Exploring the reliability of ComBat for multi-site diffusion MRI harmonization
Suheyla Cetin Karayumak1,2, Lily O’Sullivan2, Monica Gabriella Lyons2, Marek Kubicki1,2, and Yogesh Rathi1,2
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States


This study thoroughly explores the reliability of a statistical multi-site diffusion-MRI harmonization method, ComBat, using a large diffusion-MRI dataset involving 5 sites. Additionally, we demonstrate the effects of using different software packages to estimate the diffusion tensor on the harmonization performance of ComBat. Even when the processing steps (and software) were identical for all sites, ComBat altered the inter-group variability at each site and in some regions flipped the direction of effect-sizes. Finally, when different software packages were used to estimate the diffusion tensor at different sites, ComBat introduced much drastic effects, thereby reducing the reliability of the results.


Large collaborative efforts have led to Big-Data initiatives1,2, aimed at improving the poor reproducibility of small neuroimaging studies and gaining statistical power to detect subtle changes in neurological disorders. However, scanner induced bias especially in diffusion-MRI (dMRI) signal, limits direct pooling of the multi-site dMRI data. “Harmonization” of multi-site dMRI datasets can dramatically increase the statistical power of neuroimaging studies and enable comparative studies pertaining to several brain disorders3–7. Harmonization methods can be grouped into two: (1) pre-harmonization methods4–6,8: apply the harmonization at the signal level early in the preprocessing pipeline to avoid additional bias downstream in data processing and model fitting9,10; (2) post-harmonization methods1,7: use statistical approaches to pool the diffusion measures (e.g. fractional anisotropy (FA)) after model fitting and data processing. In this study, we look at two important aspects of using ComBat7,11 (a post-harmonization statistical pooling method) for harmonization, which have not been thoroughly explored before: 1) How reliably does ComBat preserve effect-sizes when used for harmonization, and 2) What are the effects of using different software packages to estimate the diffusion tensor on the harmonization performance of ComBat. A successful harmonization algorithm should preserve the inter-subject variability from each site while removing only the scanner-specific effects and be minimally sensitive to changes in the preprocessing steps. This study aims to answer these questions (#1 and #2 above) by harmonizing FA across 5 sites using ComBat.


We used dMRI data from 542 subjects including 291 schizophrenia patients and 251 healthy controls, recruited from 5 sites. Refer to Figure 1 for demographics and acquisition parameters. A standardized processing procedure (eddy current and motion correction) was applied to all subjects. Next, we computed FA using three software packages (FSL12, MRtrix13 and Slicer14) with ordinary least squares fitting. To compare the whole brain white matter and major bundles across sites, FA atlas in MNI space13,15 was registered to the FA maps in subject space16. Later, we warped the white matter probabilistic atlas (IIT atlas16) consisting of 17 bundles to the subject space. Mean FA was computed in bundles and whole brain maps, and used as input to ComBat harmonization method (refer to Figure 2 for an overview of the preprocessing steps). Finally, effect-sizes for FA differences, Cohen’s d, was computed between all patients and controls, as well as separately between healthy females and males to assess group differences. The effect-sizes were computed before and after ComBat harmonization at each site for comparative analysis.


We conducted two experiments to assess whether the inter-group variability (biological differences measured by FA, between (i) female and male healthy controls, and (ii) controls and schizophrenia patients) were preserved after harmonization. Of note, effect-sizes before and after harmonization is referred to as “before” and “after” respectively in experiments and figures.
(Experiment-1) First, we assessed the effect-sizes after harmonization, where FA was computed using FSL for all sites and given as input to ComBat harmonization algorithm. Figure 3 depicts effect-sizes between healthy females and males at site 1 and site 5, both before and after harmonization with ComBat. In this experiment, data pre-processing was done in a consistent manner with the same software. At site 1, the effect-sizes were almost preserved before and after harmonization (barring a reduction in effect-size for left-inferior-fronto-occipital-fasciculus). However, for site 5, after harmonization, the effect-sizes for almost all fiber bundles are altered. Notably, ComBat seems to have increased the effect-sizes across many fiber bundles. Most importantly, in a few fiber bundles, the sign of the effect-size is flipped, indicating that after harmonization the direction of the differences were reversed, which can dramatically reduce reliability of the results.
(Experiment-2) Second, to explore how subtle changes in the processing pipeline affects harmonization, each site used different software to compute FA which were given as input to ComBat harmonization algorithm. Figure 4 depicts effect-sizes between controls and patients at site 3, both before and after harmonization with ComBat. When different software was used for each site to compute FA, which were given as input to harmonization, effect-sizes were not preserved after harmonization and the absolute differences between “before” and “after” were up to 0.7. According to Cohen’s d criteria, this difference is considered large. In addition, we point out to the bundles where the effect-sizes changed direction (e.g. right-cingulum-hippocampal). These results demonstrate that inter-group variability was not preserved after harmonization and changes in the preprocessing pipeline induced much larger biases, which were not properly accounted for by ComBat.

Discussion and Conclusion

In this study, using a large dataset of 542 subjects from 5 sites, we evaluated the reliability and sensitivity of ComBat in harmonizing multi-site dMRI data. Even when the processing steps (and software) were identical for all sites, ComBat harmonization seems to alter the inter-group differences and in some cases flip the direction of effect-sizes. Additionally, when different software packages were used to estimate the diffusion tensor at different sites, the harmonization algorithm introduced much drastic effects in the data, thereby reducing the reliability of the results. We thus suggest caution while using post-harmonization methods like ComBat. Most importantly, we recommend not to combine dMRI measures processed with different software packages.


The authors would like to thank to these grants: NIH R01 MH119222 (Rathi), NIH R01 MH102377 (Kubicki)


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Figure 1 - All dMRI data were collected as part of separate, individual studies. Basic demographics and diffusion MRI acquisition information of each site are provided in the table.

Figure 2 – Pre-processing steps of dMRI data collected from 5 sites: (0) All dMRI data is axis aligned, motion and eddy current corrected using the same pipeline; (1) for all subjects, FA is computed using three software with ordinary least squares fitting; (2) FA atlas is registered to each subject space using antsRegistration and probabilistic maps for 17 major bundles and whole brain white matter tissue map is warped to the subject space; (3) mean FA of whole brain white matter and 17 bundles are computed and given as input to ComBat harmonization.

Figure 3 – Effect-sizes of FA differences between female and male healthy controls are computed to assess whether the inter-subject variability is preserved after harmonization. The results are shown for site 1 and site 5 for whole brain and 17 bundles. Purple bar represents effect-sizes between two groups before harmonization (“before”). Orange bar represents effect-sizes after harmonization, where FSL’s FA was given as input to the harmonization (“after”). Data pre-processing was done in a consistent manner with the same software.

Figure 4 – Effect-sizes of FA differences between controls and patients are computed to assess whether the inter-subject variability is preserved after harmonization. The results are shown for Site 3 for whole brain and 17 bundles. Purple bar represents effect-sizes between two groups before harmonization (“before”). Orange bar represents effect-sizes after harmonization, where FSL’s FA was given as input to the harmonization (“after”). To explore how subtle change in the preprocessing affects harmonization, different software to compute FA were given as input to ComBat.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)