Investigating the effect of diffusion MRI acquisition parameters on free water signal fraction estimates from 3-tissue CSD techniques
Benjamin T Newman1,2, Thijs Dhollander3,4, and T. Jason Druzgal1,2
1Department of Radiology & Medical Imaging, Division of Neuroradiology, University of Virginia Health System, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Brain Institute, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 3The Florey Department of Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 4The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Melbourne, Australia


The CSF-like free water signal fraction is an advanced diffusion MRI metric representing the freely diffusing water in brain tissue. Different methods to calculate the free water signal fraction using constrained spherical deconvolution exist but it is still unknown how variation in data quality and acquisition affect measurements. Using a large clinical dataset with highly variable acquisition schemes, this study shows that the various acquisition parameters significantly affect outcome free water signal fraction, though the multi-shell analysis method is more susceptible than the single-shell method. This highlights the importance of harmonization and quality clinical imaging.


Free water signal fraction is an advanced diffusion MRI-derived measure of brain microstructure that can reliably measure the infiltration of freely diffusing water into brain tissue1. It is possible to obtain the free water signal fraction from either single-shell (SS3T-CSD)2 or multi-shell (MSMT-CSD)3 constrained spherical deconvolution methods. Data harmonization in diffusion MRI has been recently emphasized as a means to improve reliability and to minimize site and scanner effects4-7. Many clinical datasets however, are not collected using standardized protocols. It is necessary to assess the influence of changing acquisition parameters, especially on advanced diffusion analysis techniques, if there is a goal of eventual application in a clinical setting. Additionally, there are frequently unique clinical populations that are difficult to collect in a research setting. If retrospective analysis is to be performed on these subjects the effect of different acquisitions must be determined. In this context the comparative robustness of different diffusion analysis techniques is important to consider. If the outcome of one technique is less dependent on input acquisition parameters, signal from an underlying pathology of interest may be easier to observe. In this work, we evaluate the dependence of MSMT-CSD and SS3T-CSD derived free water fractions on acquisition parameters.


Clinical diffusion MRI data were collected from 100 patients with medication-refractory symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) at the University of Virginia Hospital prior to the implantation of a deep brain stimulator electrode. These images were obtained with one of 27 different combinations of 8 separate acquisition parameters, however all datasets had a single non b=0 valued shell of b=1000s/mm2. All subjects had documented demographic information including age, time since initial PD diagnosis, Total Movement Disorders Society, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) scores, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores. The full list of acquisition parameters and ranges for all imaging and demographic factors are presented in Figure 1.
The diffusion data were analyzed using MSMT-CSD3 in MRtrix38 and SS3T-CSD2 available in MRtrix3Tissue (https://3tissue.github.io/), a fork of MRtrix3. It should be noted that MSMT-CSD outputs only two compartments for these single-shell data: a white matter (WM) and a CSF compartment, the latter of which was used to calculate free water. Several preprocessing steps utilized FSL9. Diffusion images were denoised10, corrected for Gibbs ringing11, susceptibility distortions12, motion13, and eddy currents14. All images were then resampled to a voxel size of 1.3x1.3x1.3mm3. Average response functions were generated for WM, grey matter (GM), and CSF from the images15 and the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) calculated for each voxel2,3. Tissue signal fractions were calculated from the FODs in each cohort and the CSF-like tissue compartment was restricted to voxels where the majority of signal fraction was from a combination of the WM-like and GM-like compartments as a measurement of free water. All free water maps were transformed to MNI space via WM-FOD based registration of each subject’s diffusion data to the diffusion template created by Hsu et al.16. In MNI space a weighted average was calculated for 27 ROIs from bilateral probabilistic cytoarchitectonic maps17-19, free water signal fraction was additionally calculated across the whole brain parenchyma.
Statistical analysis was performed for the weighted average free water signal fractions in each ROI by creating linear models with each subject’s acquisition parameters and demographic factors as predictor variables. Stepwise model selection by Akaike Information Criterion20 was performed to create final models with predictors.


A significantly predictive model was able to be constructed for the free water signal fraction in each ROI across all subjects. Adjusted R2 ranged from 0.159 to 0.899 in the MSMT-CSD results (Figure 2) and from 0.122 to 0.891 in the SS3T-CSD results (Figure 3). There was a significant difference in average model fit, with the acquisition parameter and demographic models significantly less able to predict free water signal fraction derived from SS3T-CSD (mean adj-R2 = 0.448) than MSMT-CSD (mean adj-R2 = 0.530; ANOVA F1,25 = 25.89, p<0.001). The most common significant predictor in the MSMT-CSD derived-measures was age but PD symptomatic scores did not significantly predict free water signal fraction. The in-plane resolution, number of b=0 images, isometric ratio of voxel size, and voxel volume significantly predicted the outcome measurement for all but three ROIs. In the SS3T-CSD models, the in-plane resolution was the most common significant predictor, followed by age, the isometric ratio, number of b=0s, voxel volume, and number of gradient directions (Figure 4). There was a significant negative correlation between model goodness-of-fit and the size of the ROI from MSMT-CSD but this was not significant in SS3T-CSD (Figure 5), suggesting that free water in smaller ROIs were more dependent on different acquisition parameters.


Free water signal fractions derived from MSMT-CSD and SS3T-CSD were both dependent on acquisition factors related to the selection of common imaging parameters. Further analysis suggests that SS3T-CSD is overall more robust and less affected. However, when employing these algorithms or collecting data, harmonization of imaging acquisition parameters is paramount in any case.


No acknowledgement found.


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2. Dhollander, T., & Connelly, A. (2016). A novel iterative approach to reap the benefits of multi-tissue CSD from just single-shell (+ b=0) diffusion MRI data. In Proc ISMRM (Vol. 24, p. 3010).

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Table detailing the full list of imaging acquisition parameters and patient demographic factors, as well as the range of values and mean. Of the imaging acquisition factors, there were 27 unique combinations of parameters from 100 patients with complete demographic data.

Illustrating the number of predictive factors from each category that was significant in the final linear model for each ROI derived from MSMT-CSD. ROIs are ordered by overall adjusted R2 with best to worst fit proceeding top to bottom. Significant predictors that were directly related to the diffusion sequence are colored in red and predictors that are directly related to the voxel resolution are colored in blue.

Illustrating the number of predictive factors from each category that was significant in the final linear model for each ROI derived from SS3T-CSD. ROIs are ordered by overall adjusted R2 with best to worst fit proceeding top to bottom. Significant predictors that were directly related to the diffusion sequence are colored in red and predictors that are directly related to the voxel resolution are colored in blue.

Illustration of the percent of final ROI models that included a specific predictor after stepwise AIC (light red for MSMT-CSD and light blue for SS3T-CSD) and the percent where that predictor was significantly predictive of free water signal fraction (dark red for MSMT-CSD and dark blue for SS3T-CSD).

Correlation between R2 of final linear model and the size of the ROI (as calculated by volume of unthresholded probabilistic map). There was a significant correlation between ROI size and goodness-of-fit in models of free water signal fraction calculated by MSMT-CSD, with smaller ROIs being more likely to have a better predicted model fit. This trend was present in the free water signal fractions derived from SS3T-CSD but was less well correlated and not significant.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)