M. Arcan Erturk1, Russell L Lagore1, Gregor Adriany1, and Gregory J Metzger1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
A novel
combined shielded-loop-resonator (SLR) and dipole antenna 16-channel transceiver
body imaging array (16-SLR-D) is designed by combining eight pairs of dipole
antennae and 10x20cm2 SLRs. Performance of the 16-SLR-D is compared
against a 16-channel loop-dipole (16-L-D) array through finite-difference-time-domain
simulations. Despite the larger loops size and closer placement of the
elements, 16-SLR-D design has significantly improved coupling performance with
less than 6% power coupled to other channels on average, compared to ~16% of
average power coupling of 16-L-D. The combined SLR-dipole array(16-SLR-D) demonstrated ~+15% in transmit
efficiency(mT/W0.5), ~+9% in transmit SAR efficiency (mT/SAR0.5) and ~+6% SNR
inside the prostate.
Goal of this
work is to design a 16-channel 7T body imaging array that improves both
transmit and receive performance compared to our existing loop-dipole array[1].Introduction
Imaging of the human torso at 7T typically makes use of
local transceiver array coils where optimizing both the transmit and receive
performance become critical to realizing the potential gains of UHF. On the
transmit side, increasing element density, minimizing coupling and maximizing
transmit and SAR efficiency become key factors. On receive, SNR is of paramount
importance. Combining loops and dipoles have been demonstrated to improve
imaging performance inside the body at 7.0T[1] over either resonant structure
alone. In the original loop-dipole transceiver array design[1], coupling
between neighboring loop elements were mitigated to acceptable levels (e.g.
<-10dB) by using smaller-than-ideal
loops that are heavily loaded by tissue and physically separated by at least
2cm. Increasing the loop size and bringing the array elements closer to improve
performance is not feasible without the addition of decoupling elements,
further complicating the design.
Shielded-loop-resonators (SLRs) are recently employed in
dense array configurations at 3 and 7T and demonstrated excellent coupling
performance due to their intrinsic mode of operation[2,3]. In this work, we design
a novel combined shielded-loop-resonator and dipole antenna array for body
imaging at 7T.Methods
We selected a 10cm loop width for optimal circumferential
coverage around the pelvis of an average male, and 20cm length to match the
Z-axis field-of-view (FOV) of the fractionated dipole antenna [4], the elements
that are paired with SLRs. First, we designed a combined SLR-dipole block by
geometrically aligning the SLR and the dipole, then tuning the SLR by
optimizing the shape, number and width of the slits. After a SLR-dipole block
is designed, we placed eight of these blocks comprising the 16-channel combined
SLR-dipole array (16-SLR-D) around the pelvis of the Duke anatomical model[5]
with a center-to-center distance of ~11cm, mimicking the geometrical element
distribution of the previously developed 16-channel combined loop-dipole array
(16-L-D) [1]. A schematic of the loop-dipole block[1] and the new SLR-dipole
block are shown in Figure 1.a and b, respectively.
Both arrays (16-SLR-D and 16-L-D) were modeled around the
pelvis of Duke (Figure 1.c-d). Electromagnetic (EM) field distributions were simulated
using the full-wave finite-difference-time-domain solver of Sim4Life (ZurichMedTech,
Zürich, Switzerland) and were imported to Matlab (Mathworks, Natick, MA) to
investigate transmit and receive performance inside target anatomies of the prostate
and bilateral hips, using the numerical methods described herein.
SNR was quantified in a root sum-of-squares fashion
inside both anatomies.
Phase-only RF shimming [6] yielding peak B1+ efficiency and trade-off solutions
between efficiency and uniformity were computed inside both targets; and B1+
transmit efficiency, coefficient-of-variation of B1+ (CoV), peak 10g-averaged
local SAR and SAR efficiency performance metrics were evaluated.Results
The relatively large size of the rectangular loop
required three 6mm-wide slits distributed around the shield with equal
distances from each other and the feed-point (Figure 1.b) to tune the SLR at the
proton larmor frequency at 7T.
Simulated S-parameter matrices with the arrays are positioned
around the pelvis are shown in Figure 2.a-b for 16-L-D and 16-SLR-D,
respectively. While the highest coupling between neighboring loops can exceed
-10dB for the 16-L-D, neighboring SLR elements remained lower than -15dB for
the 16-SLR-D despite the larger size (10 vs 8cm width) and closer physical placement
of the neighboring elements (Figure 2.c-d). On average ~16% of the accepted
power is coupled to other array elements in 16-L-D and less than 6% in 16-SLR-D
(Figure 2.e-f).
Phase-only RF shimming results targeting B1+ efficiency
and trade-off solutions are shown in Figure 3, for the prostate and hips. The 16-SLR-D
has >15% higher B1+ efficiency compared to the 16-L-D in both target
anatomies. B1+ and 10g-averaged SAR distributions at selected phase-only shim
solutions yielding the same field uniformity inside the target anatomies for
both arrays are shown in Figures 4 and 5 for the prostate and hips,
respectively (left: 16-L-D, right: 16-SLR-D). The 16-SLR-D has 9.3% and 40.9%
higher SAR transmit efficiency in the prostate and hips, respectively. Meanwhile,
the 16-SLR-D achieves 5.7% higher SNR inside the prostate.Discussion/Conclusion
SLRs exhibit a significantly better isolation compared
to loop coils with similar dimensions, therefore SLR elements are better suited
for use in dense array configurations. In this work, we have combined SLRs with
dipoles to further increase channel count and designed a 16-channel transceiver
array for body imaging at 7T. Use of SLRs enabled us to enlarge the size of the
loop elements and permitted a closer physical placement. The new array design
(16-SLR-D) improved transmit efficiency by more than 15% inside the prostate
and hips compared to a state-of-the art 7T body imaging array (16-L-D) [1] with
additional advantages of increased SAR efficiency and SNR.Acknowledgements
Supported by: NIH NIBIB P41 EB027061.References
1. Ertürk MA et al. MRM 2017;77:884-94.
DOI: 10.1002/mrm.26153
2. Ruytenberg
T et al. (MRM 2019). DOI: 10.1002/mrm.27964.
3. Zhang
B et al. (Nature Biomedical Engineering 2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41551-018-0233-y.
4. Raaijmakers
AJ et al. MRM 2016;75:1366-74. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25596.
5. Gosselin
M-C et al 2014 Phys. Med. Biol. 59 5287. DOI: 10.1088/0031-9155/59/18/5287.
6. Metzger,
GJ et al. MRM 2008;59(2):396-409. DOI: 10.1002/mrm.21476.