Respiratory Motion-Resolved Free-Breathing MR Elastography Of Liver
Yi Sui1, Jiahui Li1, Joshua D. Trzasko1, Arvin Arani1, Kevin Glaser1, Phillip J. Rossman1, Ziying Yin1, Meng Yin1, and Richard L. Ehman1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States


A free-breathing hybrid radial-cartesian 3D MRE technique (TURBINE-MRE) was developed for MR elastography of the liver. This technique provides motion-resolved wave images and stiffness maps in single 4-minute free breathing acquisition. The feasibility of the new technique was demonstrated in healthy volunteers and a NASH patient with hepatic cirrhosis.


MR Elastography (MRE) has been widely used for assessing liver diseases by quantitatively measuring the mechanical properties of the liver in vivo [1]. Liver MRE is typically performed with breath-holds to reduce motion artifacts. While well tolerated by most adult patients, imaging during suspended respiration is difficult in young pediatric patients and in adults who are unable to breath-hold. While uncommon, some MRE exams may exhibit errors in stiffness estimation due to inconsistent breath-holds [2]. A 2D-radial-GRE technique has been adapted for free-breathing liver MRE [3], though it was limited to only one slice and a single motion state. Recently, we developed a 3D, hybrid radial-cartesian, EPI acquisition for MRE (designated here as TURBINE-MRE) and demonstrated high encoding efficiency and full 3D coverage in the brain [4, 5]. In this study, we adapted the TURBINE-MRE to achieve respiratory motion-resolved free-breathing (FB) MRE for the liver using a multidimensional golden-angle radial sparse-sampling framework (XD-GRASP) [6]. To date, we have demonstrated the feasibility of the technique in volunteer studies, which has now prompted initiation of clinical testing.


Pulse sequence:

The TURBINE-MRE sequence, as described in Figure 1a, was executed continuously with the subject freely breathing. The imaging parameters are shown in Figure 1b. With IRB approval and informed consent, 2 healthy volunteers and 1 NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) patient with hepatic cirrhosis were scanned on a GE 1.5T scanner (Optima MR 450w) with a 32-channel coil, 60-Hz external vibrations, an 11.8-ms, 33-mT/m MEG (36.9 µm/π-radians encoding efficiency), 6 motion-encoding directions, 3 time-offsets and 4:18 minutes scan time.

Image Reconstruction:

1) Respiratory motion estimation: As summarized in Figure 2a, the center Kz lines (dashed line in Fig. 2b) were first taken out from all EPI blades and concatenated along the time dimension (Kzt). Z-projections Mzt were then computed by taking a 1D Fourier transform of Kzt along z. For each channel (coil), the two largest principal components (PCs) of Mzt were calculated using principal component analysis (PCA). Because MEG’s concomitant fields can cause a PC baseline difference on each MEG direction, a block-wise mean subtraction was performed on the PCs. Finally, after 1D smoothing, the baseline-corrected PCs (PCbc) from all coil channels were used to estimate the respiratory motion using a coil-clustering method [7]

2) Sparse reconstruction: After EPI phase-correction, the EPI blades of each MRE repetition were sorted into 5 respiratory states. Then, the XD-GRASP type reconstruction was performed by solving the following optimization problem.
$$x=arg⁡\min_{x}⁡‖E ⋅C⋅x-g‖_2^2+λ_1 ‖S⋅x‖_1$$
Where E is the TURBINE trajectory encoding operator using NUFFT [8] for radial sampling and FFT for z-direction Cartesian sampling, C is coil sensitivity map estimated from a separate calibration scan, x is the 4D image series with the respiratory motion at the last dimension, and g is the multicoil k-space data. In this study, the temporal finite difference along the respiratory (4th) dimension was chosen for the sparsifying transform S, and λ1 is the regularization parameter. The reconstruction was done in Matlab with the adapted open source code from [9].

3) MRE reconstruction: MRE stiffness maps were generated by adaptively taking the curl of the 3D displacement fields and performing a 3D direct inversion (DI) algorithm to invert the wave-field as described in the previous study [10, 11].


Figure 2c shows an example of the respiratory motion estimated from the patient scan k-space data (blue), which is consistent with the recorded respiratory bellows signal (orange).

