Lijing Xin1
1Centre d'Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
MR spectroscopy measures diverse nuclei and
molecules beyond water, allowing the measurement of important static/dynamic
biochemical information from human or animal organs. This lecture will cover basic
knowledge of MRS with a focus on chemical shifts, couplings,
spectral modulation, localization methods and polarization transfer.
MRI measures mostly protons in water molecule
and offers information in the macroscopic scale, while MR spectroscopy offers
the measurement of many other nuclei (e.g.13C, 31P, 15N, 19F, 17O, 2H, etc.) and
molecules in a scale of four orders of magnitude smaller. 1H MRS can offer
the measurement of a large number of metabolites such as N‐acetylaspartate,
creatine, glutamate, choline, γ–aminobutyric
acid. The administration of 13C labelled substrates together with 13C MRS allows us to track the fate of the infused
substrate in its metabolic pathway and to measure metabolic fluxes through a mathematic
model. 31P MRS allows the noninvasive measurement of phosphorylated metabolites such as phosphocreatine, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), inorganic
phosphate, membrane metabolites,
physiological parameters (pH, [Mg2+]) and enzyme activities
of ATP production and utilization together
with magnetization transfer. This course will start with showing some typical
1H, 13C or 31P MR spectra and then introduce the basic physics behind them.MR spectral characteristics (chemical shift and J-coupling)
Nuclei of the same element were found to be
precessing at different frequencies depending on the chemical environment. For
example, the protons in the CH3 groups of creatine experience a different local
magnetic field than those in the CH2 groups. This kind of chemical environment
dependent frequency shift is called chemical shift. It is caused by the
shielding of nuclei by their surrounding electrons in a magnetic field. The
static field B0 induces currents in the orbital electrons, which in
turn generate a field that is ∼ 10−6 times
smaller than the main magnetic field. Therefore, the nuclear spins experience both B0 and the induced local magnetic
field. In addition, splitting
of MR peaks into multiplets can often be observed, which is referred as the
coupling between nuclear spins through the bonding electrons (spin-spin
coupling or J-coupling).
In MR spectra, most molecules of interest are
complex J-coupled systems. This usually results in complex spectral patterns,
which act as a “fingerprint” for identifying these biochemical compounds. MR spectral characteristics also depends on the applied pulse sequence, B0, relaxation times and field
inhomogeneity. Predicting the
behavior of the spectral pattern and intensity based on density matrix formalism allows us to design new pulse sequences for a specific purpose,
or to choose the most appropriate sequence and inter-pulse delays for
optimizing signal detection. For
example, spectral editing methods based on J-modulation of coupled spin system are
developed for the detection of less resolved metabolites such as γ–aminobutyric
acid.Water and lipid suppression
1H MRS provides the highest sensitivity among
all MR visible nuclei due to its high gyromagnetic ratio and natural abundance.
However, it also faces several challenges, such as an intense water signal and
lipid signal contamination. The intensive water signal will cause baseline
distortions or spurious signal, which in turn affects the measurements of the
resonances of interest. Therefore, a water suppression module is usually
necessary in 1H localized MRS. VAPOR is a relaxation based technique that commonly
used and it contains seven frequency selective RF pulses (CHESS, CHEmical Shift
Selective) with different power and optimized pulse intervals to achieve ∼ zero longitudinal magnetization of water prior to the
localization sequence. Lipid suppression could be achieved by placing Outer
Volume Suppression bands covering the extracranial lipids.Localization
When using in vivo MRS, one is usually
interested in obtaining information from a specific region of the body by using
localization methods. This can be achieved by using a surface coil specified
for the volume of interest, or using pulse sequences with frequency selective
RF pulses and magnetic field gradients based on the basic concepts of MRI.
There are two main types of localized MR
spectroscopy, i.e. single voxel and multi-volume
MR spectroscopy. It should be note that the chemical shift difference
between different resonances will lead to differences in localized positions of
these resonances, which is referred as chemical shift displacement error (CSDE). Sufficiently strong gradient
strength and RF pulse bandwidth can be used to reduce
CSDE.The commonly used single voxel localization techniques
are Outer Volume Suppression (OVS), Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM),
Point RESolved Spectroscopy (PRESS), Image Selected In vivo Spectroscopy
(ISIS), LASER(localization by adiabatic selective refocusing), sLASER,
SPECIAL(spin echo full
intensity acquired localized spectroscopy) and sSPECIAL.
Recommended localization
pulse sequences for 1H, 31P or 13C MRS will be discussed.Decoupling and NOE
The heteronuclear coupling e.g.
between 13C and its attached 1Hs results in
muliplets, which leads to complicated 13C or 31P spectra and further degrades the measurement sensitivity. In
order to simplify MR spectra and improve the
sensitivity, 1H decoupling (applying a RF field at the Larmor frequency of 1H) is generally
employed during X-nuclei (13C or 31P) acquisition to collapse the multiplets into singlets. The application of a weak
RF field at the Larmor frequency of 1H for a sufficient period could further enhance the
signal intensity of 13C or 31P, which is known as Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE).Fundamentals of 13C MRS
13C MR spectrum has wide chemical shift
dispersion (∼ 200 ppm) which allows the
detection of a large number of 13C metabolites. However,
it has low sensitivity due to low natural abundance of 13C and small
gyromagnetic ratio.
Direct 13C localization methods employ both NOE and 1H decoupling
to enhance
the signal intensity and to increase the
spectral simplicity. However,
it faces severe CSDE due to its wide chemical
shift range.
Therefore, for those resonances
which have a sufficiently long T2, heteronuclear polarization transfer (DEPT: Distortionless Enhancement by
Polarization Transfer or INEPT: Insensitive Nuclei Enhanced by Polarization
Transfer) is an alternative to
signal enhancement by a factor of four
[γ(1H)/γ(13C)]. It also allows the performance of localization
with 1H magnetizations,
of which the chemical shift range is narrow, to significantly reduce CSDE.
Based on the
heteronuclear coupling between 13C and 1H, indirect detection of 13C through the more sensitive 1H nucleus is
another alternative
to enhance sensitivity, albeit at the expense
of a lower spectral resolution
in 1H.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
No reference found.