Kamlesh B. Patel1, Cihat Eldeniz2, Gary B. Skolnick3, Udayabhanu Jammalamadaka2, Paul K. Commean2, Manu S. Goyal2, Matthew D. Smyth4, and Hongyu An2
1Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 2Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 3Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 4Neurosurgery, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States
Ionizing radiation
from computed tomography (CT) imaging increases the risk of cancer. Patients
with craniosynostosis often undergo repeated head CT scans, exacerbating the
cumulative risk. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has the potential to be a
radiation-free safe alternative. Previously proposed methods in this area are
not widely utilized because of suboptimal osseous/soft tissue contrast, vulnerability
to motion, and the need for manual post-processing. In this study, we propose a
high-resolution radial MRI protocol with improved tissue contrast and less
sensitivity to motion. Moreover, we seek to evaluate its feasibility by using a
blinded clinical evaluation.
radiation from computed tomography (CT) imaging increases the risk of cancer.
Children under 5 years of age are at greatest risk [1–6]. Patients with craniosynostosis often
undergo repeated head CT scans, exacerbating the cumulative risk.
Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) has the potential to be a safe alternative to CT because MRI does
not expose patients to ionizing radiation. Eley et al. [7,8] proposed a “Black Bone” protocol that results
in dark signal intensities in the osseous tissue, enabling the extraction of
skull after an inversion of the image intensities. However, Black Bone methods
are not widely utilized because of (1) suboptimal osseous/soft tissue contrast,
(2) motion artifacts that often require patient sedation, and (3) the need for
manual, operator-dependent post-processing. As a result, the capability of MRI
to produce CT-like 3D-reconstructed images of the cranium has been very limited [9]. In this
pilot study, we propose to develop a high-resolution radial MRI protocol in
order to improve osseous/soft tissue contrast and to reduce sensitivity to
motion. Moreover, we seek to evaluate its feasibility in pediatric patients
with craniosynostosis and possibly other cranial malformation, by using a
blinded clinical evaluation. This study has the potential to provide the
craniofacial community an alternative imaging method that avoids the risks of
radiation exposure.METHODS
Upon Institutional Review
Board approval, informed consent was obtained from the parent(s) of all
participating children. Figure 1 lists the patient statistics. A healthy
subject was also scanned to compare the proposed method with the Black
Bone protocol.
MRI images were acquired
using a 3T Prisma, a 3T VIDA, and a 3T Biograph mMR scanner (Siemens Healthineers,
Erlangen, Germany) with either a 32-channel or a 20-channel head coil. A Fast
Low-Angle Shot (FLASH) Golden-Angle 3D stack-of-stars radial VIBE sequence
(GA-VIBE) [10] was used to acquire images. A radial
sequence was preferred here since it is more robust to motion. The imaging
parameters were as follows: TR/TE = 4.84ms/2.47 ms, Bandwidth = 410 Hz/pixel,
224 slices per slab, transverse orientation, Flip angle = 3°, Acquisition
matrix = 320 × 320, Voxel size 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.8 mm and number of radial lines =
400 for a scan duration of 5 minutes and 4 seconds. The protocol was designed
to maximize the image contrast between bone and all non-osseous tissues by
choosing an in-phase TE value and a small flip angle (3°) to increase proton
density weighting.
The CT scans followed
standard clinical pediatric methods. A multi-slice Siemens SOMATOM Definition
Flash or Force CT scanner (Siemens Medical Systems, Inc., Iselin, NJ) was used
with slice thickness ranging from 0.6 mm to 1mm and pixel spacing ranging from
0.31 x 0.31mm to 0.39 x 0.39 mm.
MR and CT images were
manually processed in 3DSlicer [11]. First, MR images were registered to CT
images for each participant using a rigid-body plus scaling
transformation. MR scans were then
processed with bias correction (using N4iTK algorithm), masking, intensity
inversion, recursive Gaussian filtering and volume rendering to yield 3D images
of the skull. CT scan rendering follows standard clinical pediatric methods and
employs the preset bone intensity threshold. Rendered images of the
reconstructions in different views were then captured at 15° increments in
horizontal and vertical rotations for a total of 48 images (24 horizontal and
24 vertical) per patient scan. The screenshots for each MRI and CT scan were
later compiled into a slide deck for review.
A craniofacial plastic surgeon (KBP), a pediatric neurosurgeon (MDS), and a neuroradiologist (MSG) compared the 3D-reconstructed images from MRI data to the
gold-standard CT-based images. The reviewers were blinded to scan modality and patient information. They independently assessed the anatomic
presence or absence (open, partially open, or closed) of the six cranial
Figure 2 exhibits the
robustness of the radial GA-VIBE sequence to motion, in comparison with the
Cartesian Black Bone sequence. Both sequences were run back-to-back and the
Black Bone sequence seems more vulnerable to motion.
Figure 3 demonstrates 3D
renderings for two patients. The resemblance of the MR-based renderings to the
CT-based ones is promising.
Since there were 3
reviewers, 9 patients and 6 sutures per patient, 162 assessments were made per
imaging modality. As for visibility, reviewers reported clear imaging of the
sutures in 159 cases for CT and in 157 cases for MR. The remaining sutures were
marked “partially visible”. As for the sensitivity and the specificity of MRI
to suture closure, Figure 4 compares the classification of the sutures for both
modalities. The sensitivity of MRI to suture closure was 100% (45/45) while the
specificity was 95% (100/105).DISCUSSION
The GA-VIBE sequence is high-resolution,
robust to motion, and has competent tissue contrast to allow for the extraction
of skull without much difficulty. This method is 100% sensitive and 95%
specific to suture closure, which is critical for clinical diagnosis. The main
advantage is saving children from radiation, while the main disadvantage is the
acquisition time compared to CT.CONCLUSION
method was shown to be capable of providing clinically acceptable
3D-reconstructed cranial images. Future directions include reducing the scan
time, applying motion correction, and automation of post processing for
clinical utility.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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