Chungseok Oh1, Eunjung Choi1, Woojin Jung1, Heong-geol Shin1, and Jongho Lee1
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
A multi-coil local shim has shown good
performance on reducing B0 field inhomogeneity. However, the multi-coil
local shim can be expensive due to a large number of channels. In this study, we developed a machine designing
approach which uses the Bayesian optimization algorithm to determine the optimum
locations of the multiple coils. In results, the machine-designed 28 channel coil local shim shows comparable performance to a
hand-designed 48 channel coil local shim.
field inhomogeneity causes image artifacts and distortion in MRI1.
To reduce B0 field inhomogeneity, spherical harmonics (SH) shimming
is commonly used, however, it cannot perfectly resolve B0 field inhomogeneity
especially in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and temporal lobe (TL). The multi-coil
local shimming method, which utilizes multiple coils around the head to further
improve the field homogeneity after SH shimming, has shown good performance2.
Recently, a few works showed that an optimized multi-coil geometry can improve
shimming performance when compared to a hand-designed multi-coil shim of the
same number of coils3,4. In this work, we designed a multi-coil geometry
using Bayesian optimization5, which is a powerful tool in finding the
global minimum. The shimming performance of a machine-designed multi-coil local
shim was compared with that of a hand-designed 48 channel multi-coil local shim2,4. Methods
In this
study, a multi-coil shim was designed with multiple 70 mm-diameter circular
coils, which were placed on the surface of the cylinder of radius 330 mm. The
position of each coil was parameterized by angular position (θ) and z-axis
position (z) (Fig. 1a). The range of θ covered from -π to π (rad) and z covered
from -140 to 175 (mm). Bayesian optimization was used to find an optimal
multi-coil position. The limit of current in each coil was set to be 2 A assuming
25 turns for the coil4. The numbers of channels (or coils) for our
design were 32 to 20 in the step size of 4 coils.
The shimming
performances of all the machine-designed shims were compared with a 48 channel
hand-designed coil (Fig. 1b; the same 70 mm diameter). To evaluate the shimming
performance, the field maps of 114 brains acquired at 3T were utilized. The
field map was scanned using a 2D gradient-echo sequence. Detailed scan parameters
are as follows: TE/TR = 7.38/425 ms, FA = 40°, FOV = 240×240×120 mm3,
voxel size = 3×3×3 mm3. A local field was calculated from the phase image
using Laplace unwrapping for phase unwrapping. The second-order SH shimming was
applied digitally. The performance of each shim was assessed by calculating the
mean of the root-mean-square (RMS) of each field map.
investigate the robustness of shimming performance for various head positioning, all the field maps modified by 8 different head
position changes: ±20 mm of each axis and ±10° of rotation around the z-axis. For
statistical test, the shimming performance was
compared between the hand-designed coil and machine-designed coil using a pairwise
t-test with Bonferroni correction. Results and Discussion
Figure 1b
shows the hand-designed 48 channel multi-coil shim and Figure 1c shows the machine-designed
multi-coil shim for 32, 28, 24, and 20 channels. As shown in Figure 1c, most of
the coils in the machine-designed shim are located below PFC and TL, which have
high inhomogeneity in the brain. These designs seem to generate fields that shim
the highly inhomogenous regions. Figure 2 shows the performances of the
machine-designed shims for the different numbers of the channel.
Machine-designed 20 channel and 24 channel shims show comparable shimming
performance to the hand-designed 48 channel multi-coil shim. Also, the machine-designed
28 channel and 32 channel shim outperform the hand-designed 48 channel shim. The
representative field maps of the hand-designed multi-coil shim and
machine-designed multi-coil shim results are shown in Figure 3. The
inhomogeneity in the PFC and TL regions are effectively reduced in both coils. Figure
4 shows shimming performances for the position uncertainty (Fig. 4). In this
test, the 32 channel and 28 channel shim still outperform the hand-designed
coil. However, the 24 channel and 20 channel shim show degradation in performance. Conclusion
In this
work, we designed a multi-coil local shim using Bayesian optimization. The machine-designed
multi-coil shim shows a comparable shimming ability to the hand-designed 48 channel
shim setup for a smaller number of channels. Specifically, the machine-designed
28 channel shim outperforms the hand-designed 48 channel shim when evaluated
with the positional uncertainty. To generate this geometry, the Bayesian
optimization algorithm performed only 140 evaluations (less than 200 min). However, further
investigation is necessary to check the optimality of the final design. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by Samsung Research Funding & Incubation Center of Samsung Electronics under Project Number SRFC-IT1801-09 and by the Brain Korea 21 Plus Project in 2019References
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2. Juchem C, et al. Dynamic multi-coil shimming
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3. Zivkovic I, et al. B0 shimming in a small
volume at 9.4T – irregular coil geometry setup vs loop coil setup. In Proc.
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4. Aghaeifar A, et al. A 32-channel multi-coil
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5. Frazier P.I, A tutorial of Bayesian
optimization, arXiv:1807.02811, 2018.