Quantitative tissue diffusion parameters derived
from diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) models hold promise for diagnostic and
prognostic clinical oncology applications. System-dependent spatial DW bias due to gradient nonlinearity (GNL) is known confounding factor
for quantitative DWI metrics. Improved accuracy and multiplatform
reproducibility was previously demonstrated for mono-exponential apparent
diffusion coefficient with correction for platform-dependent GNL bias
(GNC). Complex tumor microenvironment often exhibits multi-exponential diffusion
described by isotropic kurtosis model. This study proposes analytical extension and demonstrates
empirical confirmation for GNC of parametric maps derived from diffusion
kurtosis model.
Non-uniform diffusion weighting (DW) due to
system-specific gradient nonlinearity (GNL)1,2 for off-center anatomy3,4 has been a major confounding factor for
accuracy and reproducibility of mono-exponential (MEM) apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) metrics in multi-platform cancer imaging trials3,5. Effective ADC correction
of GNL-induced multiplicative DW bias has been demonstrated for tissue of
arbitrary anisotropy using orthogonal three-direction DWI acquisition2-4. Comprehensive description of complex tumor
microenvironment from DWI6,7
involves non-Gaussian diffusion models8. This study proposes extension of GNL-bias
correction (GNC) developed for ADC to quantitative parameters derived from
non-Gaussian diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) model for orthogonal multi-b acquisition.METHODS
Analytical models: Correction of multiplicative GNL bias, Cb =||b’||/||b||=
mean(trace(Luk(Luk)T) (for
orthogonal 3-direction, uk,
DWI acquisition and system GNL tensor1, L) previously developed for MEM diffusivity2, ADC=ADC’/Cb, was analytically extended for DKI model parameters
(Figure 1a): apparent kurtosis, K, and
diffusivity, DK.. Practical
GNC implementations were compared for vectorized (whole-volume) b-value GNCb, b’=Cb·b, and closed-form MEM DWI-intensity GNCS (Eq.[1])2, Sc=S0(1-1/C)Sb’1/C. Corresponding GNC of DKI parametric maps for biased intensity
Sb’-fit parameters, was (Eq.[2]): DK = DK’/Cb, K = K’; and MEM corrected intensity, SC-fit (Eq.[3]): DK = DKc, K = Kc/Cb.
measurements: DKI phantom and volunteer brain
were scanned on a clinical 3T system at magnet isocenter (bias-free “Z0” reference,
Cb =1) and at 12-13cm
superior offset (“Z12”, with finite GNL bias, Cb =0.7-0.75). The DKI phantom9 (Figure 2), included four materials (in vials V1,
V2, V6, V7) with K > 0.5, as well
as, three MEM, K = 0, diffusion media
(V3, V4, V5). Brain white matter (WM) provided in vivo K>0.8 typical
of solid tumor environment6,7.
The seven 4mm coronal DWI sections of the phantom were scanned over a large FOV
= 450mm2 using three orthogonal DWI directions, TR/TE = 5/.152s,
1.5x1.5mm2 voxel, and b = 0, .1, .2, .5, .8, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 ms/µm2. Same DWI directions and voxel dimensions were
used for 25 axial sections of the brain DWI with FOV = 255mm2, TR/TE
= 4.5/.106s and b = 0, .2, .8, 1.5,
2.5, 3.5 ms/µm2.
analysis: Prior to GNC for brain, all
individual DWIb>0 directions were registered to b=0ms/µm2 using Elastix10 to minimize apparent eddy-current and
motion artifacts. The 3D b-maps, Cb(r), were generated on the scanner using
vendor reconstruction patch11, implementing previously published algorithms2, and exported as DICOM series. Directional DWI
intensity correction, GNCS, was performed offline using Eq.[1]2. Parametric
DK and K maps were derived using linear least squares fit for voxel log-signal
versus b-value (Fig.1), observing DKI
model convergence constraint, bmax
< 3/(DKK).8 GNC effect on
fit DKI parametric maps (Eqs.[2,3])
for Z12 offset location versus Z0 reference was quantified from 3-slice phantom
and WM ROI histograms, binned between values of .1 and 2.5 with a bin-step of .03.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Figure 1 shows consistency of analytical prediction (Eqs.[2,3]) for GNL bias (magenta)
and correction (blue, cyan) with phantom and brain DKI results. b-value GNCb (Fig.1, dashed blue)
overlapped with the reference (green) over reduced b-range (consistent with the Cb=0.7-0.75).
The MEM-approximation (Eq.[1])
for GNCS under-estimated DWI for b>1
μs/mm2 (Fig.1, dashed cyan) and effectively “transferred”
GNL-bias on to Kc (Fig.1, cyan legend). For biased
DWI (Sb’) fit, only
diffusivity required (inverse-multiplicative) correction by GNCb, Eq.[2], while K was nominally bias-free (Fig.1, magenta legend). This
was reversed for GNCS fit-parameters (Eq.[3], Fig.1, cyan legend).
Figure 2 further confirms adequate correction (right) of DKI
parametric maps at Z12 offset (middle) compared to Z0 reference (left) using proposed
analytical formalism Eqs.[2,3].
As is evident from Z12 Cb-map
color-gradient (Fig.2, top),
GNL-induced bias changes
between .7 and .85 across the coronal phantom map. This leads to
apparent loss of DK
resolution between V2 and V6 (magenta histograms) compared to reference
(green), which is recovered by correction (blue: Eq.[2], cyan: Eq.[3]). In contrast, the close K-values for these phantoms are preserved
independent of bias (single K=1.6 magenta
histogram peak). Overall, GNC restores mean DK and K
values to within 3% of the reference for DKI phantom spectrum.
Figure 3 WM GNC results are consistent with observations for
DKI phantom. No significant bias effect is evident for WM kurtosis at Z12 (overlapping
K- histograms), while original average
GNL-induced bias (Cb~.7-.8,
Fig.3 top) in mean DK~.6 μm2/ms (magenta
histogram) is effectively corrected (blue, cyan histograms) restoring reference values,
DK~.8 μm2/ms, at isocenter (green). Broad WM DKI parameter histograms reflect biological
For DKI model, multiplicative GNL DWI bias only effects
fit mean diffusivity parameter, analytically coupled to b-value, while kurtosis is bias-free. Practical correction using
instrumental b-bias maps is
implemented for diffusivity fit from uncorrected DWI, and for kurtosis
parameter fit for DWI corrected assuming mono-exponential diffusion.Acknowledgements
National Institutes of Health Grants:
R01-CA190299, U01-CA166104, U24-CA237683References
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