Di Cui1, Xiaoxi Liu1, Peng Cao1, Queenie Chan2, and Edward S. Hui1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2Philips Healthcare, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3D magnetic resonance fingerprinting was
developed for volumetric parametric quantification. In this study, an alternating
direction method of multipliers (ADMM) based 3D MRF approach is proposed to
jointly utilize sparsity constraint and spatial coil sensitivity information,
leading to better reconstruction performance with 3-fold undersampled 3D MRF
data. We demonstrated that the effective scan time for R=3 and whole-brain MRF
is less than 7 minutes.
Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) [1] is a
novel and effective approach for MR parametric quantification. 3D MRF technique
was then developed for further acceleration and larger slice coverage. The artifact
correction and pattern recognition of such additionally undersampled data are
based on either the sparsity in a temporal-frequency domain [2] or variants of parallel
imaging technique [3]. In this work, we proposed a new 3D MRF acquisition and
reconstruction strategy using the framework of Alternating Direction Method of
Multipliers (ADMM) to exploit both sparsity constraint and coil sensitivity. Our
method permits the quantification of MR parameter (T1, T2) for a 3D volume with
reduced scan time.Methods
Acquisition: In this study, a 3D FISP-MRF
[4] sequence was used with a stack-of-spiral acquisition, and spiral in-out
trajectories were used as readout [5]. The sequence diagram of one TR is shown in
Fig 1a. To further reduce the coherence of artifacts along slice direction, a
pseudo-randomized kz-t sampling pattern was generated, whereby the k-space
center was more densely sampled (e.g., in Fig 1b for an example of undersampling
factor R = 2 along kz). Pseudorandomized flip angle train (Fig 1c), and constant
TR and TE were used.
ADMM has been used for 2D MRF reconstruction to improve the matching fidelity [6,
7]. In this work, a 3D extension of ADMM with low-rank approximation and
sparsity constraints is proposed. The augmented Lagrangian is $$\ell_{\mu}(x,D,y) = ||Ex-m||_2^2+\mu||x-DD^Hx+y||_2^2+\mu_1||Wx||_1+\mu_2|x|_{TV}$$
where m represents the measured multi-channel
k-space data, x the reconstructed image, E the encoding matrix comprising of 3D
sampling, gridding, Fourier transform, coil sensitivity and low-rank
approximation, D the dictionary projected to low-rank subspace, and the last
two terms are regularization terms for wavelet and total variation. To achieve fast
convergence, singular vector dependent $$$\mu_1$$$ and $$$\mu_2$$$ was used as weightings in
the regularization term, i.e., $$$||Wx||_1$$$ during ADMM iterations such that convergence
was achieved in 5 iterations.
Experiment: All MRI experiments were performed using
a 3T MRI scanner (Achieva TX, Philips Healthcare) with an 8-channel head coil
for the signal reception. A 3D FISP-MRF sequence was performed with the following
imaging parameters: FOV = 300 x 300 x 32 mm3 for each slab,
resolution = 1.17 x 1.17 x 2 mm3, TR = 12.5 ms, TE = 6 ms, spiral-in-spiral-out
readout with acquisition window = 8.4ms and undersampling factor = 58.4, and 1000
TRs for each kz encoding. Delay time of 5 s was inserted between consecutive kz
encoding. The scan time for each 3D MRF data was 275, 135 and 82.5 seconds for
R = 1, 2 and 3 along kz, respectively.Results and Discussions
Fig 2 and Fig 3 show the sagittal T1 and T2 maps
respectively with both undersamplings along kz (Rkz) of 2 and 3.
Results from fully sampled kz (left column) are also shown as reference. The
parameter maps from Rkz = 2 and Rkz = 3 obtained from our
proposed method are comparable to those from fully sampled kz, suggesting that
3D MRF can be accelerated along kz. Usually when MRF is accelerated along kz,
more dynamics per kz encoding would be required to ensure sufficient encoding
capability. Nevertheless, with our proposed method, sparsity is additionally
provided by the sampling pattern and fully used by regularized ADMM, so an
increase in the number of dynamics is not required. Moreover, the use of spiral-in-spiral-out
readout guaranteed better performance with such undersampling. In the 3D-ADMM
algorithm, low-rank approximation was used to compress the data, and singular-value-weighted regularization was
used as sparsity constraint for fast convergence, although the computational
cost of the reconstruction warrants further improvement in future studies. The
coil sensitivity constraint in this study was achieved by an 8-channel coil, so
it would be conceivable that the result could be further improved and larger kz
undersampling factor could be achieved by using more coil elements. Conclusion
In this work, we demonstrated a new approach for
3D MRF acquisition and reconstruction using ADMM. With this strategy,
comparable parametric maps can be acquired with reduced scan time. The
effective scan time for R=3 and whole-brain MRF is less than 7 minutes.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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