Combined blood flow and CO2-mediated effects underlie the tissue-specific response to hypercapnia: Insight from 7T MR-based imaging
Allen A Champagne1,2 and Alex A Bhogal3
1School of Medicine, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 2Center for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 3Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands


Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) mapping is finding increasing clinical applications as a non-invasive probe for vascular health. Untangling physiological factors driving differences in temporal delays within the tissue-specific CVR response can help better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with vascular impairments. Here, we combine hypercapnic and hyperoxic respiratory challenges with high resolution 7T MR-based imaging to gather insight about differences in the temporal response to CVR between grey- and white-matter tissues. Our findings support the hypothesis that differences in the physiological response to hypercapnia may be determined by compounding effects related to CO2 sensitivity and blood flow (re)distribution.


Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) describes the response of cerebral blood vessels to vasodilatory stimuli (1, 2). CVR mapping has emerged as a robust clinical tool to reveal vascular (patho)physiology (3–10), leveraging non-invasive gas-based respiratory challenges that stress the cerebral vasculature (i.e., hypercapnia; HC), as well as endogenous contrast agents via O2-mediated changes in deoxyhemoglobin (hyperoxia; HO; (11, 12)).

In recent years, more advanced post-processing analyses have emerged to characterize temporal markers associated with the CVR response (11, 13–18). These reflect a mixture of physiological properties including arterial transit time, blood flow (re)distribution, and vascular response speed. Untangling these factors can help to better understand the pathophysiology and improve diagnosis/prognosis associated with vascular impairments (13).

In this study, high spatial-resolution BOLD datasets were acquired at 7T using both BLOCK- and RAMP-hypercapnic (HC) paradigms to study differences in CVR delays induced via abrupt and progressive changes in CO2, respectively. In contrast to the block-based design, which evokes a dynamic CVR response (19), the RAMP-HC stimulus involves a gradual increase in PETCO2, which allows for more progressive changes in arterial CO2 (20–23). Progressive stimuli are hypothesized to minimizing blood flow redistribution effects implying that the slower arteriolar reactivity during RAMP-HC may lead to shorter CVR delays. Finally, a novel protocol using a combined HC and hyperoxia (HO) block was also implemented, in order to assess the effect of bolus arrival time on tissue-based CVR delays, in contrast to CO2 sensitivity/blood flow effects.


BOLD datasets were acquired in seven healthy subjects (M/F, 4/3; age, 29 ± 6 years) throughout BLOCK- and RAMP-HC paradigms, as well as the combined HC + HO block (defined as: “BOOST HC+HO”). Informed and consented participants were scanned on a Philips 7 Tesla MRI system using a dual channel transmit coil in combination with a 32-channel receive coil and a mutli-slice single-shot GE-EPI BOLD sequence (flip angle: 90°, TR/TE 3000/25 ms, reconstructed resolution: 1.5x1.5 mm2, slice-thickness: 1.6 mm, no slice gap, slices: 43).

Respiratory challenges were delivered using a 3rd generation RespirActTM (Thornhill Research Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada) system in combination with a rebreathing face mask. The BLOCK-HC protocol consisted of a 90s increase in hypercapnia, preceded and followed by a pre- and post-baseline period (120s). In the case of the combined BLOCK BOOST HC+HO experiment, a simultaneous increase in arterial O2 was implemented during the boxcar design. The progressive CO2 protocol (i.e., RAMP-HC) consisted of a baseline period followed by a 60s hypocapnic period, and a subsequent 5-minute period of progressively increasing hypercapnia, ending with a return to baseline.

Following standard preprocessing of the BOLD datasets (24, 25), tissue-based differences in CVR lag times computed using the Rapid Interpolation at Progressive Time Delay (RIPTiDe; (26, 27)) method were compared across stimulus paradigms to explore dynamic (BLOCK-HC) versus progressive (RAMP-HC) changes in CO2, as well as the effect of bolus arrival time on CVR delays (BLOCK-HC versus BOOST).


While GM delays were similar between the BLOCK- and RAMP-HC (within ± 2 seconds), longer WM lag times were observed during the RAMP-HC. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, this suggests that the progressive stimulus may predispose WM vasculature to longer delays, (i.e., a slower CVR response; Figure 1, 2). This may be explained by the of the smaller arterial content of CO2 that is delivered progressively to WM tissues during the RAMP, which in turn, decreases intravascular CO2 gradients modulating CO2 diffusion into tissues. This effect could be exacerbated by a redistribution of blood towards the GM compartments that seem to respond in step with the progressive stimulus; thus, effecting a greater reduction in peripheral resistance than the WM compartments supplied in parallel. In other words, the delayed gaseous gradient represents a reduced driving force pushing the diffusion of CO2 towards the tissue compartment, which in turn, delays the vasodilatory response. This was supported by a maintained ~10 s offset in GM versus WM BOOST-delays with respect to the BLOCK-HC (Figure 1, 2), suggesting that the vasoactive effect of CO2 remained constant and that shortening of BOOST delays was driven by blood arrival reflected through the non-vasodilatory endogenous O2 contrast agent (from the induced HO).


In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the response to respiratory gas challenges in GM and WM tissues at 7T, as a way to advance our understanding of the effects that drive temporal delays in the BOLD-CVR response of healthy tissues. Our findings support that differences in temporal and magnitude aspects of CVR between vascular networks reflect the culminative effect of CO2 sensitivity (and/or CO2 diffusion rate) in local vessels, in addition to redistribution and steal effects of blood flow within and across tissues, as previously described (11, 17). Moreover, these results suggest that the addition of a BLOCK-BOOST HC+HO paradigm within clinical settings can provide insights into whether diseases causing changes in CVR do so by way of severe blood flow redistribution (which would increase blood arrival time and inflate BLOCK-BOOST HC+HO delays), or alterations in vascular properties within the vessels that could impair CO2 diffusion across WM tissues (this would significantly increase the marginal gap in relative delay estimates between BLOCK-HC and BLOCK-BOOST HC+HO).


The authors would like to acknowledge collaborational support from Dr. H. Hoogduin, Dr. M.E.P Philipens, Dr. J.C.W. Siero from the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, as well as Dr. N.S. Coverdale and Dr. D.J. Cook from Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.


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Figure 1. Grey- and white-matter average CVR lag times for each stimulus

Figure 2. Tissue-based distribution of lag parameters for each respiratory design

(A) Refence anatomical axial slices in MNI space. (B-D) Averaged lag maps (seconds). The cumulative percent frequency (normalized to 100%) for the distribution of lag (seconds) is shown for each tissue which was extracted using the grey- (black) and white- (grey) matter mask displayed in (B), bottom right corner. A dotted red line was added to each histogram (B-D) at 40 seconds, for reference and comparison.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)