Imaging Biophysics & Metabolism with Other Nuclei (23Na, 17O, 39K)
Jean-Philippe Ranjeva1
1CRMBM, France


In light of technical advancements supporting exploration of MR signals other than 1H, MRI of other nuclei having magnetic properties such as sodium (23Na), Oxygen (17O) or potassium (39K) is developing in parallel with the increase of the magnetic fields of clinical MR scanners.These modalities receive attention as markers of ionic homeostasis and cell viability (23Na, 39K) or provide non-invasive way to determine cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMR02) consumption using 17O MRI.During this course, we will present the practical issues to conduct MRI of these particular nuclei, hypotheses and proxy to derive the biophysical parameters from these images


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)