Forward-Fourier Motion-Corrected Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Liver DCE-MRI
Sihao Chen1, Cihat Eldeniz1, Weijie Gan1, Ulugbek Kamilov1, Tyler Fraum1, and Hongyu An1
1Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States


Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) of the liver offers structural and functional information for assessing the contrast uptake visually. However, respiratory motion and the requirement of high temporal resolution make it difficult to generate high-quality DCE-MRI. In this study, we proposed a novel forward-Fourier motion-corrected reconstruction utilizing deep learning based 3D motion information on severely undersampled DCE-MRI. With no need to use view-sharing or DCE contrast smoothness constraint, this approach avoids enhancement spillover from adjacent DCE contrasts and reconstructs high-quality motion-free DCE images with reduced artifacts and enhanced sharpness.


Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) with high temporal resolution has been used widely for clinical diagnosis to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions.1 Respiratory motion is a major source of artifacts for DCE images of the liver. Clinical standard DCE is acquired during breath-holding. However, many patients fail to comply with breath-holding instructions, often due to comorbid conditions affecting their respiratory or mental statuses. Therefore, free-breathing DCE-MRI techniques have been proposed to minimize respiratory motion artifacts.2–5 View-sharing or compressed sensing (CS) with smoothness constrains across adjacent DCE contrasts has been proposed to reduce reconstruction artifacts.6,7 However, these techniques may lead to contrast enhancement spill-over. This study proposed an iterative forward-Fourier motion-corrected (FF MoCo) reconstruction that incorporates 3D motion vector fields (MVFs) derived from a deep learning network (Phase2Phase) reconstructed 4D MRI. 3D motion-corrected DCE images were generated independently for each DCE contrast.


CAPTURE8, a self-navigated respiratory motion detection MR sequence, was utilized to acquire free-breathing DCE images before, during, and after contrast injection for a total acquisition time of 6 minutes from four patients (3 liver metastases and 1 non-oncologic patients) using a Siemens 3T MRI scanner. Eovist or Dotarem was injected 30 seconds after the start of the CAPTURE scan. The acquisition parameters were as follows: TE =1.32ms-1.64ms, TR=2.82-3.5ms, FOV=380-450mm2, voxel size=1.25x1.25x3mm3 or 1.4x1.4x3mm3, 64-80 slices, 3200-4000 radial spokes.

The continuous free-breathing DCE images were first divided into separate DCE contrasts with a time interval of 20 seconds. Within each DCE contrast, the k-space data were binned into 5 respiratory phases and three methods were used to reconstruct 4D respiratory motion-resolved images: (1) MCNUFFT9, (2) CS9, (3) Phase2Phase (P2P)10, a deep learning reconstruction. P2P network was trained without a high-quality ground truth target.11 Non-linear registration was performed to register all respiratory phases to the end-of-expiration phase to obtain 3D deformable MVFs for each of these reconstructions.

Next, a FF MoCo algorithm is used to obtain the final 3D dynamic DCE-MRI for each DCE contrast. Motion correction is carried out iteratively during image reconstruction. The objective function is shown below:
where the encoding operator Et,i=FtCiMt ; Ft is the forward Fourier (NUFFT) operator for each respiratory phase t; Ci is the coil sensitivity for Coil i; Mt are the MVFs (from CS, MCNUFFT or P2P reconstruction) deforming the image from respiratory Phase 1 to Phase t; I is the 3D motion-corrected image for each DCE contrast; Kt,i is the acquired k-space data for respiratory Phase t and Coil i.

The FF MoCo reconstruction was repeated for each DCE contrast, resulting in a total of 17 DCE contrasts with a temporal resolution of 20 seconds per DCE contrast. For comparison, 3D spatially motion-corrected (spatial MoCo) DCE images were also reconstructed. In spatial MoCo, 4D motion-resolved MCNUFFT of 5 phases were registered to the end-of-expiration phase and then averaged to produce the final 3D DCE-MRI.

Moreover, we also reconstructed DCE-MRI by FF MoCo with P2P MVF using a temporal resolution of 10 seconds on a patient to test higher temporal resolution.


Figure 1 shows sample 4D reconstructed Phase 1 images by MCNUFFT, CS and P2P at Contrast 1 (pre-injection). 4D MCNUFFT here contains severe streaking artifacts; CS reduced but did not eliminate streaking artifacts; P2P has the least amount of artifacts. Figure 2 shows reconstructed DCE Contrast 1 images (pre-injection) on the same patient with liver metastases by Spatial MoCo and FF MoCo (MCNUFFT, CS, or P2P MVF). The results demonstrate that FF MoCo with P2P MVF clearly has the least amount of artifacts. Figure 3 shows FF MoCo P2P MVF images across all 17 DCE contrasts on this patient. These dynamic contrasts allow radiologists to visualize various DCE contrasts, including arterial, portal venous, transitional, and 5-min delay phase from a single free-breathing continuous DCE scan. Figure 4 shows the dynamic contrast enhancement curves on FF MoCo with P2P MVF at aorta, tumor and normal tissues. Eovist uptake curves on FF MoCo P2P MVF exhibit different characteristic uptake patterns. The DCE images reconstructed with a high temporal resolution of 10 seconds also have reasonable quality (Figure 5).

Discussion and Conclusion

We proposed an iterative FF MoCo algorithm that incorporates MVFs derived from P2P images to reconstruct high-temporal motion-corrected DCE-MRI. It reconstructed sharp and high-contrast motion-corrected images with fewer artifacts from severely undersampled data – only 4% or 8% of the Nyquist sampling requirement was met in the FF MoCo reconstruction for a temporal resolution of 10 or 20 seconds, respectively.12 Additionally, our method allows for free-breathing continuous DCE scan, with no need for breath hold or a test bolus to determine the exact timing of arterial, portal venous and transitional phases.

Furthermore, our method prevents potential contrast enhancement spillover from adjacent DCE contrasts in the view-sharing or CS methods. MVFs were derived using very sparsely sampled data based on the P2P reconstruction. P2P outperforms CS in terms of both the image quality and the speed. CS took a total of 30 hours to reconstruct 17 dynamic contrasts using an Intel Xeon E5-2690v4-Broadwell-EP-2.6-Ghz-CPU, whereas a trained P2P network took only 2 minutes to reconstruct the 4D MR data with one NVIDIA-Tesla-P100-GPU.


Funding support for P2P development is provided by Siemens Healthineers.


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Figure 1. Example phase 1 of 4D reconstructed images by MCNUFFT, CS and P2P at contrast 1 (pre-injection). MCNUFFT has severe artifacts; CS reduces streaking artifacts; P2P has the least amount of artifacts among the three.

Figure 2. Example contrast 1 pre-injection 3D MoCo images reconstructed using Spatial MoCo and FF MoCo with MCNUFFT, CS and P2P MVF.

Figure 3. Temporal dynamics of all 17 DCE contrasts reconstructed using FF MoCo P2P MVF on the patient shown in Figure 1-2. Each contrast was reconstructed using 20 seconds of non-overlapping data.

Figure 4. Dynamic contrast enhancement curves on FF MoCo P2P MVF at aorta, tumor and normal tissues across the entire CAPTURE duration. Eovist uptake curves from FF MoCo P2P MVF show characteristic uptake patterns.

Figure 5. 34 DCE contrasts reconstructed using FF MoCo P2P MVF on a non-oncologic patient. Each contrast was reconstructed using 10 seconds of non-overlapping data. Contrast 6 (at arterial phase) was zoomed in for a better visualization.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)