Wallace Souza Loos1, Roberto Souza1, Mariana Bento1, Robert Marc Lebel1,2, and Richard Frayne1
1University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2General Electric Healthcare, Calgary, AB, Canada
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging still has a high acquisition time
due to inherent sequential procedure required to fill k-space. Deep-cascade
networks have been used to reconstruct MR images from an under-sampled k-space
in order to reduce acquisition time. In this work we investigate a deep-cascade
to reconstruct MR images of the brain. We trained the network with 14 different
acceleration factors (R). Relevant brain structures were preserved until
R = 7x. For R ≥ 8x, MR images presented noticeable blurring
artifact. The quality of the segmentation of the brain structures were similar
to the reference MR image until R=9.
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging still has a high acquisition time
due to inherent sequential procedure to fill the k-space1,2,3. One
of the strategies to reduce the acquisition time is under-sampling the k-space below the Nyquist rate. However, insufficient
sampling in k-space results in aliasing artifacts in the image domain. Compressed sensing (CS)3,4 has been applied to
reconstruction of MR images from under-sampled k-space data to solve this
This reconstruction from an under-sampled k-space, involves solving an
underdetermined system using nonlinear optimization algorithms, requiring in a
high computational time3. Deep cascade5,6 networks have been proposed to
mitigate this problem. In this work, we investigate a deep cascade, called
WW-net6, which is composed of a cascade of four U-nets7
and consistency layers5 to reconstruct MR images of the brain. We
trained the network with different acceleration factors (R), analysing
the quality of the reconstruction and how the acceleration factor can impact on
the quality of the segmentation of brain structures. Materials and Methods
The dataset used has 111 volumetric T1-weighted images. The
network was trained from scratch over 50 epochs using Adam optimizer8
with a learning rate of 0.003 and a mean squared error (MSE) loss function.
Forty-three volumes (11,008 slices) were used for training, 18 volumes (4,608
slices) for model selection (validation), and 50 volumes (12,800 slices) for
testing. Poisson-disc sampling9 was adopted to under-sample k-space
with the central region being fully sampled within a circle of radius 16 (Fig.
1). We under-sampled k-space using 14 different acceleration factors (R):
2x, 3x, 4x, 4.5x, 5x, 5.5x, 6x, 6.5x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 15x and 20x. For image quality assessment, the
reconstruction images were evaluated with four metrics: normalized root mean
squared error (NRMSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (pSNR), structural similarity10
(SSIM) index, and visual information fidelity11 (VIF). The metrics were
computed for each image. The first 10 slices, from the top, and the first 50
slices, from the bottom, were removed to maximize the number of brain-containing
images. The reference image was computed using the inverse Fourier transform on
the fully sampled k-space. Since the morphometric analysis of the brain
structures can help in the diagnosis of many diseases,12 different
brain structures were measured in order to analyse how the acceleration factor
can impact in the segmentation of brain structures. The segmentation was
performed using Freesurfer.13 The brain structures evaluated were:
brain volume, cortex volume, white matter volume, and hippocampus. These
structures are often used to detect brain abnormalities, such as Alzheimer's
disease.14 Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s (with Bonferroni
correction) tests were used for statistical analysis. Results
The results of the reconstruction are
presented in Fig 2. After R = 7 the error rate grows faster than the
previous reconstruction (Fig 3), and the MR images become more blurred. The metrics NRMSE and pSNR showed a symmetric and low
variability error (Fig. 3). The SSIM and VIF, showed a high variability with a
slightly skewed error (Fig. 3). The Kruskal-Wallis test determined a
statistical significance (p < 0.01) across the cortex and white volume (Fig.
4-5). Dunn’s test indicated statistical significance (p < 0.05) difference
between the reconstruction R = 10, 15, and 20 (Fig. 5). Discussion
Most of the outliers reported in Fig. 3 are from images containing
only a small portion of the brain. The metrics that model human vision (SSIM
and VIF) presented a higher variability. For R ≥ 10x, the cortex
becomes brighter and during the structural segmentation, it decreases and the
white matter volume increases, causing
artefactual volume difference. However,
the brain and hippocampus volume remained similar to reference for all
acceleration factors. With the increase of the acceleration factor, the MR
images become more blurred. The blurring artifact is associated with the loss
of high-frequency information due the k-space sampling
strategy and the loss function used by the model.5,6Conclusion
Some reconstruction presented a blurring artifact for higher acceleration
factors, more noticeable for R ≥10. However, this evaluation showed that
for R ≥ 8x, the whole brain and the hippocampus
volume remain close to reference volume, not presenting any statistical
difference between them. It showed that MR image reconstruction with high
acceleration factor have the potential to be used for brain and hippocampus
volume analyses. Further analysis is required to verify the impact on other
structures of the brain.Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank NVidia for providing a Titan V GPU, Amazon Web Services for access to cloud-based GPU services. W.L. acknowledges the University of Calgary
Eyes High Fellowship. M.B. was supported by the Canadian Open Neuroscience Platform Fellowship. R.S. was supported by an NSERC CREATE I3T Award and the T. Chen Fong Fellowship in Medical Imaging from the University of Calgary. R.F. holds the Hopewell Professorship of Brain Imaging at
the University of Calgary.References
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