Zhenliang Lin1, Qikang Li1, Lihong Tang1, Hui Huang1, Junwei Zhao1, and Jie Luo1
1Institute of Medical Imaging Technology, School of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Acoustic noise during
MR scans generated by the gradient coil vibration has been compromising for
patient comfort. Single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI), ubiquitously used in
functional MRI and diffusion MRI acquisitions, has a rapid switching readout
gradient, which is very efficient but also very loud. In this study, we
employed a model free reinforcement-learning agent to optimize 2D single shot
readout gradient waveforms toward the “reward” of lowering acoustic noise.
The preliminary results show that the acoustic noise
of the arbitrary trajectory is 17.2 dB lower than EPI for a 2D single slice readout.
Acoustic noise during
MR scans generated by the gradient coil vibration compromises patients’
comfort. Single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI), ubiquitously used in functional
MRI and diffusion MRI acquisitions, has a rapid switching readout gradient,
which is very efficient but also notoriously loud. Many attempts have been made
toward a milder gradient waveform for EPI readout trajectory [1-3], which also
benefit from the advances of fast imaging [2,3]. Meanwhile, careful choice of
echo spacing according to the specific frequency response function (FRF) of a given
scanner also helps noise reduction [4]. However the artificial design of sequence trajectory
and parameter could not fully exploit the parameter space of k space filling to
realize the full potential of noise reduction. In this study, we propose a framework to employ
a model-free reinforcement learning agent to optimize pulse sequence parameters
toward the “reward” of lower acoustic noise, under the constraint of
appropriate k-space filling.
Our preliminary results show that with the same scan
time, the arbitrary trajectory produces
acoustic noise 17.2 dB lower than EPI for a 2D single slice readout.Methods
Reinforcement Learning Framework:
An AI agent takes “actions” to generate readout
gradient waveforms under imaging constraints, after the slice selective RF pulse to encode the
time-evolution of the imaging samples’ nuclear magnetization.
The gradient waveform interacts with its “environment” defined by the frequency
response function (FRF) of a given scanner. The environment then produces rewards
based on acoustic noise estimation that guide the refinement of the agent’s
actions (Figure 1). Our Bayesian approach to model this
system is composed of pulse sequence actions Ai = [ai(0), ..., ai(NT-1)] that are generated from a distribution p(A), in which i stands for the number of optimization
iteration, and NT represents the number of time points.
In order to effectively
capture the dynamic interplay between action A and their physical effect on acoustic noise
level, we modeled p(A) using a dependent Gaussian process with
sparseness-inducing priors. The predicted acoustic noise score y is obtained using
the experimentally obtained FRF and generated action A.
The updated model posterior p(f|yi,Ai+1) proposes
the next set of gradient waveform actions A* by
maximizing an acquisition function ui(A), which is chosen to be the expected improvement.
Experiments were
performed on a 3T MR system (uMR790, United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai). The
sensor, an MR compatible condenser microphone (AWA 14423) was placed at the
isocenter of the magnet bore. The frequency response function (FRF) of the
scanner was obtained by applying the sweep-frequency sequence with gradient
amplitude 3 mT/m and gradient switching frequency ramp from 20 Hz to 5000 Hz.
Based on linear system assumption, the acoustic spectrum in the frequency
domain S(f) can
be estimated by S(f)=G(f) x H(f), where H(f) denotes the frequency response function, and
G(f) for specific gradient waveform. And the predicted spectrum was then
converted to the A-weighted sound pressure level SPA by
an A-weighted filter. The acoustic noise score y was given by y= - SPA, as
the guide for optimization. Single-shot EPI sequences with various bandwidth
and imaging parameters were also applied to verify that the estimated acoustic
noise accurately reflects actual noise.
We employed the
simulation platform bloch-simulator-python [5] for bloch simulation. The trapezoidal EPI (Trap-EPI), sinusoidal EPI (Sin-EPI), spiral and AI designed gradient
waveforms (Arb-K) were each converted as input to the simulation module, other inputs of
the simulation were 1) a 2D brain image imported from MRiLab [6] with matrix size=
200 × 200, resolution = 1 mm; with fixed T1 and T2 for each
tissue compartments, 2) imaging parameters: FOV 20 x 20 cm2, matrix size 128 x 128, flip angle = 90, TR = 400 ms; note that total readout time = 128 ms was fixed for different trajectories. Finally, image reconstruction was performed by solving the following
optimization problem [7]: x = argmin Σ||FSix-di||2 +λ||Dx||1. Where F is the nonuniform fast Fourier
transform (NUFFT) operator defined for specific sampling pattern [8], Si is the ith coil sensitivity map (total of 16 coils), di is the corresponding ith k-space
data, D is the sparse transform (i.e. total variation), λ is the regularization term. And image quality was evaluated by PSNR, MSE and image similarity (SSIM) as compared with input image.Results and Discussion
The schematic of
gradient waveforms and their corresponding k-space trajectories are shown in
Figure 2. As can be seen in Figure 3a, the acoustic frequency spectrum of the
Arb-K has lower noise intensity as well as less high-frequency noise
components. The acoustic noise estimated based on the measured scanner FRF is
in very good agreement with the measured acoustic noise (Figure 3b). Table 1
summarizes the acoustic noise (dB) as well as the quality of the reconstructed
images of all four sequences. The Arb-K trajectory reduces noise by 17.2 dB
with slightly compromised image quality. Further work is needed to incorporate image quality into the reward loop of the reinforcement learning framework, which would likely better constrain
the k-space filling pattern. To implement the sequence in realistic settings, potential challenges raised by gradient imperfections such as gradient delay, eddy current, as well as B0 field inhomogeneities need to be considered.Acknowledgements
This work is supported in part by grants 2017YFC0109002 and 18YF1410900.References
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