Fast and Accurate Modeling of Transient-state Sequences by Recurrent Neural Networks
Hongyan Liu1, Oscar van der Heide1, Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1, and Alessandro Sbrizzi1
1Computational Imaging Group for MR diagnostics & therapy, Center for Image Sciences, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Fast and accurate modeling of transient-state sequences are required for various quantitative MR applications. We present here a surrogate model based on Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture, to quickly compute large-scale MR signals and derivatives. We demonstrate that the trained RNN model works with different sequence parameters and tiussue parameters without the need of retraining. We prove that the RNN model can be used for computing large-scale MR signals and derivatives within seconds, and therefore achieves one to three orders of magnitude acceleration for different qMRI applications.


Fast and accurate modeling of MR signal responses are typically required for quantitative MRI applications, such as MR Fingerprinting (MRF)1 and MR-STAT2. Taking MR Fingerprinting dictionary generation as an example, the computational time for simulating large amount of MR signals can be prohibitively long, from hours to days, especially when slice profile effects are taken into account3.
Based on recent development in deep learning, we propose a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture with multiple stacked layers for quickly computing large-scale MR signals and derivatives for transient-state gradient-spoiled sequences. Two main advantages of the RNN model are its generalization capability and computational efficiency: the same RNN model works with different sequence parameters, such as sequence length and time-dependent flip-angle train without need for retraining. We show that the RNN surrogate model can be used for orders of magnitude acceleration of different qMRI applications, in particular MRF dictionary generation and optimal experimental design.


  • Network architecture
RNN models can be effectively used to model time-dependent processes and especially ordinary differential equations, therefore they are very suitable for MR signal computations. Specifically, an RNN architecture with three stacked Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)4 is selected (Fig.1). Fig.1(a) shows the RNN structure for the $$$n$$$-th time step, which includes three GRU layers and one Linear layer. The inputs for the $$$n$$$-th RF pulse are tissue specific parameters $$$\mathbf{θ}=[T_1,T_2]^T$$$ and time-dependent sequence parameters $$$\mathbf{β}(n)=[T_R(n), T_E(n),\alpha(n)]^T$$$, where $$$\alpha(n)$$$ is the RF flip-angle. The final linear layer generates the transverse magnetization signal $$$M_{xy}(n)$$$ and derivative signal $$$dM_{xy}(n)/d\mathbf{θ}$$$. The whole network has only 16643 trainable parameters.

  • Data generation and network training
A dataset containing 30000 magnetization signals was simulated from an EPG model5 which included the finite RF pulse duration effects. Each EPG signal was simulated using a gradient-spoiled sequence with 1120 Gaussian-shaped RF pulses. Randomly selected tissue parameters ($$$T_1\in [0.1,5]$$$s and $$$T_2\in [0.01,2]$$$s) and sequence parameters ($$$T_R(n)\in [5,20]$$$ms and $$$T_E(n)\in [0.3T_R(n),0.7T_R(n)]$$$ms) were used. Four different types of flip-angle trains, $$$\mathbf{\alpha}=[\alpha(1),\alpha(2),...\alpha(n)]^T$$$, were also used for dataset generation, as shown in Fig.2(a).
The dataset was split into a training set of size 20000 and a test set of size 10000. The RNN network was built and trained using Tensorflow 2.2 on a Tesla-V100-GPU, run for 3000 epochs, ADAM optimizer using Mean Absolute Error loss function, batch size 200.

  • Applications
Two examples of qMRI applications are presented. The first one is accelerated MRF dictionary generation. A gradient-spoiled transient-state sequence with single-spoke radial acquisition was used6. In-vivo brain data was collected on a Philips Ingenia 3T scanner, and was reconstructed7 using either the RNN generated or the conventional EPG generated dictionary.
The second example is MRF sequence optimization. Specifically, the problem is to find the optimal flip-angle train for minimizing the reconstruction noise which is characterized by the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB)8. We conducted a simulation-based experiment to optimize a Spline11-type flip-angle train given two target tissues with $$$T_1/T_2=900/85$$$ms and $$$T_1/T_2=500/65$$$ms. The sequence length is 336 with $$$T_E/T_R=4.9/8.7$$$ms. Constrained differential evolution was used for solving the optimization problem, and the RNN model was used for accelerating the CLRB computation.


