Data Analysis & Software Considerations
Mark Pagel1
1Cancer Systems Imaging, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States


This didactic presentation will describe aspects of data analysis and software considerations when performing the "ideal" small animal MRI study. Topics include considerations for 1) incorporating image analysis into the experimental design and financial budget before starting the study; 2) data quality for good analyses; 3) registration and segmentation; 4) repeatability, reproducibility, and rigor of data analyses. Each of these topics will be highlighted with a practical example.

This didactic presentation will describe aspects of data analysis and software considerations when performing the "ideal" small animal MRI study. Topics include considerations for 1) incorporating image analysis into the experimental design and financial budget before starting the study; 2) data quality for good analyses; 3) registration and segmentation; 4) repeatability, reproducibility, and rigor of data analyses. Each of these topics will be highlighted with a practical example.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)