Using Simulations to Validate Models
Marco Palombo1
1Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC), University College London, United Kingdom


This lecture targets scientists and clinicians interested in learning what are the most recent developments in numerical simulations, with a particular focus on their use for the validation of commonly used diffusion MRI (dMRI) models of tissue microstructure. We will provide an overview of the aspects of dMRI techniques that can be validated with numerical phantoms, and of the range of numerical phantoms that are currently available. Examples of how to use numerical phantoms for validating dMRI techniques will be provided and future perspectives on the next-generation numerical phantoms will be discussed.

Target Audience

Scientists and clinicians interested in learning what are the most recent developments in numerical simulations, with a particular focus on their use for the validation of commonly used diffusion MRI models of tissue microstructure.


This talk aims to provide its audience with the following:
  • Overview of the aspects of diffusion MRI techniques that can be validated with numerical phantoms.
  • Overview of the range of numerical phantoms that are currently available.
  • Examples of using numerical phantoms for validating diffusion MRI techniques.


To provide an overview of the numerical phantoms that are currently available for validating diffusion MRI models.


Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a key modality for imaging the microstructure of biological tissues, because of its unique sensitivity to microscopic features of cellular architecture.

Over the last decade, microstructure imaging (1) has been a successful paradigm to infer microstructural features from dMRI. Model-based microstructure imaging relies on biophysical models that relate an approximation of tissue microarchitecture to dMRI signals (2-9). In general, the approach acquires a set of images with different sensitivities and fits a specific model, chosen to represent the essential microstructural features of a tissue, to the set of signals obtained from each voxel in each image. The process yields a set of model parameters in each image voxel, which constitute quantitative maps of the modelled tissue features.

A key aspect of model-based microstructure imaging is the validation of the model assumptions and the estimated model parameters (10,11). Numerical phantoms play a unique role in providing rigorous validation that is complementary of other forms of phantoms (physical, in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo). Although they in turn represent a model of the real tissue based on our current understanding, they provide a framework for validation that is both controlled (with known ground truth) and flexible.

This talk will:
  • Give an overview of classical numerical phantoms that have been widely used for validating diffusion MRI techniques.
  • Underline the limitations of classical numerical phantoms.
  • Provide examples of the most recent advancements in numerical phantoms design.

Classical numerical phantoms for validation of microstructure imaging

Numerical phantoms for validation of microstructure imaging can be divided into several types based on the models implemented (12). The most common class uses Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of diffusion (13-32), with the system implemented in the Open Source Camino software being most widely used (17). This class of phantoms has been used to validate the estimation of axon density and diameter (5,24), crossing-fibre resolution (33), exchange (20,23,34), neurite beading (35), axonal undulation (21,22), dendritic spines (36) and branching (32,37), time-dependent extra-axonal diffusion (38,39), g-ratio mapping (40) and the effect of susceptibility induced internal gradients on dMRI measurements (31).

An alternative approach is to directly solve the diffusion equations using either finite differences (27,41-43) or finite element method (44-48).

Limitations of classical numerical phantoms

A still open challenge in numerical phantoms design is their realism. In order to be a useful validation tool, numerical phantoms have to mirror the complexity of real tissue microarchitecture as close as possible. In practice, this is still an unmet need and an active area of research (12).

For instance, brain white matter (WM) has been the most targeted tissue type because of its relatively simpler microenvironment compared to gray matter (GM) or other biological tissues. However, the most used numerical phantoms for WM are still over simplifications of the reality: axons are modelled as densely packed cylinders of different radii, straight or undulating, and with or without planar dispersion. Conversely, modern microscopy techniques such as 3D electron microscopy (EM) have clearly shown that axonal morphology in WM is way more complex than packed cylinders (24).

Recent developments and future perspectives of next-generation numerical phantoms

A lot of effort has been invested by the dMRI community to design more realistic numerical phantoms. Two main strategies have been developed: one uses directly the real structure of brain tissue from 3D EM reconstructions as digital substrate to use in MC simulations (24); the other uses generative models of digital tissues based on our current knowledge derived from microscopy (29,49-51). While the first one can provide ultra-realistic digital substrates, it lacks flexibility and is unable to reproduce large volumes of tissue. On the contrary, generative models are very flexible and can be scaled to reproduce large volumes of digital tissue but they can inevitably represent only simpler architecture. Both these approaches still mainly focus on increasing the realism of WM digital phantoms, although some encouraging developments for GM digital phantoms have also been recently proposed (49).

While memory burden and computational cost still represent a bottleneck for the scalability of these more realistic numerical phantoms, the recent developments in artificial intelligence and computational hardware open exciting perspectives on the next-generation numerical phantoms for virtual experiments towards the ultimate tool for the validation of microstructure models. We will discuss the state-of-the-art numerical phantoms and future directions in this research field.


This work was supported by EPSRC grants EP/N018702/1.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)