VAE deep learning model with domain adaptation and harmonization for diagnostic classification from multi-site neuroimaging data
Bonian Lu1, Rangaprakash Deshpande2, Madhura Ingalhalikar3, and Gopikrishna Deshpande1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, AU MRI Research Center, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Medical School and Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology, Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Symbiosis Center for Medical Image Analysis, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India


In large public multi-site fMRI datasets, the sample characteristics, data acquisition methods and pre-processing approaches vary across sites and datasets, leading to poor diagnostic classification. Domain adaptation aims to improve the classification performance in target domain data by utilizing the knowledge learned from the source domain, and making the distributions of data in source and target domains as similar as possible. In this sense, domain adaptation is one method that can be used to achieve and optimize transfer learning by using different datasets.


Deep-learning models outperform traditional machine learning methods in identifying individuals with psychiatric disorders1-3, including Autism4-6. Large public databases such as ABIDE (Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange) have aided deep-learning models in this endeavor. However such large public databases have been assembled post-hoc, and hence contain different sources of non-neural variability such as different sites using different scanners and protocols, which degrade performance of deep-learning7,8. To address this, we propose domain-adaptation, which aims to improve the classification performance in a target-domain by utilizing the knowledge learned from the source-domain by making the distributions of data in source and target-domains as similar as possible9,10. This is in contrast to statistical ComBat-harmonization, which relies on statistical modeling as opposed to deep-learning used by domain-adaptation, to achieve the same goal11-13. However, for classification using deep-learning, domain-adaptation provides the advantage that it uses the same deep-learning concepts used in classification, and hence can be elegantly integrated within the same framework. It is also expected to work better with increasing data size.Therefore, we developed a domain-adaptation framework using variational auto-encoder (VAE) with maximum-mean-discrepancy (MMD) regularization, to minimize the inter-site variance across ABIDE-I and ABIDE-II datasets. We utilized both deep-learning and ComBat-harmonization approaches to evaluate their efficacy when used in isolation or in combination. To test the hypothesis that accuracy obtained from domain-adaptation in multisite data can be improved further with inclusion of more data, we included healthy-control data from large-scale datasets such as Amsterdam Open MRI Collection (AOMIC)14 and Health Brain Network (HBN)15 into the source-domain.


We propose a VAE-MMD16-19 model for applying domain-adaptation to ASD classification. In feature extraction and training process, MMD regularization term and VAE were jointly optimized. The framework is illustrated in Fig.1. Both encoder and decoder networks have two layers. The first layer is constructed as the latent-feature discriminative model (M1) and the second layer is constructed as a generative semi-supervised model (M2) in stacked architecture20. The learning rate is equal to 0.0005. Each NN layer uses ReLU as activation function. Drop-out layer is also applied in training, the drop-out rate being 0.821.In the 3-way (health control, Asperger’s and autism) ASD classification task, we collected ABIDE-I (n=988) as the labeled supervised dataset and ABIDE-II (n=623) as the unlabeled unsupervised dataset. We set ABIDE-I as source-domain, and ABIDE-II as target-domain. These data are split into three sets uniformly sampled across sites: training, validation and test datasets. Additional healthy-control datasets from AOMIC (n=334) and HBN (n=337) were subsequently included into the source-domain to check whether there is scope for further improvement in accuracy with inclusion of more data. Pre-processing and estimation of functional-connectivity matrices, which were used as input features to the classifiers, were performed by CONN toolbox 22.During training we input both ABIDE-I with labels and unlabeled ABIDE-II training datasets into VAE-MMD model. ABIDE-I and ABIDE-II validation datasets were used in validation process to fine-tune the hyperparameters α and β. The VAE-MMD approach learns the invariant representations across different domains while retaining the discriminative information required for classification. For comparison, we also use a baseline approach without domain-adaptation wherein we set as zero so that no MMD regularization is carried out in optimization. We visualized the process of domain-adaptation using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) plots23.


Fig.2 visualizes the feature space before and after domain-adaptation using t-SNE23 plots, showing how domain-adaptation helps separate the feature space belonging to different groups in multi-site data. Table.1/Fig.3 illustrates that both ComBat and domain-adaptation can improve classification, especially when used in combination. For three-way classification using test-data in the target-domain, our model achieved 69.84% accuracy with domain-adaptation and ComBat. Given the smaller number of samples from Asperger’s and its similarities with autism, three-way classification in ABIDE is a hard problem. Although cross-validation accuracies above chance (which is 33%) have been reported before, accuracy in independent test data rarely exceeded 50%8. If we included AOMIC and HBN datasets into the source-domain, accuracy further increased to 76.19%, demonstrating that there is scope within the domain-adaptation framework to improve the accuracy further by including more data.


Even with high-dimensional input-features, the VAE-MMD model outperforms by projecting data-points from different domains from the same class into a closed latent-space. Our results demonstrate that deep-learning based domain-adaptation and statistical ComBat-harmonization approaches can improve the target-domain classification when used independently. When used in combination, the accuracy seems to be better than when they are used independently, indicating that both methods bring something unique to the table. Specifically, Fig.3/Table.1 show that learning from labeled training data in the source-domain improves dramatically with domain-adaptation and ComBat-harmonization, with same trends seen in the target-domain with unlabeled data, but to a lesser extent24. t-SNE visualization demonstrates how domain-adaptation separates features obtained from multi-site data in the feature space. In the absence of such inter-site harmonization efforts, the inter-class differences are drowned amidst the large inter-site variability.


We applied deep-learning-based domain-adaptation and statistical ComBat-harmonization for improving diagnostic accuracy from multi-site neuroimaging data and show robust performance of our approach in the context of diagnostic classification of ASD.


No acknowledgement found.


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Figure 1. Three major steps in learning VAE-MMD model. 1. For training we input both ABIDE I with labels and ABIDE II training datasets into VAE-MMD model. The original t-SNE figure and domain adapted t-SNE figure (both shown in Fig.2) are generated in the beginning and last iteration of this process. The total loss is constructed by SSL loss, reconstruction loss and MMD loss. 2.For validation, ABIDE I and ABIDE II validation dataset are used to fine-tuning the hyperparameters α and β. 3. For testing, ABIDE I & ABIDE II test dataset are used in testing model to evaluate the model’s performance

Figure 2. t-SNE visualizations in latent spaces with only domain adaptation: A: clustering before domain adaptation B: clustering after domain adaptation. Red color corresponds to controls whereas blue color and green color correspond to Asperger and ASD patients. Circle marks corresponding to source domain and cross marks corresponding to target domain result.

Figure 3. Three-way classification result (in terms of % accuracy) in different scenarios with/without domain adaptation (DA) and statistical ComBat harmonization.

Table 1. Three-way classification result in different scenarios with/without domain adaptation (DA) and statistical ComBat harmonization. For each split, we compare the classification accuracies in percentage) from source and target domains.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)