Denoising Techniques
Lars Kasper1,2,3
1Techna Institute, University Health Network (UHN) Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Translational Neuromodeling Unit, IBT, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland


Noise is the eminent adversary when studying brain function. First, it incurs sensitivity loss for our small effects of interest by drowning them in un(cor)related fluctuations. Second, noise may correlate with effects, reducing specificity or increasing false positives by conflating them with fluctuations of non-neuronal origin. Here, we revisit how both the scanner and the subject generate noise in fMRI time series through different pathways, namely as thermal noise, encoding noise (magnetic field), and physiological noise of different origin.

We structure different approaches to noise mitigation following the recycling waste hierarchy, which also applies to sustainable science: avoid, reduce, reuse.

Target Audience

  • Any researcher performing or analyzing fMRI studies


  1. Understand noise mechanisms compromising fMRI data, such as thermal, encoding (magnetic field) and physiological noise (motion, cardiac and respiratory cycle)
  2. Avoid noise at the acquisition stage by suitable MR protocol, hardware and subject setup choices
  3. Reduce noise through image pre-processing techniques, through data-driven intrinsic correction methods (e.g., Independent Component Analysis, Global Signal Regression) or model-based approaches based on external recordings (e.g., RETROICOR, HRV and RVT)
  4. Reuse identified noise in statistical models to discern effects of neuronal origin from false positives
  5. Learn about latest developments in both data-driven (Aquino, Frederick) and mechanistic noise modeling (Mitsis)


Noise as "signal fluctuation of no interest" is the eminent adversary when studying brain function. First, it incurs sensitivity loss for our small effects of interest by drowning them in un(cor)related fluctuations. Second, noise may correlate with effects, reducing specificity or increasing false positives by conflating them with fluctuations of non-neuronal origin. Here, we revisit how both the scanner and the subject generate noise in fMRI time series through different pathways, namely as thermal noise, encoding noise (magnetic field [4]), and physiological noise of different origin (see reviews [6,13]). Specifically, the impact of motion [15-18], cardiac and respiratory physiology is scrutinized. We structure different approaches to noise mitigation following the recycling waste hierarchy, which also applies to sustainable science: avoid, reduce, reuse. Classical data-driven (ICA, FIX [20], AROMA [19], Global Signal Regression [1,8,14]) as well as model-based (RETROICOR [9], HRV [7], RVT, [2,3,11], toolboxes [5,10]) denoising techniques are discussed, as well as acquisition-specific variants (ME-ICA, [12]).
For more details, please see the recorded video and slides and refer to the listed references.


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  1. Aquino, K.M., Fulcher, B.D., Parkes, L., Sabaroedin, K., Fornito, A., 2020. Identifying and removing widespread signal deflections from fMRI data: Rethinking the global signal regression problem. NeuroImage 116614.
  2. Birn, R.M., Diamond, J.B., Smith, M.A., Bandettini, P.A., 2006. Separating respiratory-variation-related fluctuations from neuronal-activity-related fluctuations in fMRI. NeuroImage 31, 1536–1548.
  3. Birn, R.M., Smith, M.A., Jones, T.B., Bandettini, P.A., 2008. The respiration response function: The temporal dynamics of fMRI signal fluctuations related to changes in respiration. NeuroImage 40, 644–654.
  4. Bollmann, S., Kasper, L., Vannesjo, S.J., Diaconescu, A.O., Dietrich, B.E., Gross, S., Stephan, K.E., Pruessmann, K.P., 2017. Analysis and correction of field fluctuations in fMRI data using field monitoring. NeuroImage, Cleaning up the fMRI time series: Mitigating noise with advanced acquisition and correction strategies 154, 92–105.
  5. Brooks, J.C.W., Beckmann, C.F., Miller, K.L., Wise, R.G., Porro, C.A., Tracey, I., Jenkinson, M., 2008. Physiological noise modelling for spinal functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. NeuroImage 39, 680–692.
  6. Caballero-Gaudes, C., Reynolds, R.C., 2017. Methods for cleaning the BOLD fMRI signal. NeuroImage, Cleaning up the fMRI time series: Mitigating noise with advanced acquisition and correction strategies 154, 128–149.
  7. Chang, C., Cunningham, J.P., Glover, G.H., 2009. Influence of heart rate on the BOLD signal: The cardiac response function. NeuroImage 44, 857–869.
  8. Glasser, M.F., Coalson, T.S., Bijsterbosch, J.D., Harrison, S.J., Harms, M.P., Anticevic, A., Van Essen, D.C., Smith, S.M., 2018. Using temporal ICA to selectively remove global noise while preserving global signal in functional MRI data. NeuroImage 181, 692–717.
  9. Glover, G.H., Li, T.Q., Ress, D., 2000. Image-based method for retrospective correction of physiological motion effects in fMRI: RETROICOR. Magn Reson Med 44, 162–7.
  10. Kasper, L., Bollmann, S., Diaconescu, A.O., Hutton, C., Heinzle, J., Iglesias, S., Hauser, T.U., Sebold, M., Manjaly, Z.-M., Pruessmann, K.P., Stephan, K.E., 2017. The PhysIO Toolbox for Modeling Physiological Noise in fMRI Data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 276, 56–72.
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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)