Simon Reiss1, Lukas Haas1, Thomas Lottner1, Ali Özen1, Stefan Polei2, Andreas Bitzer3, and Michael Bock1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Cortronik GmbH, Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany, 3Institute of Photonics and ICT (IPI), University of Applied Sciences FHGR, Chur, Switzerland
RF-induced currents in stents may cause substantial
heating in the surrounding tissue. A precise theoretical calculation of the
scattered E-fields is desirable, as heating hot spots occur near the stent
surface, which often cannot be measured directly. In this study we present a
theoretical model of the scattered E-field of stents and compare it to both electro-optic
E-field measurements and MR thermometry. The results demonstrate that the scattered E-field
patterns of stents can be precisely calculated from the theoretical model.
RF-induced currents in stents may cause substantial
heating in the surrounding tissue. RF heating is usually assessed by numerical
simulations and temperature measurements1. A precise theoretical
calculation of the scattered E-fields at the stents would be desirable, as heating
hot spots occur near the stent surface, which often cannot be measured
directly. Recently, electro-optic E-field probes were introduced2,3 that
allow for a precise measurement of the E-field even at a 2mm-distance to metal
surfaces, which makes them the ideal method to experimentally validate theoretical E-field models. In this study we present a theoretical model of the
scattered E-field of stents and compare it to both E-field measurements and
MR thermometry. Methods
Stents are modeled as cylinders that are exposed to an
incident E-field Ein of
the RF pulse (Fig. 1). The current induced on the cylinder surface can be found
by solving Hallén’s equation
$$\frac{\mu}{4\pi}\underset{-l/2}{\overset{l/2}{\mathop\int}}\,I\left({{x}'}\right)~G\left(x-{x}',a\right)dx'=-i\omega\mu\epsilon~{{\left(\partial_{x}^{2}+{{k}^{2}}\right)}^{-1}}{{E}_{in}}$$with$$G\left(x-{x}',a\right)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\underset{0}{\overset{2\pi}{\mathop\int}}\,\frac{\exp\left(-ikR\right)}{R}d\varphi',~~~~R=\sqrt{{{\left(x-x'\right)}^{2}}+2{{a}^{2}}-2{{a}^{2}}\cos\varphi'}$$Here, a method-of-moments approach4 was
used to numerically find I(x) and
calculate the vector potential5
x'\right)~dx'\right]\exp\left(i\zeta x\right)~d\zeta$$From the vector potential, the radial component of
the scattered E-field can be determined as$${{E}_{r}}=\frac{1}{i\omega
\mu \varepsilon }{{\partial }_{r}}{{\partial }_{x}}{{A}_{x}}$$which can be measured by the E-field sensor (see
E-fields were calculated for stents with radius a=5mm and lengths of l=40,80,120,150mm at a distance of 2mm to the stent surface. Stent lengths were chosen
around the expected resonance length at 3T of λ/2=135mm. The incident
E-field was assumed to be uniform and parallel to the stents. To assess the
influence of the frequently used sinusoidal approximation for the induced
current6, E-fields were also calculated with
x \right)=~\frac{{{E}_{in}}}{Z}-\frac{2{{E}_{in}}}{Z}\frac{\sin \left( kl/2
\right)}{\sin \left( kl \right)}\text{cos}\left( kx \right)$$
Experiment: E-field
maps were acquired with a custom-built electro-optic sensor7 (EOS) of
4 Nitinol stents (Biotronik Pulsar-18) with the same dimensions as above.
The stents were embedded in distilled water (ε=80) and the EOS was positioned
at a distance of 2mm to the stent’s surface to measure Er along a planar grid with 0.75mm step width. For RF
excitation a dipole antenna tuned to f1H(3T)
= 124MHz was placed parallel to the stents at a distance of 11cm.
Additionally, MR thermometry was performed at a
clinical 3T system (Siemens TRIO). Stents were embedded in gel (31g/L Hydroxyelthycellulose, 1.55g/L
NaCl8) and placed 12cm from the isocenter parallel to B0.
Heating maps were acquired 2mm above
the stent surface with a proton resonance frequency thermometry
sequence9 with an off-resonant heating pulse10: TE/TR=12/23ms, FAimg=12°, FAheat=445°, 1.8x1.8x4mm³
resolution, TA=5.8s (100 repetitions), nominal whole body SAR: 4W/kg.
After acquisition of a 20 baseline images, the heating pulse was turned on for
40 images followed by a cooling phase for 40 images.Results
Figure 2 shows the calculated induced current in the stents for the exact
solution and the sinusoidal approximation. The exact solution is more concave, and
both solutions show the smallest deviation for longer stents. Theoretical Er fields along the stent centerline are compared to
measured E fields in figure 3. Again,
the field is better approximated by the exact solution (max. error: 5%) as
compared to the sinusoidal current approximation (max. error: 40%), and the
E-fields of the exact solution are in very good agreement with EOS measurement
(R2>0.99 for all stent lengths).
Figure 4 shows the
calculated and measured Er2
maps of the 12 cm long stent as well as the maximum temperature
measured with MR thermometry. MR thermometry is in good agreement with the
heating pattern from both theoretical and measured E-fields, and a maximum
heating of 2.5K is seen at both tips of the stent. The theoretical E-field predicts
maximum heating at a position which is shifted towards the center of the stents
and a smaller temperature gradient close to the maximum. Line plots of the
measured Er2 as
well as the maximum heating are presented in figure 5 for all four stents
showing a good agreement in particular close the stent tips. With MR
thermometry a temperature increase is observed at the center where the measured
E-field which may be a result of the relatively thick imaging slice (4 mm) as
well as the directional sensitivity of the E-field sensor.Discussion and Conclusion
This study demonstrates
that the scattered E-field patterns of stents can be precisely calculated from
a theoretical model even at a few millimeter to the stent surface. The results
indicate that an exact solution for the induced current is necessary to
correctly predict the scattered E-field pattern and therefore positions of
maximum heating. A sinusoidal approximation of the induced current leads to
substantial systematic errors of the E-field pattern in particular for short
stents and at small distances to the stent’s surface. With this theoretical
prediction, an arbitrary incident E-field can be chosen to calculate the
induced current to account for the B1 profile of the transmit coil.
The agreement between the calculated and measured E-field
patterns shows that the EOS is a valuable tool for the validation of
theoretical models as well as numerical simulations of the heating of medical
implants. In addition, it can be used for the efficient assessment of the
heating potential of medical implants which is demonstrated here by comparing
the E-field measurements to MR thermometry.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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