Yongxian Qian1, Karthik Lakshmanan1, Anli Liu2, Yvonne W. Lui1, and Fernando E. Boada1
1Radiology, New York University, New York, NY, United States, 2Neurology, New York University, New York, NY, United States
Neurons are firing when emitting action
potentials to communicate with each other. Action potentials generate fast
electric currents (~2ms duration) across membrane and slow ones (~10–100ms) at
postsynaptic side. These currents generate electric and magnetic fields
detectable by scalp EEG and MEG, respectively. They detect the fields relatively far away (~20mm) from firing sources and are only sensitive to slow,
easily-synchronized postsynaptic currents. Here we propose a new approach termed as magnetic resonance recording of local neuronal firings (mrLNF) that has
a very high temporal resolution (0.25ms) and can non-invasively detect fast and
slow neuronal currents at the firing sources.
A neuron is said to
fire when emitting an action potential, a cellular electrical event traveling down
the axon and inducing neurochemical changes that allow communication between
neurons. These traveling action potentials generate a fast-changing electric
current (~2ms in duration) across the cell membrane as well as a slow-changing one
(~10–100ms) on the postsynaptic side. Neuronal currents generate electric and
magnetic fields detectable by scalp electroencephalography (EEG) and
magnetoencephalography (MEG), respectively.1,2 Signals from EEG and MEG
have contributed to our understanding of an array of neurological disorders such
as epilepsy,3 brain injury,4 and cognitive impairment.5
However, scalp EEG and MEG detect the fields relatively far away (~20mm) from the
firing sources, sensitive only to the slow, easily-synchronized postsynaptic
currents, and provide insight restricted to the collective behavior of neuronal
activities within a relatively large anatomic region.1,6,7 To
improve spatial localization of neuronal firings, fast magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) approaches (e.g., EPI and spiral combined with parallel imaging
and/or compressed sensing) have been proposed, but these tools are only able to
detect the slow postsynaptic currents due to limits of temporal resolution (~40–100ms).2,8
Here, we propose a novel approach we have termed magnetic resonance recording
of local neuronal firings (mrLNF, Fig. 1), that can non-invasively detect both fast and slow neuronal currents based on high temporal resolution (0.25ms) and can spatially localize the firing sources. This technique has the potential to
extend detection to deep brain regions (hippocampus, corpus calosum, and
thalamus), and even peripheral nerves throughout the body.THEORY
Neuronal current In(r, t) at location r
and time t in the brain generates a local
magnetic field Bn(r, t) which alters resonance frequency f0=(γ/2π)B0 by an
amount of fn(r, t) (Eq. 1). This alteration is
naturally encoded in free induction decay (FID) s(t) during MR data
acquisition at an investigation volume (or voxel) ΔV of magnetization density ρ(r) and effective transverse relaxation constant T2*(r) (Eq. 2). A phase variation is
calculated at sampling interval Δt after the correction for T2* decay (Eq.
3). Finally, the calculated frequency fn is scaled via Eq. 4 to the firing field
z-component Bn,z. The firing-induced magnetic
field, although very small (~10-4 µT) above the scalp,1,6,7
is large enough (~1600 µT) in and around firing neurons (~4–10 µm in diameter) to
alter local resonance frequency by up to 68.1 kHz for the proton (1H) or
18.0 kHz for the sodium (23Na) MRI. Fig. 2 summarizes the data processing of this
Eq.1a. fm(r, t) = f0 + fn(r, t),
Eq.1b. fn(r, t) = (γ/2π)Bn,z(r, t).
Eq.2a. s(t) = ∑ΔV ρ(r)·exp(-t/T2*)·exp(-jφ(r,t))dr,
Eq.2b. φ(r, t) = φ(r, TE) + 2π∑TEt fn(r, τ)dτ.
Eq.3a. fn(t) = dφ/dt - Δf0 ≈ phase[Δs(t)·Δs*(t+Δt)]/Δt - Δf0,
Eq.3b. Δs(t) Ξ (s(t) - sc(t))/σ + s0.
Eq.4. Bn,z(t) = (2π/γ)fn(t).METHODS
A retrospective study
is performed to test the proposed idea. Healthy subjects (n=7, age 36.8±14.8,
male/female 3/4) were included and provided the informed consent. FID signals were acquired at resting state during
X-Frequency adjustment for sodium (23Na) MRI at 3T (Prisma, Siemens),
with a custom-built 8-channel dual-tuned (1H-23Na) head
array coil.9 The investigation-volume was defined on individual coil
images. The FID acquisition had a readout time 128ms (sampling interval 0.25ms)
at TE/TR=1/200ms and continuously repeated 128 times. Data were analyzed
using MATLAB R2020a (MathWorks, Natick, MA). T2* decay sc(t) was estimated by averaging multiple FIDs. The
noise σ was estimated from Δs(t).
Constant s0 was set to 5. RESULTS
The measured
neuron-firing magnetic field across all subjects studied was ±750 µT, falling within the
theoretical range (Figs. 3,4). The field arising from the fast action potentials
was measured as 0.75–2.0 ms in duration and -722.3–678.9 µT in strength (Fig. 3c,d), while the field
relating to the slow postsynaptic current was measured at 10–43 ms in duration
and -10.0–10.0 µT in strength (Fig.
4c,d). The spatial distribution of neuronal firings was observed in both left
and right hemispheres.DISCUSSION
The results show feasibility
of our proposed idea based on the physical
basis of localized quantum sensing of neuronal currents. As intrinsic micro
quantum sensors, nuclear spins (Na+ in this study) present throughout
intra- and extracellular spaces and locate in and around the firing sources.
The frequency calculation in Eq. 3a is prone to noise interference and could be improved. The investigation volume, passively defined by the coil sensitivity
in this study, can be actively defined at any location in the brain or potentially
any part of the body when using single voxel excitation. Strength of the main
magnetic field B0 would
not necessarily be as high as 3T if proton (1H) MRI is employed, and
lower field strength of 1.5 or 0.5T could accommodate this technique, raising
the possibility of low-field, portable MRI even at point of care.CONCLUSION
Human subject resting-state data presented here supports
the proposed idea that magnetic resonance can be used to non-invasively record
neuronal firings of both fast action potentials and slow postsynaptic currents
in the brain by analyzing continuous acquisition of FID signals. This idea, in
principle, has the potential to be extended from brain cortex to deep brain
structures as well as other anatomic body parts, and could be applied at
variable field strengths.Acknowledgements
This work was financially
supported by the General Research Fund of the Department of Radiology. This
work was also performed under the rubric of the Center for Advanced Imaging
Innovation and Research (CAI2R, www.cai2r.net), an NIBIB Biomedical
Technology Resource Center (NIH P41 EB017183).References
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