Pei Han1,2, Fei Han3, Debiao Li1,2,4, Anthony Christodoulou2, and Zhaoyang Fan1,2,4
1Department of Bioengineering, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Siemens Healthineers, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4Department of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
A new real-time
imaging scheme is proposed based on low-rank spatiotemporal decomposition. Briefly,
a high-quality spatial subspace and a direct linear mapping from k-space
navigator data to subspace coordinates are first learned from a “demo” scan. In
the subsequent “live” scan, successive real-time images can be generated by a fast
matrix multiplication procedure on a single instance of the k-space navigator
readout (e.g. a single k-space line), which can be acquired at a high temporal
rate. The method was demonstrated in vivo using a T1-T2 abdominal
multitasking sequence.
Real-time MR imaging with on-the-fly
image generation is important for MR guided therapies and interventions1,2. However,
it is still technically challenging to acquire real-time images with both high
image quality and high temporal resolution. In this work, we propose a new real-time
imaging scheme based on low-rank spatiotemporal decomposition (Fig. 1). Briefly,
a high-quality spatial subspace and a direct linear mapping from k-space
navigator data to subspace coordinates are first learned from a “demo” scan. In
the subsequent “live” scan, successive real-time images can be generated by a fast
matrix multiplication procedure on a single instance of the k-space navigator
readout (e.g. a single k-space line), which can be acquired at a high temporal
Here we demonstrate this method in vivo using a T1-T2 abdominal multitasking
As in [4], the 4D image $$$I(x,t)$$$ can be modeled
as a low-rank matrix $$$\bf A$$$ (Eq. 1)
$$\bf A=U_x\Phi$$
where $$$\bf U_x$$$$$$\in C^{J \times L}$$$ contains $$$L$$$ spatial basis functions with $$$J$$$ total voxels, and $$$\bf \Phi$$$ $$$\in C^{L \times N_t}$$$ contains temporal weighting functions (depicting
relaxation, motion, contrast changes, etc.). The real-time image at each time
point $$$t$$$ can then be expressed as a linear combination
of the spatial basis functions, weighted by $$$\bf \Phi$$$$$$_{:,t}$$$ (the column of $$$\bf \Phi$$$ corresponding
to time point $$$t$$$), as
illustrated in Fig. 2.
$$$\bf \Phi$$$ can be constructed as a linear combination of k-space
navigator data $$$\bf D_{tr}$$$$$$\in C^{M \times N_t}$$$, which represents
a very small subset ($$$M<J$$$) of k-space locations (a single central k-space
line is often used) sampled more frequently than the rest of k-space throughout
the scan5-7. Because $$$\bf \Phi$$$ is often extracted from the right singular
vectors of $$$\bf D_{tr}$$$, there
exists a linear transformation given by $$$\bf T$$$$$$\in C^{L \times M}$$$ that maps $$$\bf D_{tr}$$$ to $$$\bf \Phi$$$ as $$$\bf \Phi = T D_{tr}$$$. It
follows that for an individual time point $$$t$$$, a single
navigator line $$$\bf D$$$$$$_{:,t} \in C^{M \times 1}$$$ can be transformed into $$$\bf \Phi$$$$$$_{:,t}$$$ using (Eq. 2):
$$\bf \Phi_{:,t} = T D_{:,t}$$
Because the $$$\bf \Phi$$$$$$_{:,t}$$$ are the temporal weights of $$$\bf U_x$$$, the
entire 3D image at $$$t$$$ can be generated from $$$\bf D$$$$$$_{:,t}$$$ according to simple matrix multiplication (Eq. 3):
$$\bf A_{:,t} = U_x T D_{:,t}$$
Note that both $$$\bf T$$$ and $$$\bf U_x$$$ should remain unchanged with further acquisition in the same imaging
session unless abrupt body motion or novel contrast mechanisms force the new
images outside of the range of
(the spatial subspace). Therefore, if we
can learn $$$\bf U_x$$$ and $$$\bf T$$$ from an
initial “demo” scan, then we can acquire only navigator data afterwards in a “live”
phase (Fig. 1), applying Eq. 3 to quickly and easily generate real-time 3D images.Methods
The proposed method was tested using
a sequence originally used for abdominal T1/T2 multitasking3, as shown in
Fig. 3. Specific imaging parameters were: matrix size=160x160x52, FOV=275x275x240mm3, voxel size=1.7x1.7x6mm3, TR/TE=6.0/2.1ms, flip angle=5° (following SR preparation) and 10° (following T2 preparation),
water-excitation for fat suppression. Total imaging time was approximately 8
Experiments were performed in two healthy subjects (n=2)
on a 3.0 T clinical scanner (MAGNETOM Skyra; Siemens Healthineers) equipped with
an 18-channel phase array body coil. Two identical Multitasking scans were
performed successively, with the first one used as the “demo” scan to learn the spatial basis $$$\bf U_x$$$ and linear transformation matrix $$$\bf T$$$, and
the second scan used as the “live” scan. At an arbitrarily chosen time point in
the “live” scan, the real-time 3D image set was reconstructed using the data of
the entire scan based on the regular Multitasking algorithm5 (as a reference) or
using the navigator line only based on the proposed method. Image quality and
delineation of motion state were evaluated at different time points
corresponding T1w, T2w and PDw respectively. Results
The average elapsed time to
transform a navigator readout and weight the spatial basis in the live phase was
~40 ms per entire 3D volume. Since the navigator data (central k-space line)
was acquired in 6 ms, a temporal resolution of 50 ms or less can be reached.
Fig. 4 shows the comparison between
the results of Multitasking reconstruction (reference) and the proposed
real-time reconstruction. The motion state and contrast in the real-time
reconstruction were in excellent agreement with the reference. Fig. 5 is a real-time display of 3D images
reconstructed with the proposed method. Discussion and Conclusion
With a pre-learned high-quality
spatial subspace, real-time images with both high spatial and temporal
resolution can be generated.
The very high-speed reconstruction
(40 ms per 3D volume) builds on a fast matrix multiplication procedure. Because
the real-time reconstruction operator is capable of reconstructing any image
along a continuum within the known spatial subspace, it does not rely on
binning to select an image from a discrete dictionary of potential results8 and supports
multi-contrast imaging. This scheme can potentially be extended to work in a
low-rank tensor (LRT) framework such as MR Multitasking, which may in turn provide
an avenue to produce contrast-transformed T1 or T2-only real-time imaging even
without further sequence changes.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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