Measures of lesion load on white matter fiber bundles for damage assessment
Guillem Garcia1, David Moreno-Dominguez1, Marc Ramos 1, and Matt Rowe1
1Medical Imaging, QMENTA Inc., Boston, MA, United States


Measures of lesion load are useful to study how damage in the white matter present in different pathologies relate to changes in cognitive function. So far, most research focus on global or local volumetric metrics, an approach that exhibits limitations in cases where small lesions in specific places cause major damages. In this work, we propose the combined use of a set of metrics that measure different aspects of the lesions over the major white matter bundles. We expose how these metrics provide complementary information, and discuss how its usefulness could be assessed in future work.


Characterization of the damage caused by white matter (WM) lesions on the major fiber bundles in the brain can be useful to analyze the influence of lesion location on cognitive function1. As shown in Table 1, previous studies proposed using some variation of lesion volume or similar as damage measures, always focused on specific WM fiber bundles or computed on the whole brain. This approach has some limitations since depending on the location and the number of affected fibers, a small lesion could have a large impact. Previously, we proposed a method to delineate major WM fiber bundles based on diffusion weighted MRI (dMRI) as fiber probability membership functions. In this work, we build upon those results and propose a set of metrics to asses the impact of WM lesions on specific WM structures computed by combining WM fiber bundles with lesion masks. These methods could contribute value to research into any disease involving WM hyperintensities, such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease or neuromyelitis optica.


Reconstruction of streamlines tractography

dMRI data can be used to compute a fiber orientation distribution of the white matter. Using the estimated orientations at each voxel streamlines are reconstructed using a tracking algorithm. In our approach, the generation of streamlines is started from seed points and constrained within anatomical regions of interest, hence generating WM fiber bundles. In this work, we used MRtrix software8 to generate the streamlines different WM fiber bundles combining results from probabilistic (iFOD29 ) and deterministic (SD_STREAM8) algorithms. Then fiber probability membership maps where obtained from the tracts in the form of visitation maps10, where voxels are weighted by the number of streamlines that cross them.

Lesion load measures

  • Volumetric damage: Requires a visitation map of the WM fiber bundle and a lesion mask in the same space. To reduce effects from the noise inherent to probabilistic tractography, a tract binary mask is derived by thresholding the visitation map, removing voxels that contain less than 5% of fibers with respect to the voxel with the maximum number of fibers. We call this the set of voxels $$$i\in F$$$ belonging to the fiber bundle F. This mask is then intersected with the voxels in the lesion mask $$$i\in L$$$. The damage corresponds to the percentage of the thresholded WM fiber bundle that intersects lesion mask (Figure 1.a).
  • Track-weighted volumetric damage: Requires the same inputs as volumetric damage. Similar to the previous measure but the thresholded mask is not binarized. The intersections with the lesion mask are weighted by the number of fibers contained in every voxel (Figure 1.b).
  • Fiber count damage: Requires a track file with streamlines of the WM fiber bundle and a lesion mask in the same space. This metric measures the proportion of streamlines generated in the whole fiber bundle that are intersected by the lesions. It emphasizes the impact of lesions that intersect many fibers. For the set of streamlines $$$s\in F$$$ belonging to the fiber bundle F and the set of streamlines $$$s\in L$$$ that are intersected by the lesion L (Figure 1.c).
  • Length-weighted fiber count damage: Requires the same inputs as fiber count damage. Similar to the previous one but the streamlines are weighted by their length ($$$d_{s}$$$). It accentuates the damage caused by lesions that intersect longer fibers (Figure 1.d).


To understand the differences in the lesion load measures, let us consider a set of scenarios where they would be useful.
Figure 2 shows the right corticospinal tract of a subject from CDMRI 2017 challenge data11. We created a binary mask simulating a thin lesion that intersects the whole bundle. In this scenario, the volumetric damages are less than 1%, the fiber count damages are both 100%.

In Figure 3 we can see the forceps major of a selected subject from 2017 ISMRM’s traCED challenge12. In this scenario, the synthetic binary mask represents two large lesions that intersect the bundle but do not cut it through. The computed volumetric damage and track-weighted volumetric damages are 4% and 3.8% respectively. The fiber count damage and the length-weighted fiber count damage are 53% and 54% respectively.
These scenarios depict how the proposed lesion load measures can give complementary information and help characterize the damage caused to WM fiber bundles by lesions with respect to their morphology.


Individually, each one of the proposed measures has limitations regarding its ability to describe the damage produced to a bundle. We propose combining them to take advantage of the complementary information that they provide. Since there is no gold standard in WM damage measures, further work would consist of testing the combined use of these measures against old approaches on patient’s data and assess its performance by checking which metric provides a better explanation of the phenotype.


We propose a set of lesion load measures to assess damage produced to WM fiber bundles using fibers reconstructed from dMRI data. These measures offer complementary information that can provide relevant insight about how different WM fiber bundles are affected by different types of lesions considering their volume and shape and could be used to asses changes in cognitive functions in patients with WM lesions.


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Table 1. Lesion load measures defined in previous works compared to the ones in this study.

Figure 1. Formulas of the proposed lesion load measures.

Figure 2. Right corticospinal tract over T1-weighted image as a visitation map (left) and as a track of streamlines (right). Coronal (top) and axial (bottom) views displayed. In red, a manually generated lesion mask intersecting the WM bundle.

Figure 3. Forceps major over T1-weighted image as a visitation map (left) and as a track of streamlines (right). Axial (top) and coronal (bottom) views displayed. In red, a manually generated lesion mask intersecting the WM bundle.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)