Andre de Alm Maximo1, Chitresh Bhushan2, Dawei Gui3, Uday Patil4, and Dattesh D Shanbhag4
1GE Healthcare, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 4GE Healthcare, Bangalore, India
In this work, we demonstrate a novel
automated MRI scan plane prescription workflow by making use of the pre-scan
calibrations scans to generate prescription planes for knee MRI planning. Using
large-FOV, low-resolution 3D calibration data, we find the meniscus plane with
very-high accuracy (angle error = 0.76, distance error = 0.07 mm). The approach obviates the need to acquire any localizer
images with potential benefits: (1) avoiding subsequent retakes for correct
planning of plane prescription; (2) reducing total scan time; and (3) easing
the MRI scanning experience for both patient and technologist by enabling
single push scan.
Scan plane prescription for
acquiring clinical high-resolution MRI data, either manually or automatically,
is typically done using localizer images1,2. However, due to the blind nature of localizer
acquisition, artifacts (wrap around, missing structures and others) are
common, which often leads to reacquiring another localizer. This is especially
true for MSK exams, e.g. knee, shoulder and ankle (internal study indicates
30-50% repeats). In this work, we
demonstrate a novel automated MRI scan plane prescription workflow combining pre-scan
calibration data with deep learning to generate scan plane prescription for
knee imaging. The obvious advantage is
the ability to plan MRI scan without the need for localizers; thereby reducing
time and associated issues. Pre-scan calibration data is normally a large FOV (~50
cm), 3D acquisition with extremely-low resolution (7-10 mm isotropic), and typically
acquired for hardware calibration. Calibration images lack detailed anatomical
information (see figure 1) and affected by RF coil intensity shading. Therefore, it is very hard, if not
impossible, for a human to accurately prescribe high-resolution scan planes
using calibration data. Our method employs a deep-learning-based neural network
to perform scan plane prescription using calibration data only.
Meniscus plane is the primary plane
for knee imaging and accuracy of knee imaging is dependent on the correct
estimation of meniscus plane. Hence, we
choose to demonstrate the concept by generating the meniscus plane prescription
using pre-scan calibration data and deep learning.METHODS
Subjects: Data acquisition
from 56 volunteers
in-house, scanned randomly on left and right knee. Volunteers were asked to rotate and shift their
knee location to be scanned again in the same sitting, resulting in multiple
knee volumes per subject. All studies were approved by
the appropriate IRB.
MRI scanner and acquisition: Data acquisition
is done on a GE 3T Signa Premier MR scanner using dedicated knee and flex coils.
Acquisition protocol is as follows: a. Localizer
images: Tri-planar localizers:
2D SSFSE, TE/TR = 80 ms/1120 ms , FA = 90°, in-plane
resolution = 0.55 mm x 0.55 mm, Slice Thickness = 10 mm, matrix = 512x512,
slices = 5; b. Calibration images: 3D EFGRE axial calibration scan, TE/TR = 0.5 ms/1.4 ms , FA = 1°, averages = 2, in-plane resolution =
7.5mm x 7.5mm, slice thickness = 15 mm, acquisition matrix = 32x32x32,
reconstruction matrix = 64x64x64. Our
protocol includes acquiring both localizers and calibration data with change in
subject knee position, used to generate the ground-truth labeling for training.
Gold-standard (GT) generation: Gold-truth
(GT) data for the meniscus plane are manually labelled, by a human radiologist,
using the localizer data (in both sagittal and coronal stacks). The ground-truth mask is then projected from
the tri-planar localizers to the calibration scans data with identity transform,
assuming subject did not move between these two acquisitions (see figure 2).
Deep learning (DL) model generation:
a. Data strategy: A total of 667 calibration samples is obtained from the 56
subjects. This dataset is divided into training (= 526 volumes), validation (=
59 volumes) and testing (= 82 volumes) sets. The training and validation sets
are augmented with image flips, noise and coil shading. The final count is 13800 volumes for training
and 2300 volumes for validation.
b. Deep learning model: Our method employs a 3D U-net architecture3 (3 layers down and 3 layers up) for training the calibration-based meniscus plane model, with
input and output size = 32x32x32, 16 initial filters, 3x3x3 filter size, 2x2x2
max-pooling, 3000 epochs, dice as loss function and accuracy metric.
c. Evaluation metrics: In
addition to dice, we compute the mean absolute distance (MAD) and angle errors
between GT plane and DL predicted plane. MAD < 1 mm and angle error < 3˚ are
considered clinically acceptable. Evaluation statistics reported
for test cases.RESULTS and DISCUSSION
3 shows validation accuracy curves for meniscus plane training. It shows a good
convergence around 97%. Figure 4 shows
four test cases with top accuracy (DICE = 100%). Figure 5 shows that the mean of the MAD error
= 0.07 mm and angle error = 0.76⁰,
indicating excellent reproducibility of meniscus plane vis-à-vis higher
resolution localizer and are within the clinically acceptable limits. Although
the results are good, they are still preliminary, i.e. we used a small dataset
(56 subjects) with a certain bias (positional changes for re-scanning and data
augmentation). We are currently working with larger diverse dataset to ensure
that this generalizes.CONCLUSION
The meniscus plane is the
standard prescription plane for knee imaging, based on which other prescription
planes are planned. Our results demonstrate that calibration-scan images can be
used to infer such prescription plane thereby removing the need for localizer
image(s), which can truly manifest a
single-push scanning. The idea can be
extended to other anatomical locations such as shoulder and ankle, which also
suffer from issues related to improper localizer setup and several retakes.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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