Upright vs. Supine MRI: Effects of body position on craniocervical CSF flow
Marco Muccio1, David Chu2, Lawrence Minkoff2, Neeraj Kukarni2, Brianna Damadian2, Raymond Damadian2, and Yulin Ge1
1Department of Radiology, New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York City, NY, United States, 2FONAR Corporation, Melville, NY, United States


CSF exchange between the spinal cord and the cranium increases in asymptomatic human subjects when body position is shifted from upright to supine. This appears to be caused by an increase in CSF flow during diastole, in the caudo-cranial direction, and systole, in cranio-caudal direction. Extrapolation of the results showed that within a 24 hour timescale, the more time spent in the supine position (asleep) correlated with more CSF exchanged between the spinal cord and the intracranial space. These alterations can therefore play a major role in brain waste clearance, and possibly many neurodegenerative diseases as well as age-related ailments.


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates between brain and spinal canal and its flow is driven by cardiovascular brain pulsation, influenced by body position.Few studies have reported links between exposure to microgravity and CSF volume properties changes (1-3), however, effects of gravity on CSF hydrodynamics via changes in body orientation have yet to be fully investigated. Over the past few years, there has been increasing interest in the effect of gravity on physiological aging and intriguing correlations between sleep and brain waste clearance by neural fluid movements(4). In this light, it is important to understand how postural changes alter CSF hydrodynamics. Advanced MRI techniques have furthered traditional studies of flow evaluation, allowing examination of pulsatile CSF hydrodynamic properties. Here, we investigate changes in CSF flow and volume at the C2 cervical spinal subarachnoid space when the body position of healthy subjects is changed from upright to supine using flow-sensitive MRI.


MRI scans from 30 asymptomatic volunteers (mean age=47±15; 9 males, 21 females) were studied retrospectively. For each subject, the MRI scans were first performed on a 0.6T MRI in the seated upright position, followed by acquisition in supine (Figure 1A). A quadrature cranio-cervical junction coil was used to image the foramen magnum and upper cervical spine region (Figure 1B). CSF flow and spinal cord pulsation were imaged with axial cine phase-contrast (PC) MRI using an RF-spoiled gradient echo sequence (TR=19 –22ms, TE=9–12ms, matrix=256x128 up-scaled to 256x256). Interleaved bipolar velocity encoding was used, resulting in an effective time resolution of two TR=38-44ms. 32 uniformly spaced time frames were obtained by linear interpolation in post-processing. In order to quantify the CSF flow, an axial slice of FOV=16cm at the mid-C2 cervical spinal level and perpendicular to the spinal canal was imaged (velocity encoding of about 5cm/s along the slice-select direction). From these PC images, the average pixel intensity over the CSF canal was extracted by manually drawing the ROIs (Figure 1C). This allowed for the calculation of CSF average velocity (Figure 2) and CSF volume flow, extracted from the area under the mean flow curve for diastole (negative caudo-cranial direction) and systole (positive cranio-caudal direction) separately. The CSF volume exchanged over one cardiac cycle, defined as stroke volume, was obtained by considering the smallest between the two areas. A two-tailed paired Student’s t-test was used to determine statistically significant differences in CSF hydrodynamic properties between the upright and supine positions.


