HDnGAN: High-fidelity ultrafast volumetric brain MRI using a hybrid denoising generative adversarial network
Ziyu Li1, Qiyuan Tian2, Chanon Ngamsombat2,3, Samuel Cartmell4, John Conklin2,4, Augusto Lio M. Gonçalves Filho2,4, Wei-Ching Lo5, Guangzhi Wang1, Kui Ying6, Kawin Setsompop7,8, Qiuyun Fan2, Berkin Bilgic2, Stephen Cauley2, and Susie Y Huang2,4
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Radiology, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 4Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 5Siemens Medical Solutions, Boston, MA, United States, 6Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 7Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 8Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Highly accelerated high-resolution volumetric brain MRI is intrinsically noisy. A hybrid generative adversarial network (GAN) for denoising (entitled HDnGAN) consisting of a 3D generator and a 2D discriminator was proposed to improve the SNR of highly accelerated images while preserving realistic textures. The novel architecture benefits from improved image synthesis performance and increased training samples for training the discriminator. HDnGAN's efficacy is demonstrated on 3D standard and Wave-CAIPI T2-weighted FLAIR data acquired in 33 multiple sclerosis patients. Generated images are similar to standard FLAIR images and superior to Wave-CAIPI and BM4D-denoised images in quantitative evaluation and assessment by neuroradiologists.


High-resolution volumetric brain MRI is widely used in clinical and research applications to provide detailed anatomical information and delineation of structural pathology. A major barrier to the greater adoption of high-resolution 3D sequences in clinical practice is the long acquisition time, which may lead to patient anxiety and motion artifacts that compromise diagnostic quality.

Current state-of-the-art fast imaging techniques such as Wave-controlled aliasing in parallel imaging (Wave-CAIPI)1 can accelerate volumetric MRI with negligible g-factor and image artifact penalties. However, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of highly accelerated images is intrinsically lower than standard imaging. Previous studies have demonstrated the promise of deep learning in image restoration tasks including denoising2 and super-resolution3.

In this work, we propose using generative adversarial networks (GANs) for improving the SNR of highly accelerated images while recovering realistic textural details. We systematically characterized the effects of adversarial loss on the resultant image sharpness. Unlike existing studies using simulated data4,5, we demonstrated the efficacy of our method on empirical Wave-CAIPI and standard T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) data acquired on 33 multiple sclerosis patients.


Data Acquisition.
This study was approved by the IRB, and was HIPAA compliant. With written informed consent, data were acquired on a whole-body 3-Tesla MAGNETOM Prisma MRI scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) equipped with a 20-channel head coil in 33 patients undergoing clinical evaluation for demyelinating disease (20 for training, 5 for validation, 8 for evaluation). Standard FLAIR data were acquired using a 3D T2 SPACE FLAIR sequence with: repetition time=5000 ms, echo time=390 ms, inversion time=1800 ms, flip angle=120°, 176 sagittal slices, slice thickness=1 mm, field of view=256×256 mm2, resolution=1 mm isotropic, bandwidth=650 Hz/pixel, GRAPPA factor=2, acquisition time=7.25 minutes. Wave-CAIPI FLAIR data were acquired with matched parameter values except for: echo time=392 ms, bandwidth=750 Hz/pixel, acceleration factor=3×2, acquisition time=2.75 minutes.

GAN Architecture and Training.
A hybrid GAN architecture for denoising with a 3D generator and a 2D discriminator entitled “HDnGAN” was proposed (Fig. 1). Specifically, a modified U-Net6, with max pooling, up-sampling and batch normalization layers removed, was used as the generator (Fig. 1a). The number of kernels at each layer was kept constant (n=64). 3D convolution was adopted to increase the data redundancy from an additional spatial dimension for improved image synthesis performance and smooth transition between 2D image slices.

The discriminator of SRGAN7 was adopted (Fig. 1b), with spectral normalization(8) incorporated in each layer to stabilize training. The discriminator was designed to classify 2D image slices (axial, coronal, or sagittal) rather than 3D blocks to increase the number of training samples from a limited number of patients for training the discriminator.

The objective was to minimize the loss function $$$L$$$, which consisted of a content loss $$$L_{content}$$$from the generator and an adversarial loss $$$ L_{adversarial} $$$ from the discriminator:$$L=L_{content}+\lambda L_{adversarial}$$
where $$$\lambda$$$ is a hyperparameter that determines the contribution of $$$L_{adversarial} $$$ to $$$ L $$$.

The network was implemented using the Keras API (https://keras.io/) with a Tensorflow (https://www.tensorflow.org/) backend. Training was performed on 64×64×64 voxel blocks for the generator, and 64×64 voxel slices for the discriminator, using Adam optimizer and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU.

