Fast High-Resolution 19F-MRSI of Perfluorocarbon Nanoemulsions for MRI Cell Tracking Using SPICE with Learned Subspaces
Yibo Zhao1,2, T. Kevin Hitchens3,4, Michele Herneisey5, Jelena M. Janjic5, Rong Guo1,2, Yudu Li1,2, and Zhi-Pei Liang1,2
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Animal Imaging Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 4Department of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 5Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States


19F-MRSI has the potential to track multiple perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions simultaneously, but existing 19F-MRSI schemes have been limited to CSI, which provides a poor tradeoff between resolution and scan time. In this work, a novel method is proposed to enable fast high-resolution 19F-MRSI. In the proposed method, (k,t)-space is sampled rapidly in EPSI trajectories; data processing is accomplished using a union-of-subspaces model with pre-learned spectral basis. The proposed method has been evaluated using simulation and experimental data, producing encouraging results. The proposed method may open up new opportunities for simultaneous tracking of different labeled cell populations in vivo.


Perfluorocarbon (PFC) nanoemulsions (NEs) can be used to label and track cells in vivo.1,2 19F-MRSI has been recognized as a potentially powerful tool for multi-color imaging of PFC-labeled cells because of negligible background signals, high biocompatibility and unique spectral patterns of different PFCs.3-5
However, unlike 1H chemical shifts, 19F chemical shift dispersion is large, stretching out over 300 ppm.6 Such a large chemical shift range makes it difficult to implement spatiotemporal sampling trajectories (e.g., EPSI and spiral trajectories) without spectral aliasing, especially in high magnetic field scanners. Besides, it can also introduce chemical shift artifacts along the readout direction.7 Therefore, existing 19F-MRSI methods have been limited to CSI-type data acquisition schemes, which provide a poor tradeoff between spatial resolution and scan time. Although some methods have been proposed to accelerate 19F CSI, like compressed sensing,8,9 the current capability is still rather limited.
This work proposes a new method to enable fast high-resolution 19F-MRSI using SPICE. With a union-of-subspaces model and pre-learned spectral prior information,10,11 the proposed method is able to reconstruct high-quality spatiospectral distributions from highly undersampled EPSI data. The proposed method has been validated using both simulation and experimental data, producing very encouraging results.


Imaging model
We represent the desired 19F-MRSI signal using the union-of-subspaces model12:
where $$$\{v_{m,\ell}(f)\}_{\ell=1}^{L_m}$$$ is a set of spectral basis functions for the $$$m$$$-th molecule and $$$\{c_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})\}_{\ell=1}^{L_m}$$$ are the corresponding spatial coefficients. The spectral basis functions can be pre-learned from high-quality training data as in previous works.10,11 In 19F-MRSI studies, $$$\rho(\boldsymbol{x},f)$$$ is composed of signals from the PFC molecules used in the specific study, for example, perfluoro-15-crown-5-ether (PCE) and perfluorooctyl bromide (PFOB). The union-of-subspaces model effectively reduces the number of degrees-of-freedom for representing the desired spatiospectral distributions, relaxing the sampling requirements for accurate recovery of the underlying spatiospectral function.
Data acquisition
Enabled by the union-of-subspaces model, a 3D EPSI acquisition scheme was proposed. The data acquisition scheme, illustrated in Fig. 1, has the two key features: (a) extended k-space coverage in EPSI trajectories to achieve high spatial resolution, and (b) highly sparse temporal sampling to reduce data acquisition time. This scheme offers high spatiospectral encoding efficiency, yielding a factor of ~40 acceleration over the conventional CSI scheme, but the data thus acquired have a 6-fold spectral undersampling and cover (k,t)-space in tilted trajectories, which require special data processing scheme to avoid aliasing and chemical shift artifacts.
Data processing
Reconstruction of the desired spatiospectral functions was accomplished using a model-based method. The proposed method has two key features: (a) explicit incorporation of sparse and non-uniform (k,t)-space sampling patterns in the imaging model for effective correction of chemical shift artifacts, and (b) use of spectral prior information in the form of pre-learned spectral basis for separation of different molecules from undersampled data. Note that after processing, artifact-free spatiospectral function of each molecule can be obtained. In other words, the proposed method performs reconstruction and spectral quantification directly from the (k,t)-space data.
More specifically, the spatial coefficients of each molecule were estimated from the acquired data, $$$d(\boldsymbol{k},t)$$$, by solving the following optimization problem:
$$\{\hat{c}_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})\}=\arg\min_{\{c_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})\}}\left\|d(\boldsymbol{k},t)-\Omega(\boldsymbol{k},t)\mathcal{F}_{\boldsymbol{x}}\mathcal{F}_{f}B_0\left\{\sum_{m=1}^{M}\sum_{\ell=1}^{L_m}c_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})v_{m,\ell}(f)\right\}\right\|_2^2+\lambda \sum_{m=1}^{M}\sum_{\ell=1}^{L_m}\|\Phi\left\{c_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})\right\}\|_1,$$
where $$$\Omega(\boldsymbol{k},t)$$$ denotes the sparse and non-uniform sampling operator in (k,t)-space, $$$B_0$$$ the phase term caused by the field inhomogeneity, $$$\mathcal{F}_{\boldsymbol{x}}$$$, $$$\mathcal{F}_{f}$$$ Fourier encoding along spatial and spectral directions, respectively, and $$$\Phi$$$ the total variation transform. After the spatial coefficients were estimated, the desired spatiospectral distribution of each molecule can be reconstructed as:$$\hat{\rho}_m(\boldsymbol{x},f)=\sum_{\ell=1}^{L_m}\hat{c}_{m,\ell}(\boldsymbol{x})v_{m,\ell}(f).$$


