Illsung Joo1, Margaret Koletar1, Wilfred W Lam1, Wendy Oakden1, Greg J Stanisz1, JoAnne McLaurin1, and Bojana Stefanovic1
1Physical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
disease (AD) has complex underlying mechanism associated with
progressive decline in multiple aspects of brain functions. This work
aims to characterize cerebral metabolic alteration in presymptomatic
AD in terms of glucose uptake and β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB)
concentration in hippocampus (HC) and entorhinal cortex (EC) of rat
model of AD using MR imaging and spectroscopic techniques. Glucose
uptake was significantly reduced in HC and trending toward decrease
in EC with signs of elevated HC βHB concentration in AD transgenic
rat when compared to metabolic markers in healthy subjects,
demonstrating that metabolic alteration precedes onset of AD
cognitive symptoms.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related progressive dementia with complex
interaction of multiple contributing factors, making our understanding of the
disease and development of effective treatment options difficult. Despite this
challenge, numerous clinically-relevant finding have been gathered from pathological
characterization at various stages in the disease progression. In particular,
AD pathologies in early stage of the disease are of significant interest since
early biomarkers play important role in expanding our understanding of the
disease. Having established that microvascular and neuronal dysfunction precedes
AD clinical symptoms in an animal model of AD, we set out to characterize
cerebral metabolism in presymptomatic AD using MR techniques that assess
glucose uptake, ketone body concentration and resting perfusion in hippocampus
(HC) and entorhinal cortex (EC).Methods
8.5-month-old transgenic rat model of Alzheimer’s disease on Fischer 344
background (TgF344-AD) was employed based on previous works that defined
onset of cognitive deficits in this disease model 1,2. HC and EC of
20 rats (9 TgF344-AD and 11 age-matched homozygous non-transgenic (nTg)
littermates) were studied using the imaging protocol put together for this project.
The protocol included pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) for
resting perfusion and chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) with 2-Deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) infusion and
magnetic spectroscopy (MRS) for relative estimation of glucose uptake and
ketone body concentration, respectively. An oblique 1mm thick imaging slice
that spans 20 x 20mm (64x64 matrix) to include hippocampus and entorhinal
cortex in both hemispheres was chosen for maximal cross-sectional area of both
regions. Resting perfusion imaging was facilitated with pCASL 3
where 32 labelled-control EPI pairs were acquired for each of nine PLDs from 0
to 1750ms with a TR/TE of 4000/11ms for a total scan time of 40 mins. Glucose
uptake was inferred from intracellular accumulation of 2DG and its byproduct by
examining dynamic CEST signals 4 (12 repetitions of offsets at 1.2,
2.0 and 2.9ppm) acquired after 2DG infusion. Sixty minutes of dynamic CEST
signals for glucose uptake imaging at 1.6-minutes of interval on saturation
offsets for hydroxyl groups in 2DG was normalized by 20-minute-long baseline
signals. Lastly, single-voxel 1H MRS (point-resolved spectroscopic
sequence) with TR/TE of 2500/16ms was performed on hippocampus. All MR
procedures were performed on a 7T preclinical horizontal system (Bruker Biospec
70/30, Ettlingen, Germany) with a volume coil for transmission and a 20mm-diameter
loop coil for reception. Animals fasted overnight prior to imaging for enhanced
glucose uptake contrast. Blood glucose and β-hydroxybutyrate (βHB) concentrations
were measured from venous blood sample using blood glucose and ketone
monitoring system.Results
fasting resulted in 10% blood glucose reduction (Table 1) and 94% βHB increase from
baseline levels which were indistinguishable between TgF344-AD and nTg rats. Post-2DG
measurements of blood glucose and βHB concentration at the end of the imaging
session showed drastic elevation in both glucose and βHB. Resting perfusions in
TgF344-AD and nTg rats are plotted in Figure 1, showing that resting perfusions
in HC (TgF344-AD: 156±16 ml/min/100ml tissue; nTg: 150±12 ml/min/100ml tissue;
p = 0.8) and EC (TgF344-AD: 170±22 ml/min/100ml tissue; nTg: 159±18 ml/min/100ml
tissue; p = 0.7) are not significantly different, indicating that the difference
in glucose uptake is not being driven by the genotype-related difference in cerebral
perfusion. Among the CEST data acquired around the 2DG infusion, HC signal
acquired with 2ppm saturation offset (Figure 2) shows that the glucose uptake
is significantly attenuated in TgF344-AD rats due to short-lived window of
glucose uptake. While entorhinal cortex exhibited comparable trend in glucose
uptake (not shown), smaller magnitude of signal rise with high inter-subject
variability places limitation on interpretation of EC glucose uptake. CEST
signals acquired at 2.9 and 1.2 ppm also resulted in smaller magnitude of
response to 2DG infusion with similar trend in response onset and return to
baseline compared to signals acquired at 2.0 ppm (not shown). Lastly, preliminary
analysis of spectroscopy data from select rats showed βHB peaks that can be quantified
to concentration that follows the trend reported with blood βHB measurements
over the imaging session.Discussion
Present study details an MR protocol intended for regional assessment of
cerebral metabolism, an important biomarker in healthy brain function.
Methodologically, this work provides a use case where a combination of MR
techniques results in an MR protocol conducive for preemptive assessment of
neurodegeneration in clinic compared to existing techniques that are not suited
for the purpose. Using the protocol, presymptomatic TgF344-AD rats are shown to
exhibit significant metabolic attenuation in hippocampus deranged from normal
metabolic rates observed in healthy subjects. This work reveals another concealed
aspect of progressive deterioration in brain that is highly likely to be a factor
in the neurodegenerative outcomes. Combined with previously established
microvascular and neuronal dysfunction in this presymptomatic model of AD, 2
this study provides detailed account of brain function in the absence of
cognitive symptoms.Conclusion
preclinical study has shown that alterations in cerebral metabolism predate clinical
symptom onset using transgenic rat model of AD. This alteration in cerebral
metabolism in tandem with microvascular and neuronal dysfunction seen in early
stage of the disease provides detailed depiction of cerebral function in
presymptomatic state and supplements our pathoetiological understanding of the most
common form of dementia.Acknowledgements
This study
worked under the approval from the Animal Care Committee of the Sunnybrook Health
Sciences Center, adhering to the Policies and Guidelines of the Canadian Council on Animal
Care and meets all the requirements
of the Provincial Statute of Ontario, Animals for Research Act as well as those
of the Federal Health of Animals
Act. Dr. Terrence Town and Dr. Tara M. Weitz provided breeding pairs of the successful development of TgF344-AD rat colonies used in this study.References
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