Ryoichi Sasaki1 and Yasuhiko Terada1
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
MRF can quantify multiple parameters at a single scan. In some cases, however, these
parameters are not separable and additional scans for inseparable parameters are
required, which reduces the advantage of the short scan time of MRF. This is
remarkable when the large number of parameters are involved in the signal
evolution process. Here, we used a pattern matching using a deep neural network
called DRONE, and verified the separability of four parameters of T1, T2, B1,
and ADC from MRF-FISP signals acquired at a single scan.
MR Fingerprinting (MRF) 1 is a promising
approach that enables quantification of multiple tissue parameters at a single
scan. However, in some cases, MRF signals for different parameters are quite
similar with each other, and it is difficult to distinguish T1 and T2 values
from the other parameters, such as B1 and ADC. For example, T2 and ADC are
indistinguishable under a strong spoiler gradient in MRF-FISP, especially for
high T2 and ADC values 2. In such a case, additional scans of B1 and ADC are
needed to accurately estimate T1 and T2 values, which reduces the advantage of
the short scan time of MRF.
Meanwhile, “DRONE” 3, which is a new pattern matching method using
deep learning, has the improved robustness against noise in MRF signals, and
has potential to give more accurate estimation than a conventional, direct
matching (DM) using inner products. Therefore, indistinguishable MRF signals
may be distinguishable by using DRONE. Here, we investigated this idea and
verified that T1 and T2 values can be accurately estimated with DRONE from
MRF-FISP signals acquired at a single experiment.METHODS
The inversion-recovery
FISP sequence was used for MRF scans. The number of time frames was 600. The
echo time was held constant (5 ms). The flip angle was varied pseudo-randomly
and sinusoidally (5 to 90°) and the repetition time was
varied using a Perlin noise pattern (20 to 30 ms). All experiments were
performed on a home-built MRI system consisting of a 1.5T/280mm horizontal bore
superconducting magnet (JMBT-1.5/280/SS,
JASTEC, Kobe, Japan), shim and gradient coils, a birdcage coil, and a digital
MRI console 4 (DTRX6, MRTechnology, Tsukuba, Japan). The dictionary with a
range of T1 (100-1500 ms, 29 points), T2 (20-1000 ms, 50 points), B1 (0.8-1.2,
9 points), and ADC (0-2.6×10-9 m2/s, 13 points) was
generated using an extended phase graph algorithm.
Figure 1 shows a DRONE network used in this
study. The output layer consisted of 4 nodes corresponding to the parameters
T1, T2, B1, and ADC. The input layer consisted of 600 nodes which corresponded
to the number of MRF time points. Each of 3 hidden layers had 800 nodes. Adam
was used for the optimizer, mean squared error was used for the loss function,
and Leaky ReLU was used for the activation function. The number of epochs was
250 and batch size was 128 in the learning process. Pattern matching results
using both the DRONE and DM were compared.
A phantom consisting of 10 test tubes of
MnCl2 or GdCl3 solutions with different T1 and T2 values was used for
validation study. The spoiler gradient moment was 64π / 5 mm,
which was strong enough to induce T2 underestimation using DM.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Figure 2 shows the T2 bias for DM and DRONE
methods for numerical phantoms with various T2 and ADC values (with a 5 %
noise). For DM, there was large errors and underestimation in T2 values,
especially in the large T2 and ADC values, which corresponded to the previous
study 2. Meanwhile, the bias was greatly suppressed for DRONE.
Figure 3 and 4 compares
the experimental results of T1 and T2 values obtained by different methods. For
the DM, the T1 values were slightly overestimated in the long T1 region, but
the overestimation was suppressed for the DRONE. For the DM, the T2 values were
influenced by variations in B1 and ADC and significantly underestimated in the
long T2 region. This underestimation was alleviated for the DM with the B1 and
ADC maps. Meanwhile, the DRONE could suppress underestimation without these
maps, and gave the accurate estimation of T1 and T2. These results reveal that
the DRONE has high performance in multi-parametric estimation compared with the
conventional method, and eliminated the need for additional scans to accurately
estimate the relaxation times.CONCLUSION
We verified the
separability of multi-parameter using DRONE. We presented that the method could
separate the relaxation times and the other parameters using only the signal
evolutions acquired by single scan of MRF.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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