The animation in Figure 3 shows the TURBINE-MRE results from one healthy volunteer in both coronal and axial views. The motion-resolved MRE magnitude images, curl wave images, and stiffness maps are looping through the respiratory cycle. It is interesting to notice that the wave pattern in the liver keeps relatively steady (not moving up and down) during the respiratory motion. This is because the wave speed in the liver is much faster than the respiratory motion speed, and the vibration source (the passive driver) is typically secured over the rib cage and does not move much along the SI direction.

The animation in Figure 4 shows the TURBINE-MRE results from the NASH patient with hepatic cirrhosis and ascites. The high values (red) shown in the stiffness maps indicate a very stiff liver due to the disease.

Compared with the standard 2D-EPI-MRE results with 32 slices in 6 breath-holds (Figure 5), the FB TURBINE-MRE demonstrate comparable wave images and stiffness maps, as well as the advantage of larger imaging volume to cover the whole liver in larger patients.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this study, we have demonstrated the feasibility of the free-breathing TURBINE-MRE sequence on healthy volunteers and a patient. The sequence has several advantages over the conventional 2D SE-EPI-MRE technique, including being a free-breathing acquisition, having a larger volume of coverage, and being robust to respiratory motion. It has great potential to improve MRE repeatability and improve patient comfort by eliminating the need for breath-holds. This technique can also efficiently measure tissue stiffness at multiple respiratory stages in one scan, allowing for exploration of viscoelastic nonlinearity, a promising biomarker for characterizing histopathologic processes in organs such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys [12].


This work was supported by grants from the NIH (R01 EB001981, R01 NS113760, and R01 EB017197)


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8. Fessler, J.A. and B.P. Sutton, Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation. Ieee Transactions on Signal Processing, 2003. 51(2): p. 560-574.

9. XD-GRASP Matlab Code. Available from: https://cai2r.net/resources/software/xd-grasp-matlab-code.

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Figure 1: (a) Free-breathing TURBINE-MRE sequence is based on a spoiled gradient-echo EPI-MRE sequence with the EPI readout rotating about the z-axis. The flow-compensated motion-encoding gradients (MEGs) were added before the EPI readout to encode MRE harmonic motion into the image phase. GSS/PE represents the slab-selection axis and EPI phase-encoding direction. Gθ represents the readout axis rotating about the GSS/PE axis in successive TRs. During the respiratory motion, the EPI blade rotates continuously with a golden angle increment. (b) Imaging parameters.

Figure 2: Respiratory motion estimation from k-space data. (a) Flow chart for respiratory motion estimation. (b) TURBINE k-space trajectory. The center Kz lines (dashed line) from all EPI blades were taken out for motion estimation. (c) Mzt: 1D z-projection of whole imaging volume along time. PC: The largest principal component of Mzt. PCbc block-wise baseline-corrected PC. Each colored ribbon marks a MRE direction as a block. The respiratory motion (blue) was estimated from all channels using a coil clustering method and was consistent with the respiratory bellows signal (orange).

Figure 3: Results of free-breathing TURBINE-MRE from a healthy volunteer. The animation shows the magnitude, x-, y-, z- components of curl wave information, and stiffness maps at 5 respiratory states. The contours on the wave images and stiffness map delineate the boundaries of the liver and other organs. (High definition movie can be found at https://youtu.be/yw9yOhGvAi8 )

Figure 4: Results of free-breathing TURBINE-MRE from a NASH patient with hepatic cirrhosis. The animation shows the magnitude, x-, y-, z- components of curl wave information, and stiffness maps at 5 respiratory states. The contours on the wave images and stiffness map delineate the boundaries of the liver and other organs. (High definition movie can be found at https://youtu.be/JMPrXRl3ceo )

Figure 5: Axial (bottom) and reformatted coronal view (top) of MRE magnitude images and stiffness maps acquired using the standard breath-hold 2D SE-EPI MRE. Scan parameters: 3.5 mm resolution, 32 slices, 60-Hz vibration, 6 MEG directions, 3 phase offsets and 6 breath-holds (10 sec each). (a) Results from the healthy volunteer. (b) Results from the NASH patient with hepatic cirrhosis.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)