Hamza Raki1,2, Kevin Tse Ve Koon1, Isabelle Saniour1, Henri Souchay2, Simon A Lambert1, Fraser Robb3, and Olivier Beuf1
1Univ Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS, Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, U1206, F-69100, Lyon, France, 2GE Healthcare, Buc, France, 3GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States
A Receiver-Endoluminal-Coil
(REC) integrating an active-decoupling circuit based on MEMS switch in series
with the loop (sMEMS) was built and characterized on bench and at 1.5T. The results
were compared to
a conventional PIN-diode REC. Although the quality factor of sMEMS was
significantly lower (34%) than the one of PIN-diode, efficient (|S11|<-0.1dB)
and fast (delays<8µs) active-decoupling were obtained for the sMEMS.
Obtained MR images display no hyper intensity or artifacts due to active-decoupling
failure. SNR-values and SNR-isocontours of sMEMS were similar to those of
PIN-diode for GRE and lower for FSE sequences. sMEMS can bring new coil-design
possibilities for endoluminal-imaging.
the improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of MRI arrays of external
it is still not possible to depict thin bowel and colon wall. Receiver-Endoluminal-coils
(RECs) used close to the region of interest provide a high local SNR2. However, the strong coupling
between REC and RF transmitter-coil during RF-transmission leads
to a mutual induction and subsequent non-uniform B1 field in the vicinity of
the REC-loop; thus RF-receiver-coils must be decoupled3. To ensure this capability, the
PIN-diode is the mostly used component in the literature. Another decoupling
solution resides in the use of Micro ElectroMechanical System (MEMS) switches4
which can be used also to bring new possibilities for MR-REC
In this work, we propose to
characterize a REC-loop using a MEMS switch to fulfill
the role of active decoupling and compare its performance to a conventional
PIN-diode REC.Methods
complete our previous work on MEMS placed in parallel with the loop6, a new set of prototype
based on MEMS switch integrated in series (sMEMS) into a rectangular REC-loop
(Fig.1-ab) was built and characterized on bench and images of a cylindrical
phantom (Fig.2-d) were acquired. Its performance was then compared to a REC
with conventional PIN-diode (Fig.1-cd). RECs were tuned to the Larmor frequency
(F0) at
1.5T (63.9MHz) and matched to a 50Ω using a network analyzer. As showed in Fig.2, reflection
coefficients S11 were measured and coil quality factors (Q-values)
were derived at -3dB bandwidth. Decoupling
efficacy was assessed at both Larmor and decoupled (Fd) resonance
frequencies. Then, switching delays were measured. A circular
broadband copper-loop connected to an RF-synthesizer enabled the generation of
an RF signal at F0 that was transmitted to the REC by inductive
coupling. The detected RF signal was measured using an oscilloscope. A periodic
square signal was used as to couple/decouple the REC and delays were
measured as the time between the square signal and the RF-signal. MR images
were performed at 1.5T MR-scanner using the body-coil for RF transmission.
Every REC was connected to the MRI connector
(A-plug). A power-supply was used to supply 10V and 82V to the MEMS driver
circuit. Connections through the Farday’s cage of the MRI-room was strongly
filtered using adjusted custom-made λ/8 Coaxial Cable Traps (CCTs) to avoid
induced RF-signal7 which would otherwise lead
to not only strong image quality degradation but also damage to the MEMS and/or
its driver. MR experiments were
performed at 1.5T MR-scanner (MR450w). Multiple axial slices were acquired using gradient echo (GRE) and
fast spin echo (FSE) sequences. Acquired images were post-processed. sMEMS
and PIN RECs performances were compared in terms of SNR-uniformity
distributions and mean-SNR.Results
Q-values were equal to 62
and 41 for PIN-diode and sMEMS, respectively. During decoupling phase, S11
at F0 were inferior to -0.3dB. The PIN-diode
REC frequency was shifted to 29.3MHz. The sMEMS loop was completely open (no resonance).
Switching delays were below 0.7 and 8µs for PIN-diode and sMEMS RECs respectively. In the absence of traps (imaging experiments),
RF-signal induced by the body-coil during transmit phase are superimposed to
the DC control signal (up to 20V peak-to-peak) which could destroy the driver
MEMS. Traps were added to avoid these problems (Fig.3). In
the obtained images, no signal saturation or artifacts due to active decoupling
failure were observed (Fig.4)
for both sMEMS and PIN. SNR-values and elliptical SNR uniformity distributions of sMEMS were
similar to those of PIN-diode for GRE sequence but lower for FSE sequence (Fig.5).Discussion
The loaded Q-value
of sMEMS was significantly lower (~34%) than the one with PIN-diode. This is
mainly due to the
location of MEMS and PIN-diode on the coil-loop.
In the coupled (receive) state, the MEMS (integrated in series to the REC-loop)
is closed and considered as an additional 0.5-1 Ω parasitic resistance in
the loop that should be compared to the loop resistance. The MEMS
REC switching delays
are longer than the PIN REC which can be explained by the time necessary to
mechanically move the switch in addition to the switching delays of its driver
However, controlled MEMS circuit have
switching delays inferior to 8µs which are of the same order than
controlled PIN-diode (<8µs) with added control circuit)9 and optical-based decoupling circuits
(<14µs)10. MEMS active decoupling is still
compliant with most MR clinical applications.
S11 (~0dB), FS (~29MHz) of PIN-diode and the open loop of
sMEMS both demonstrate an efficient active decoupling. This was confirmed on MR
images where no signal artifacts were noticed. The similar SNR-values and SNR distributions of sMEMS and PIN-diode obtained with the GRE
sequence demonstrates the image performance of sMEMS REC. However, the
difference obtained with the FSE sequence is probably due to the strong RF
power generated during the FSE acquisition which affects the added equipment
(traps, DC coaxial cables) to the sMEMS design and thus increases the noise on
the MEMS images.Conclusion
The good performance
(efficient and fast active decoupling and sufficient SNR) of sMEMS
may offer interesting new designs of coils. sMEMS could be useful in particular
when coil reconfiguration is necessary. It could open the way to new industrial
designs and clinical endoscopic procedure for applications such as colon
would like to thank the LABEX PRIMES of University of Lyon, which has supported
this work within the program "Investissements d'Avenir"
(ANR-11-IDEX-0007) operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR).References
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