Magdoom Kulam Najmudeen1, Dario Gasbarra2, and Peter J Basser1
1SQITS/NICHD, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
A new signal model is introduced for diffusion tensor distribution imaging which is monotonically decreasing for all b-values unlike the cumulant and kurtosis models. A constrained multi-normal distribution is used as the tensor distribution which is fully characterized by the 2nd order mean and 4th order covariance tensors. A theoretical framework is presented showing the richness of covariance tensor, using synthetic gray and white matter voxels, and the ability to estimate the mean and covariance tensor from noisy MR signal.
Estimating a diffusion
tensor distribution (DTD) within a voxel has the potential to reveal features
of the underlying microstructure in unprecedented detail. However, a proper model
relating the MR signal to microstructure is critical for achieving such super-resolution.
Jian et al. proposed a signal model [1] for an arbitrary DTD, p(D), in the
Gaussian diffusion regime assuming a discrete mixture of Wishart distributions
for p(D). The diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model [2] effectively assumes p(D) to be a delta
function. The kurtosis [3] and cumulant models [4] while not assuming a parametric form for p(D)
are limited to be used at low b-values due to the unphysical global minimum
they possess in their signal curves (Figure 1). This effectively limits the amount
of microstructure information that one could glean from such models given that
DTI successfully accounts for most of the signal at low b-values. Here a new
signal model is proposed which is monotonically decreasing for all b-values,
overcoming the limitations of the kurtosis and cumulant models. A theoretical framework
is also developed for validating the estimated DTD from the new model using synthetic
data, providing a proof of principle.Methods
multi-normal distribution constrained within the manifold of positive
semi-definite diffusion tensors,$$$\mathcal{M}^+$$$, is proposed for p(D)
that is fully characterized by the mean and covariance tensors. It is based on
the application of the central limit theorem, which is justified by the large
voxel size of typical MRI scans and the large number of micro voxels they
contain. The resulting signal model is given by,
$$S(\mathbf{b}) = S_0 e^{-\mathbf{b}.\overline{\mathbf{D}}+\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{b}.\Sigma\mathbf{b}} \frac{Z[\overline{\mathbf{D}}-\Sigma.\mathbf{b},\Sigma]}{Z[\overline{\mathbf{D}},\Sigma]}$$
where b is a 2nd-order b-tensor and $$$\overline{\mathbf{D}}$$$ is a 2nd-order
mean diffusion tensor transformed into 6 x 1 vectors, ∑ is the 4th-order
covariance tensor transformed into a 6 x 6 matrix [5], and $$$Z$$$ is the partition function
given by,
$$Z[\overline{\mathbf{D}},\Sigma] = \int_{\mathcal{M}^+} e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{D}-\overline{\mathbf{D}})\Sigma^{-1}(\mathbf{D}-\overline{\mathbf{D}})} d\mathbf{D}$$
can be shown that the above constrained multi-normal distribution has the maximum
entropy among all probability distributions supported in $$$\mathcal{M}^+$$$ which makes the proposed signal model unique for a
given constrained mean and covariance tensors. The ability to estimate the mean and
covariance tensors from the MR data is shown using the following simulation
framework. Synthetic MR signals were generated using the above model for DTDs with
known mean and covariance. Monte Carlo integration was used to evaluate the
integrals in the signal expression. Gaussian noise was added to the signal in
quadrature such that the signal-to-noise ratio was 10 for the largest b-value
simulated. The noisy signals were then used to estimate the mean and covariance
by fitting the data to the model using nonlinear least-squares routine. Given
the uniqueness of the signal model, the efficacy of the estimation was
evaluated by comparing the simulated signal with that computed based on the estimated
Two different DTDs
were simulated--one each for gray and white matter. The gray matter voxel was
synthesized by generating microvoxel samples from a multi-normal distribution
with an isotropic mean and a covariance tensor characterized by two constants, λ and μ [4], [5] resulting in an emulsion of
micro diffusion tensors for λ ≠ 0 and μ = 0 (Figure
1). White matter voxels were generated by fixing the eigenvectors of the micro diffusion
tensors along the principal fiber directions while randomly picking eigenvalues
from a constrained normal distribution such that they are always positive with mean $$$D_\parallel = 2 D_\perp$$$ and $$$\sigma_{D_\parallel} << \sigma_{D_\perp}$$$ (Figure 2). Such a tensor distribution is
expected to be observed in aligned white matter fiber bundles in a voxel consisting
of axons with different major and minor radii [6]. Results and Discussion
The simulated white
matter voxel is shown in Figure 2 along with the structure of its mean and
covariance tensors. The mean tensor is anisotropic along the principal fiber
directions as expected while the covariance tensor glyph shows the axis of
maximum variance in the transverse plane as expected shown by the cross-like
structure perpendicular to the fiber axes. The resulting full 6 x 6 covariance
matrix is also markedly richer compared to the isotropic emulsion case shown in
Figure 1, estimated in other imaging studies using the cumulant model [4]. The results of the model fit are shown in
Figure 3 for both the voxels showing good agreement between the simulated and
estimated data. This work demonstrates the ability of this framework to estimate
both the 2-parameter isotropic and 21-parameter general covariance matrices
from MR data. In practice, large b-value acquisitions are required to reliably
estimate the covariance structure, which are increasingly available clinically with
the advent of “connectome-type” MRI scanners. Conclusion
new model for estimating a normal DTD is proposed which is applicable for any
b-value. The covariance tensor, displayed with a 3D glyph, is shown to contain rich
intra-voxel microstructural information not previously revealed in other DTD
studies. A simulation framework is also presented to establish the feasibility of
estimating the mean and covariance of the DTD with realistic SNR values. Acknowledgements
work was funded by the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, and with some support from the NIH BRAIN Initiative U01-
“Connectome 2.0: Developing the next generation human MRI scanner for bridging
studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome”, 1U01EB026996-01. We would like to thank Dan
Benjamini for insightful discussion.References
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