In MRI, magnetic susceptibility-induced contrast has been widely used due to its sensitivity and accessibility to magnetic properties of biological tissues. For example, in white matter of the brain, magnetic susceptibility variations are affected by both microstructural and molecular arrangements, which provides unique insights into understanding biologically important tissue features such as myelin. The main goal of this lecture is to 1) understand the magnetic susceptibility effects of white matter microstructure and 2) review a hollow cylinder fiber model for white matter that characterizes the magnetic susceptibility effects to explain susceptibility-induced contrast in white matter.
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24. P Sati, P van Gelderen, AC Silva, DS Reich, H Merkle, JA de Zwart, JH Duyn. Micro-compartment specific T2* relaxation in the brain. Neuroimage 2013;77:268–278.
25. WC Chen, S Foxley, KL Miller. Detecting microstructural properties of white matter based on compartmentalization of magnetic susceptibility. Neuroimage 2013;70:1–9.