CSF properties were divided into systolic and diastolic components and then individually compared between the two body positions. Over one cardiac cycle, we observed that CSF flow and velocity have negative values (caudal-cranial direction) during diastole and positive values (cranio-caudal direction) in systole, in agreement with what reported in other studies (5). This subdivision led to the observation of a significant increase of CSF flow magnitude in the supine position, both systolic (0.56±0.04cm3/cycle) and diastolic (-0.57±0.03cm3/cycle), compared to upright: 0.38±0.13cm3/cycle and -0.35±0.12cm3/cycle, respectively (p<0.0001; Figure 3A). CSF peak velocity during diastole, guiding CSF into the cranium, significantly increased from -0.37±0.13cm/s in upright to -0.68±0.24cm/s in supine (p<0.0001). However, no significant changes were observed in systole, as evident from Figure 3B. One of our key findings is the clear distinction in CSF volume exchanged between the spinal and cranial space, measured as stroke volume. We showed that 69% more CSF was exchanged within one cardiac cycle in the supine position compared to upright (p<0.0001; Figure 4A). Two scenarios were then extrapolated from the CSF stroke volume per cardiac cycle results to facilitate large timescale clinical interpretation. Firstly, stroke volume exchanged over the course of one hour was extrapolated by adapting the one cardiac cycle data to the individual heart rate (HR) represented in figure 4B. Further projection of such results to the one day (24 hours) timescale (Figure 4C) showed a significantly higher exchange of CSF between spinal canal and cranium when 10 hours are spent in the supine position (scenario 1 for young people) as opposed to only 5 hours (scenario 2 for elderly; p<0.0001).


Recent studies have indicated that the pulsatile CSF movement is an important part of the glymphatic system for brain waste clearance, an area that has received growing attention. Our findings of 69% increased CSF flow at craniospinal junction level in supine versus upright position may provide important insights regarding neural fluid homeostatic (6), waste-clearance(7), and age-related neurodegeneration.Other studies also support a connection between CSF metabolic clearance and sleep (8), which led us to translate our findings from one cardiac cycle to a larger timescale for accumulative evaluation. Simulating time spent supine in both young and old subjects showed significantly higher CSF volume exchanged for longer times spent in supine.


Our findings, demonstrate that body position has significant effects on the CSF hydrodynamic properties, measured at the cardiac cycle timescale as well as at simulated large timescale (e.g., 24 hours). Significantly reduced CSF exchange between the spinal cord and the cranium in the upright posture represents an innovative and promising finding for future studies to investigate the CSF-posture correlation in aging, as well as in a range of different neurological ailments.


This study was funded by National Institute of Health grants (RF1 NS11041, R56 AG060822, R01 NS108491, R13 AG067684). This study is also supported by Alzheimer’s Association (AARG-17-533484).


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Figure1. (A)Scanning procedure illustrating subjects being scanned in upright position and then moved to a supine position within the MRI. (B)Location of the mid-C2 axial slice (yellow dotted line) used to image CSF flow and spinal cord pulsation. (C)Phase-contrast image from the imaging slice depicted in A. (D)ROI drawn manually to delineate the spinal arachnoid CSF space and spinal cord space in the phase image (top) consequently transposed on the magnitude image (bottom).

Figure 2. CSF flow rate at each time point over one cardiac cycle of a volunteer in the upright and supine posture at mid-C2. Note that the positive systolic peak (second half of the cardiac cycle) of the upright posture is only slightly reduced relative to the supine posture. Conversely, that of the negative upright diastolic peak (first half of the cardiac cycle) is reduced much more compared to the supine diastolic peak.

Figure 3. (A) CSF flow as stroke volume exchanged during one cardiac phase (systole or diastole) in upright and supine postures. The positive values indicate cranio-caudal direction while negative values indicate caudo-cranial direction. (B)CSF peak velocity measured during diastole and systole in supine and upright. Notice the difference in CSF peak velocity observed between supine and upright in diastole (****=p<0.0001) but are not significant in systole (ns=not significant).

Figure 4.(A) Bar plot representing the volume exchanged between the intracranial and spinal space (stroke volume) over one cardiac cycle in supine and upright. (B)Extrapolation of resulting stroke volume per hour in both body orientations. (C)Resulting stroke volume as addition of supine and upright postures in two scenarios. First one considering 10 hours in the supine position (mimicking younger people sleeping hours) and 14 hours in the upright, and the second one assuming 5 hours in supine (mimicking the elderly sleeping hours) and 19 in upright position. [****= p<0.0001].

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)