DSC-MRI: Basics
Amit Mehndiratta1
1Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India


Perfusion imaging using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI is widely used in management of brain ischemia and stroke. It is based on change in T2* effect arising from local field inhomogeneity as the contrast flow from the tissue capillary network. Quantitative analysis is completely based on the mathematical understanding of the underlying capillary network model, either a simplified model based approach or a complex model free methods have been used in literature. There are pros and cons of each method, this lecture will discuss few of these important methods and there benefits and limitations.

Perfusion MRI: Basics of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI, Physiological Model and Analysis Methods

Measuring tissue blood perfusion is important in planning treatment for disease such as in brain ischemia and stroke. Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can measure brain perfusion non-invasively. Tissue perfusion is a dynamic process and Gadolinium based contrast based MRI are used to measure blood flow. The flow of the Gadolinium through the tissue capillary bed allows to measure change in tissue susceptibility as a marker of tissue perfusion. This imaging technique is called Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI (DSC-MRI). Analysis of the images from DSC-MRI is typically based on an understanding of cerebral microvascular hemodynamics. DSC, also called bolus tracking imaging is based on T2* effects that arise from local field inhomogeneity induced by a Gadolinium contrast agent in the vessels. Gadolinium contrast agents are aqueous solutions of heavy metal Gadolinium based complexes that are injected intravenously. With the flow of the contrast the transverse relation (R2*) of the tissue is alters that causes a change in MR signal as a measure of tissue perfusion 1. This effect is highly significant in areas where contrast is compartmentalized in the vessels only, also known as single compartmental model.
Perfusion analysis is based on Tracer Kinetic Theory2, where capillary vessels are modeled as a complex branching tubular network. As the bolus arrives in the capillary bed, there is distribution of bolus across multiple paths, and the individual transit times through this bed can be described in the form of a probability density function, h(t). As bolus is continuously flowing through the capillary bed, at any instance of time, t, the fraction of contrast present in the tissue is presented a function called residue function, R(t):
$$R(t)= 1 - \int_{0}^{t} h(t) dt$$
Fundamentally residue function is a monotonically decreasing function starting from R(0)=1. The contrast concentration, C(t), in the tissue is not only proportional to total blood flow to the tissue CBF (Cerebral Blood Flow) as well the tissue capillary hemodynamic properties i.e. the residue function, but also dependent on how the bolus injection is performed i.e. the Arterial Input Function (AIF) 3,4:
$$C (t)= \frac{ρ}{k_{H}}· CBF · (Ca (t)⊗ R (t)) d\tau$$
$$= \frac{ρ}{k_{H}}· CBF · \int_{0}^{t} Ca (\tau) · R (t-\tau)d\tau$$
where, it is a convolution operation between is the AIF and tissue residue function. The proportionality constant, ρ is the density of brain tissue (needed to provide the correct flow units) and kH accounts for the difference in hematocrit between capillaries and large vessels.
The total blood supply to this tissue network can be measured as Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV, in ml/100g of tissue), Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF, in ml/100g of tissue/min) according to the indicator dilution theory 2,4–7. These two parameters are related through the central volume theorem 4,6:
where MTT is the Mean Transit Time measured in minutes.
The Analysis for DSC perfusion MRI is broadly classified into two categories: model-based and model-free methods. Various deconvolution methods have been proposed under both model-based and model-free analysis methodologies. These include: I) Model based methods8, where a specific analytical expression or shape of R(t) is assumed, such as: a) Exponential 4,6,9, b) Fermi 10, c) Vascular Model 11 and II) Model-free methods, where no assumption of the underlying response function is made, such as: a) Frequency domain deconvolution (Fourier Transform) 5,12, b) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 3, c) Block-circulant SVD (oSVD) 13, d) Tikhonov Regularization (tkSVD) 14, e) Maximum Likelihood 15, f) Gaussian Processes Deconvolution 16, g) Nonlinear Stochastic Regularization 17, h) Control Point Interpolation Method 18,19.
The perfusion analysis problem can, at least in theory, be circumvented by performing parametric (model based) OR non-parametric (model-free) deconvolution with or without a priori knowledge of R(t) respectively. In model-free approaches, the tissue response function, i.e. the flow and shape of R(t), are determined from the data.
Model based methods are easy to implement and the estimated parameters has an added value to clinical decision making as these parameter are physiologically relevant. However, these methods always has a limitation of assumptions that are made for analysis which might divert under patho-physiological variations. Model free methods learn from data and can accommodate patho-physiological variation in estimation process, but these methods are mostly computationally expensive and the estimated parameters might not always have relevant physiological meaning.
Another key issue in DSC analysis the dispersion effects in bolus. The arterial input function is often measured at a larger distant artery from tissue of interest, however as bolus reaches the tissue of interest it is ‘smeared out’ during the transit which is called bolus dispersion 20–22. Not to consider this effect in analysis can always give underestimation in perfusion values which can have serious implications in clinical decision making. The dispersion effect can be modeled in the mathematical equations of perfusion in the form of ‘Vascular Transport Function (VTF)’ 23–26.


Acknowledgment: The material for this abstract and presentation is adopted from my own work as presented in thesis 19.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)