Results Evaluation
For comparison, Wave-CAIPI images were denoised by the state-of-the-art denoising BM4D9,10 algorithm (https://www.cs.tut.fi/~foi/GCF-BM3D/). The mean absolute error (MAE), peak SNR (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and VGG7,11,12 perceptual loss were used to quantify image similarity comparing to standard FLAIR images.

Images were evaluated by two neuroradiologists across five image quality metrics, including: gray-white matter contrast, sharpness, SNR, lesion conspicuity and overall quality. Images were scored using a five-point scale: 1 nondiagnostic, 2 limited, 3 diagnostic, 4 good, 5 excellent. Student’s t­-test was performed to assess whether there were significant differences between the image quality scores for different methods.


The contribution of adversarial loss controlled the sharpness of resultant images (Fig. 2). For HDnGAN with low λ values (i.e., 0, 10-5, 10-4) and BM4D, the resultant images were smoother and lacked high-frequency textures. When λ gradually increased, more textural details became apparent.

Figure 3 demonstrated the quantitative similarity metrics measured by MAE, PSNR, SSIM, and VGG for different λ values. HDnGAN with λ=0 achieved the best performance in terms of MAE, PSNR, and SSIM. HDnGAN with λ=10-3 achieved the best performance in terms of VGG loss.

Figure 4 demonstrated that our HDnGAN with λ=10-3 generated high-quality image volumes with increased SNR, smooth transitions between imaging slices along different directions, and rich and realistic textural details.

The results of the reader study (Fig. 5) confirmed that HDnGAN (λ=10-3) significantly improved the gray-white contrast and SNR of the input Wave-CAIPI images and outperformed BM4D and HDnGAN (λ=0) in terms of image sharpness. The overall scores from HDnGAN (λ=10-3) were significantly higher than those from Wave-CAIPI, BM4D, and HDnGAN (λ=0), with no significant difference compared to the standard images.

Discussion and Conclusion

We achieved high-fidelity ultrafast volumetric MRI using synergistic Wave-CAIPI and HDnGAN. The novel hybrid architecture enabled our HDnGAN to be well-trained with limited empirical data. We also enabled control of the richness of the output image textures by adjusting adversarial loss contributions. Reader assessment demonstrated clinicians’ preference for images from HDnGAN (λ=10-3) over Wave-CAIPI and BM4D.


This work was supported by the Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, National Institutes of Health (grant numbers P41-EB030006, K23-NS096056, R01-EB020613, R01-EB028797), a research grant from Siemens Healthineers, and the Massachusetts General Hospital Claflin Distinguished Scholar Award. B.B. has provided consulting services to Subtle Medical.


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Figure 1. HDnGAN architecture. HDnGAN consists of a 3D generator (a) and a 2D discriminator (b). The generator's input and output are a noisy image volume and an image volume with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). The discriminator's input is an image slice from the image volume synthesized by the generator or the ground-truth high-SNR image volume. The discriminator's output is the probability of the input image slice being classified as a real high-SNR image slice. The abbreviation k3n64s1 stands for the kernel size of 3×3 (or 3×3×3), the kernel number of 64 and the stride of 1.

Figure 2. Effects of the adversarial loss on image quality. Representative axial image slices (rows a and c) and enlarged regions (rows b and d) from different methods and weights (λ) of the adversarial loss of a multiple sclerosis patient. Metrics including the mean absolute error (MAE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and VGG perceptual loss are listed to quantify the similarity between images from different methods and the standard FLAIR image.

Figure 3. Quantification of effects of the adversarial loss. The similarity between images from different methods and the standard FLAIR images is quantified using the mean absolute error (MAE) (a), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) (b), structural similarity index (SSIM) (c), and VGG perceptual loss (d). The red, yellow, and blue dots and error bars represent the group mean and standard deviation of different metrics for Wave-CAIPI images, BM4D- and HDnGAN-denoised images for different weights of the adversarial loss. The metrics are calculated from 8 patients for evaluation.

Figure 4. Results along different directions. Representative axial (column i), coronal (column iii), and sagittal (column v) image slices and enlarged regions (columns ii, iv and vi) from different methods including standard (row a), Wave-CAIPI (row b), HDnGAN (λ=0) (row c), HDnGAN (λ=10-3) (row d) of 3 evaluation subjects.

Figure 5. Reader Assessment. The group mean and standard deviation of image quality (gray-white contrast, sharpness, SNR, lesion conspicuity, and overall) scores (1 nondiagnostic, 2 limited, 3 diagnostic, 4 good, 5 excellent) from two neuroradiologists for the standard, Wave-CAIPI, BM4D, HDnGAN (λ=0), and HDnGAN (λ=10-3) images of 8 evaluation subjects. Student t-tests assessed whether scores of HDnGAN (λ=10-3) image were significantly different from those of other images (*p < 0.05).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)