta$$$, a bound on the lowest achievable variance by an unbiased estimator9. Then, taking $$$\lim_{x_p\rightarrow\,0}$$$ (low SNR), we see that $$$\mathrm{MSE}_{tr}$$$ does not increase proportionally to $$$\sigma$$$ but instead reaches a plateau at a value of the variance in the training data. Any regression will at some point behave like the linear, see Fig. 2 for an exponential model.
We are usually in-between these two extremes, where data-driven approaches provide lower MSE even if the prior does not match the test distribution. In the case of the Standard Model (SM) of diffusion in white matter10, a cubic polynomial is usually enough to fit all parameters within a realistic SNR (see Fig. 3 and Experiments for protocol). Since this model is highly nonlinear, a big increase in SNR means more sophisticated regressions will be optimal.


MRI data. A 23yo female volunteer was imaged in a whole-body 3T system (Siemens PRISMA) using a 20-channel head coil. Maxwell-compensated free-gradient diffusion waveforms were acquired11 using a spin echo EPI readout. The protocol had $$$\{6,20,15,40,35,40\}$$$ non-collinear gradient directions at $$$(b,b_\Delta)=[(0,1),(1000,1),(1500,0),(2000,1),(5000,0.8),(5500,1)]\,s/mm^2$$$, totalling 156 DWI. These images were acquired with $$$2\times2\times2\,mm^3$$$ voxels over 72 slices, $$$T_R=5.3s,\,T_E=92ms,\,BW=1600Hz/Px,\,R=2,\,PF=6/8,\,t_\text{acq}=15\,\text{minutes}$$$.

Results. Figure 5 shows histograms of SM estimates for a white matter region of interest (ROI). As we increase the noise in the data, estimates reduce their variance and get shifted towards the mean of the prior. Figure 4 shows that parametric maps that look realistic can be too homogeneous when the SNR is low.

Discussion and Conclusion

For typical noise levels in quantitative MRI the prior distribution may push parameter estimates towards its mean. This is modulated by the SNR, as we showed experimentally and theoretically. At low SNR values, any data-driven regression will behave identically, with their MSE approaching a universal curve independently of the complexity of the regression. Understanding where on this curve is the ML estimation at a given SNR is essential for knowing if we measure tissue parameters, or merely the prior.


This work was performed under the rubric of the Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R, https://www.cai2r.net), a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center (NIH P41-EB017183). This work has been supported by NIH under NINDS award R01 NS088040 and NIBIB awards R01 EB027075.


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A simple monoexponential model. The left column shows how linear and cubic regressions approximate the mapping $$$\{x_1,x_2\}\rightarrow D$$$. It can be seen that although this mapping is nonlinear (red points), polynomial approximations do a good job (blue points). Note that blue points are vertical projections of the red points onto the regression surface. As we increase the noise, high order features of the blue surface, defined by the minimum MSE over training data, are lost. For high noise, the linear and cubic approximations are identical, providing a constant $$$\hat{D}$$$.

Root mean squared error in the training data as a function of the SNR in the measurements. For high SNR the regression method needs a higher order than linear to do an optimal fit. Since the model is nonlinear and the analytical inversion requires a logarithm, as we increase the SNR, polynomials become suboptimal. For low SNR all regressions perform equally well, and their behaviour is represented by the theory.

Root mean squared error for three regression methods for each SM parameter. These were applied to the rotational invariants10. For typical SNR values 3rd and 4th order polynomials yield the same results as a neural network with 2 hidden layers of 25 neurons, with the difference that computing the optimal polynomials is faster and does not suffer of local minima. For high SNR parameter-specific differences in performances can be seen depending on the complexity of the landscape, and all methods reach a given plateau due to an imperfect inversion for all parameter combinations.

Standard deviation of three regression methods for each parameter in the SM. As Eq. 2 shows, for high SNR the variance reaches the values in the training while for low SNR it tends to 0. Maps for f estimated for the high SNR data (right) and different levels of artificially decreased SNR (values are an average over a WM ROI). Even though the noise increases from right to left, the standard deviation of the values decreases (WM ROI). The corresponding SNR values are highlighted, the trend observed is similar. Additionally, the mean values get closer to the expected value of the prior used.

Standard model fits for an ROI consisting of corpus callosum, posterior limb of the internal capsule, corona radiata and cingulum. Different levels of additional noise were added to the initial data. The initial dataset had a high SNR (50 in WM). For large additions of noise it can be seen that the distributions of estimates become narrower and get shifted towards the mean of the priors. Since the sensibility of the measurements to each parameter is different, the effect of the prior is parameter specific

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)