The total training took approximately 8 hours. Fig.2(b) shows sample RNN signals are in excellent agreement with EPG signals. The overall NRMSEs for test dataset are relatively low: 0.77% for magnetization signals and 1.39% for signal derivatives, showing that the proposed RNN is able to accurately model the signal even for unseen flip angle trains.
Fig.3 shows the runtime comparison results for our RNN and the recently proposed fast GPU simulator snapMRF9. In Fig.3(a) and 3(b), all the runtime curves grow approximately linearly with respect to the number of signals. For the fixed $$$B_1^+$$$ condition in Fig.3(a), RNN requires ~100 times shorter runtime than snapMRF for a dataset with 6400 signals. For various $$$B_1^+$$$ conditions (a large dataset with 512000 signals) , our RNN outperforms snapMRF by a factor of 68 (Fig.3(b)).
Fig.4 shows that in-vivo MRF reconstructions using EPG or RNN generated dictionaries are very similar. Generating the dictionary with 7812 signals by RNN takes just 0.3s, whereas running the EPG model on CPU takes about 1.7 hours.
Fig.5(a) shows the optimized flip-angle train and Fig.5(b) shows the MRF-reconstructed $$$T_1, T_2$$$ and $$$abs(PD)$$$ maps using the original and optimized sequences. The optimized sequence improves the accuracy of all the three reconstructed maps comparing to the original sequence, with a most significant improvement in $$$T_2$$$ maps. Solving the sequence optimization problem now takes about 10.5 seconds, whereas in previous works10, solving similar problems requires at least one CPU hour.

Discussion and Conclusion

This work proposed a RNN model as a fast surrogate of the EPG model for computing large-scale MR signals and derivatives. We demonstrated that the RNN model is between one and three orders of magnitude faster than the GPU-accelerated EPG package snapMRF9. The RNN surrogate model can be efficiently used for computing large-scale MRF dictionary signals and derivatives within seconds. The practical application of transient-state quantitative techniques can therefore be substantially facilitated. In the future, usage of the RNN model may be extended for other types of sequences, or for modeling more complex physics such as magnetic transfer effects. Code is freely available at https://gitlab.com/HannaLiu/rnn_epg.


The first author receives CSC(Chinese Scholarship Counsel) scholarship.


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Fig.1. RNN structure for learning the EPG model. (a) RNN architecture with 3 stacked Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) for the n-th time step. At each time step, GRU1 receives inputs x(n) including tissue parameter θ and time-varying sequence parameter β(n). The hidden states h1(n), h2(n), h3(n), all with size of 32x1, are computed and used for the next time step. A Linear layer is added after GRU3 to compute the magnetization and derivatives using h3(n). (b) An initial linear layer, LinearInit, is used for computing the initial hidden state h1(0), h2(0), h3(0) from initial magnetization M0.

Fig.2. (a) Example flip-angle trains for RNN training and testing. Four flip-angle trains sampled from each different type of train functions are plotted, including spline-interpolated functions with 5 control points (Spline5), spline-interpolated function with 11 control points (Spline11), sine-squared function with 5 sinusoidal lobes (SinSquared5) and spline-interpolated function with a superimposed pseudo-random Gaussian component (SplineNoise11). (b) Sample RNN signals vs EPG signals given different T1 and T2 values and a SinSquared5-type sequence (from test set).

Fig.3. RNN runtime comparison with snapMRF. (a) Runtime comparison for the two-dimensional ($$$T_1,T_2$$$)dictionary generation. (b) Runtime comparison for the three-dimensional ($$$T_1,T_2,B_1^+$$$) dictionary. Note that the snapMRF are repeated 32 times to include the slice profile correction, such that the RNN and snapMRF results are comparable.

Fig.4. MRF reconstructions of in-vivo data using EPG and RNN generated dictionaries. [First, second and third rows] ,$$$T_1, T_2$$$, and $$$abs(PD)$$$ maps for the in-vivo brain data, respectively. NRMSEs are reported on the top-right corner of the difference maps.

Fig.5. Optimal numerical experimental design results. A spiral acquisition was used to reduce the effects of k-space undersampling. (a) The original and optimized flip-angle trains. (b) MRF reconstruction results using the two different flip-angle trains. First column: Ground truth $$$T_1,T_2$$$, and $$$PD$$$ maps for the numerical brain phantom. Second and third columns: Reconstructed MRF maps and absolute relative error maps obtained. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) values are reported on the top-right of the error maps. The numerical optimization took just 10.5s.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)