Xiaowei Zhuang1, Zhengshi Yang1, Virendra Mishra1, Karthik Sreenivasan1, Sarah J Banks2, Bernick Charles1, and Dietmar Cordes1,3
1Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Cleveland Clinic, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 2Department of Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
In this study, we utilized graph-theory to investigate functional brain
topological alternations in cognitively impaired active professional fighters,
as compared to cognitive non-impaired fighters. We observed reduced global and
local efficiency across multiple sparsity levels, suggesting that both functional
integration and segregation were affected in cognitively impaired fighters. A different functional topological organization was further observed in impaired
fighters, shown by increased number of rich clubs and reduced rich-club edge
strength and density. Rich club edge strength and density were further
significantly correlated with fighters’ psychomotor speed.
studies have shown that active professional fighters who experience repetitive
head trauma are at higher risk of developing various neurological disorders
including cognitive impairment, as compared to age matched healthy controls1,2. Previous neuroimaging studies have reported
abnormalities in brain regional volumes3, functional connectivity strength11
and structural topological organizations4 in cognitively impaired active
professional fighters, as compared to non-impaired fighters. However, whether
there is a difference in functional topological organizations between
cognitively impaired and non-impaired fighters remains unclear. Here we
utilized graph-theoretical techniques to investigate brain functional
topological alternations in cognitively impaired fighters, and correlations
between derived topological measurements and cognitive performance and fighting
exposure scores. Methods.
Subjects of this analysis were obtained from
the Professional Fighters Brain Health Study (PFBHS)5. Each participant of PFBHS underwent CNS Vital Signs6 tests to measure psychomotor speed
(PSY) and processing speed (PSS). PSY and PSS were used to assess fighters’
cognitive performances. Fighters with both PSY and PSS being 1.5 standard
deviation below the age, gender, and education adjusted population average were
identified as cognitively impaired fighters. Using this criteria, 68
cognitively impaired fighters (65 Male, age=29.78±6.20 years, years of
education (YOE) =13.03±2.12 years) and 65 cognitively non-impaired fighters (58
Male, age=28.78±5.27 years, YOE=13.28±1.63 years) were finally included in this
analysis. Years of fighting (YOF) and numbers of fights (NOF) were also
collected as measurements of fighting exposures for each fighter. MRI data collection. Resting-state fMRI
data were collected on a 3T Siemens scanner with TR/TE/ resolution=2.8s/28ms/2x2x4mm,
30 slices, axial acquisition, and 137 time frames. A T1-weighted structural
image was acquired using a standard 3D MPRAGE sequence for each subject. Construction of functional network. Each
T1 image was input to the FreeSurfer pipeline7 and a subject-specific anatomical
segmentation was generated with 66 cortical regions of interest (ROI) based on
Desikan-Killiany8 atlas and 12 sub-cortical ROIs. These
78 ROIs were defined as nodes in the functional network. Resting-state fMRI
data were slice-timing corrected, realigned to the subject mean image, and
spatially smoothed using a 6mm Gaussian filter. Subject-specific segmentations
were co-registered to the fMRI native space using 12 parameters affine
transformation. Average time series were then extracted from 78 ROIs for each
fighter. Edges in the functional network were defined as the Pearson’s
correlation coefficient between every ROI pair, and only positive correlation
values were kept. Graph theoretical
measurements. Global efficiency (Eg), local efficiency (Eloc) and small-worldness
measurements were computed using GRETNA toolbox9 at various sparsity thresholds
(5%-50%, step=1%) for every subject. The minimum sparsity threshold where the
functional network was fully connected for both impaired and non-impaired
fighter groups was chosen to study nodal properties. A rich-club analysis was
performed to identify functional network hub differences between cognitively impaired
and non-impaired fighters. Rich-club nodes were identified for each group;
average rich-club edge strength, feeder edge strength and local edge strength
were computed for every subject. Rich-club edge density was also defined for
every subject as the ratio between the number of actual rich-club edges and the
number of edges if rich-club nodes were fully connected. Statistical analysis. Two-sample t-test was performed to determine
between-group differences in all graph theoretical measurements. Age, gender,
years of education and root-mean-square motion during resting-state fMRI scan
were included as covariates. Correlation between graph theoretical measurements
and both psychological scores (PSS and PSY) and fighting exposure scores (NOF
and YOF) were assessed for cognitively impaired and non-impaired fighters
separately, using linear regression analysis with the same covariates. Slopes obtained
from linear regressions were further tested for between-group differences. All
correlation analysis were conducted using PALM10 toolbox in FSL and significance level
for PALM was established at family-wise error corrected p-value less than 0.05
Both reduced
global and local efficiency was observed for the cognitively impaired fighters
at various sparsity thresholds, as compared to non-impaired fighters (Fig. 1). At
a sparsity threshold of 23%, the network was fully connected in both groups (Fig.
2). Both groups exhibited rich-club organization (Fig. 3). However, cognitively
impaired fighters had more rich-clubs (Fig. 4) but lower rich-club
edge strengths and densities, as compared to cognitively normal fighters (Fig.
5(A)). Both rich-club edge strengths and densities were significantly
correlated with neuropsychological scores in both groups (Fig. 5(B)). Discussion.
Our analysis
showed both reduced global and local efficiency in cognitively impaired
fighters, suggesting an overall loss in functional integration and segregation in
functional brain networks along with cognitive impairment in repetitive head
trauma, which corroborates previous structural findings4. In addition, a different functional organization was observed in cognitively impaired fighters, as compared to cognitively non-impaired fighters, with more number
of rich clubs but weaker rich-club connections, further indicating that more
nodes with less strength were recruited for efficient communications in
cognitively impaired fighters. These findings together suggest that repeated head trauma is associated with a
global functional network re-organization in active professional fighters
experiencing cognitive decline. Acknowledgements
The study is
supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant number P20GM109025), a
private grant from the Peter and Angela Dal Pezzo funds, a private grant from
Lynn and William Weidner, a private grant from Stacie and Chuck Matthewson and
the young scientist award at Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health
(Keep Memory Alive Foundation). The PFBHS is supported by Belator, UFC, the
August Rapone Family Foundation, Top Rank, and Haymon Boxing.References
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