Fast 2D J-resolved MRSI combining echo planar imaging acquisition and turbo spin echo train evolution
Ke Dai1, Qingjia Bao2,3, Hao Chen1, Yiling Liu1, and Zhiyong Zhang1
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai, China, 2Wuhan United Imaging Life Science Instruments Co., Ltd, Wuhan, China, Wuhan, China, 3Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel


J-resolved MRSI is a powerful tool for separating overlapping resonances and detecting coupled species such as GABA and glutamate, which are of great interest to brain studies. However, a major practical limitation of J-resolved MRSI lies in its long data acquisition time. In this work, we present a novel fast fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI, termed as J-resolved xSPEN spectroscopy, combining echo planar imaging acquisition and turbo spin echo train evolution. Our preliminary phantom results demonstrate the proposed method can achieve highly efficient fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI with increasing chemical shift separation and detection of coupled species.


Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is an important technique for assessing the spatial variation of metabolites1. However, one common feature of the MR spectrum is the appearance of multiplets, arising because of spin–spin coupling, or J-coupling, whereby the field experienced by a spin is affected by adjacent spins within the molecule2. 2D J-resolved MRSI techniques enable highly selective mappings of multiplets while requiring multistep TE encodings, which further prolongs the acquisition time3. Many approaches have been proposed to accelerate 2D J-resolved MRSI, including EPSI and spiral trajectories, compressed sensing and subspace -based approaches3-6. In this work, we propose a novel fast fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI, termed as J-resolved xSPEN spectroscopy, combining echo planar imaging acquisition and turbo spin echo train evolution. Differ from conventional EPSI, its chemical shift encoding is obtained along the echo-planar gradient oscillation dimension and the spatial encoding is carried out in a multistep encoding. The proposed method introduces a time increasing t1 evolution as chemical shift encoding to the xSPEN imaging acquisition7. The distortion-free echo planar imaging acquisition is repeated in a turbo spin echo train evolution, endowing multiple TE encodings in the same shot. We present phantom results demonstrating the highly efficient fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI with increasing chemical shift separation and detection of coupled species.


The J-resolved xSPEN spectroscopy sequence is shown in Fig. 1a by performing multiple scans with increasing time (t1) evolution to achieve the chemical shift dimension, while the J couplings are obtained by repeating the distortion-free echo-planar imaging-based acquisition of xSPEN in a turbo spin echo train evolution way. By splitting the t1 evolution into τ-t1/2 and t1/2 on two sides of π pulse, it results a constant-τ J coupling evolution along the chemical shift encoding dimension bringing a J-decoupled spectrum as shown in Fig.1b. The acquired chemical shifts, J couplings and spatial information can be indicated in Fig.1 on the right side of the figure, please noting that the J-decoupled spectrum can be obtained by Fig.1b. Studies were conducted with a 3.0T United Imaging uMR790 system (Shanghai, China). To demonstrate the concept, a phantom of ethanol/water solution with a volume ratio of 1:10 was used. Parameters for the J-resolved xSPEN MRSI include, TR =2 s, 200×200 mm2 FOV, 10 mm slice thickness, 32×32 image matrix size, a total of 128 t1 encodings with a bandwidth of 1000 Hz. A turbo spin echo train length is 64 with an increasing TE step of 15 ms. The constant J coupling evolution τ=120 ms is used for obtaining J-decoupled spectrum. Total scan time for the fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI is 4.2 min.

Results and Discussion

The representative J-resolved spectra obtained from the phantom (from the spatial location marked by the red dot) are shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, J splits can be clearly obtained along the turbo spin echo train dimension. With the J-decoupled evolution option (Fig.2b), singlets can be projected along the chemical shift encoding dimension with increasing signal height and higher spectral resolution. Only half of the encodings along multiple TEs evolution dimension was used to extract the J splittings by Fourier transformation, a restriction of bandwidth along this J-resolved dimension may limit the observation of numerous splittings. However, combination of all the encodings and interleaving with small TE increment can be further extended to allow higher bandwidth along the J-resolved dimension.


We propose a novel fast fully sampled 2D J-resolved MRSI, termed as J-resolved xSPEN MRSI, combining echo planar imaging acquisition and turbo spin echo train evolution. With further development, the proposed method is expected to provide an alternative powerful tool for separating overlapping resonances and J-resolved MRSI.


This work is supported by National Science Foundation of China (No. 62001290) and sponsored by Shanghai Sailing Program (20YF1420900).


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Figure 1 (a) 2D J-resolved xSPEN MRSI sequence performing multiple scans with increasing time (t1) evolution to achieve the chemical shift dimension, while the J couplings are obtained by repeating the distortion-free echo-planar imaging-based acquisition of xSPEN in a turbo spin echo train evolution way. (b) 2D J-resolved xSPEN MRSI sequence with pure chemical shift dimension.

Figure 2 (a)The representative 2D J-resolved spectrum from the spatial location marked by the red dot. Please noting the tilting feature of the spectrum due to the mixing chemical shift and J splittings along the spectral dimension. (b) 2D J-resolved spectrum with J-decoupled chemical shift dimension.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)