A set of simulation results is shown in Fig. 2. Subspace-based quantification separated PCE and PFOB molecules well from sparsely sampled data. However, non-uniform (k,t)-space sampling caused chemical shift artifacts. By incorporating the non-uniform sampling into the model, accurate reconstruction and quantification results were obtained.
Phantom experiments were performed on a phantom with two vials filled with NEs of PCE and PFOB on a 9.4T Bruker AV3HD scanner equipped with a BGA-12S HP gradient set, a dual-tuned 1H/19F 40-mm birdcage resonator and ParaVision 6.0.1. The data acquisition parameters were: $$$\mathrm{FOV}=40\times40\times80\mathrm{~mm}^3$$$, $$$\mathrm{FA}=15^\circ$$$, $$$\mathrm{TR/TE}=800/0.2\mathrm{~ms}$$$, spatial matrix size $$$=40\times40\times40$$$ and total data acquisition time $$$=21.3$$$ min. A set of representative phantom results is shown in Fig. 3. The Fourier reconstructed PFOB signals suffered from off-resonance chemical shift artifacts, and the spectra suffered from aliasing artifacts. The proposed method produced high-quality PCE and PFOB maps and spectra without chemical shift or aliasing artifacts. It would require more than 14 hours to obtain the same results using conventional CSI schemes.
Biological phantom
PCE and PFOB NEs were injected into a fixed rat brain and EPSI data were acquired using the parameters similar to the phantom experiment. Figure 4 shows the results obtained using the proposed method. As can be seen, high-quality PCE and PFOB spatiospectral functions were obtained using the proposed method. The spatial distributions of PCE and PFOB matched our expectation.


A new subspace-based approach has been proposed for fast high-resolution 19F-MRSI, with an unprecedented capability of $$$1\times1\times2\mathrm{~mm^3}$$$ spatial resolution in 21.3 min. Simulation and experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining high-quality maps of multiple PFC NEs using the proposed method. With further development, this method may provide a powerful tool for in vivo multi-color labeled cell imaging.


The authors gratefully acknowledge Dr. Johannes Schneider from Bruker BioSpin for advice and assistance implementing the 3D EPSI sequence.


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Figure 1. Illustration of the sparse and non-uniform sampling of (k,t)-space in EPSI trajectories, and corresponding spectral aliasing effects.

Figure 2. Simulation results. (a) Ground truth with three compartments, containing only PCE, only PFOB and PCE + PFOB NEs respectively. (b) FFT reconstruction. (c) Subspace-based quantification of FFT reconstruction. (d) Proposed reconstruction and quantification. Note that FFT reconstruction failed to separate PCE and PFOB due to spectral undersampling and suffered from chemical shift artifacts. Subspace-based method separated PCE and PFOB, but the maps were deteriorated by chemical shift artifacts. The proposed method reconstructed and quantified PCE and PFOB accurately.

Figure 3. Proton structural image, field map, and comparison of Fourier-based and proposed 19F-MRSI processing results obtained from a phantom. As can be seen, Fourier-based processing results suffered from spatial chemical shift artifacts and spectral aliasing artifacts, while the proposed method produced artifact-free spatiospectral functions for PCE and PFOB.

Figure 4. Results obtained from a fixed rat brain injected with PCE and PFOB NEs. PCE (red) and PFOB (green) maps are overlaid on the 1H anatomical image, and representative spectra are shown. As can be seen, the proposed method obtained PCE and PFOB maps and spectra as expected.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)