Elise Noelle Woodward1, Matthew S Fox1,2, David G McCormack3, Grace Parraga3,4,5, and Alexei Ouriadov1,2
1Physics and Astronomy, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 2Lawson Health Research Centre, London, ON, Canada, 3Department of Medicine, Respiratory, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 4Robarts Research institute, London, ON, Canada, 5Medical Biophysics, Western University, London, ON, Canada
We hypothesize
that the SEM equation can be adapted for fitting the spin-density dependence of
the MR signal similar to fitting the time or b-value dependences:
Signal=exp[-(nr)^β], where 0<β<1, n is an image number and r is the
fractional spin-density. Such an
approach permits consideration of the signal intensity variation as reflection
of the underlying spin-density variation and hence, reconstruction of the
under-sampled k-space using the adapted SEM equation.
In this
proof-of-concept evaluation, we have demonstrated the feasibility of this
approach in a small group of patients. Lung SV/ADC/morphometry/T2* maps have
been generated using reconstructed images and their corresponding weighing.
diffusion-weighted hyperpolarized inhaled-gas MRI provides imaging biomarkers
of terminal airspace enlargement, including apparent-diffusion-coefficients
(ADC) and mean-diffusion-length (LmD), but clinical translation has been limited because
image acquisition requires long-duration or multiple breath-holds which are not
well-tolerated by patients. Recently, a stretched-exponential-model1 (SEM)
combined with under-sampling in the imaging direction, employing
a different under-sampling pattern for different b-values2 and an
acceleration factor (AF) of 7 was used for the generation of 3He/129Xe
static-ventilation (SV), T2*
and multiple b-value diffusion-weighted MRI-based ADC and morphometry maps.3,4 The distribution of the signal weightings due
to T2* and diffusion
requires separate image reconstruction approaches to generate maps of SV/T2* and ADC/morphometry. We hypothesize that the SEM equation can be adapted for
fitting the spin density dependence of the MR signal similar to fitting the
time or b-value dependences:5,6 Signal=exp[-(nr)β], where 0<β<1, n is an image number and r is the fractional spin-density.7 Such an approach permits
consideration of the MR signal intensity variation (Figure1a,b) as reflection
of the underlying spin-density variation and hence, reconstruction of the
under-sampled k-space using the adapted SEM equation. Lung SV/ADC/morphometry/T2* maps can be generated
using reconstructed images and their corresponding weighing. Therefore, in this
proof-of-concept evaluation, our objective was to demonstrate the feasibility
of our approach in a small group of patients.Methods
Two healthy-volunteers (HV, 24/26yr)
and two Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD, 67/66yr) patients provided written
informed consent to an ethics-board approved study protocol and underwent spirometry,
plethysmography, and 129Xe MRI morphometry with
and without acceleration. Imaging was performed at 3.0T (MR750, GEHC,
WI) using whole-body clinical gradients
(5G/cm maximum) and a commercial, xenon quadrature flex human RF coil8 (MR Solutions, USA). For xenon
measurements, the diffusion-sensitization gradient pulse
ramp up/down time=500μs, constant time=2ms, ΔXe=5.2ms,
providing five b-values 0, 12.0, 20.0, 30.0, and 45.5s/cm2. For fully-sampled
acquisitions (single breath-hold), a multi-slice interleaved (six
interleaves) centric 2D FGRE diffusion-weighted sequence was acquired for two
30mm coronal slices (TE=10msec, TR=13msec,
reconstructed matrix size=128x128, and FOV=40x40cm2,
constant-flip-angle=4o, 14sec single breath-hold).4 For accelerated
acquisitions (AF=7), a multi-slice interleaved (six interleaves) centric 2D FGRE
diffusion-weighted sequence was acquired, for seven 30mm coronal-slices (sequence parameters were similar to fully-sampled).4 An
extra interleave with no diffusion-weighting (b=0) and significantly reduced TE
(2ms) was utilized to generate a short-TE static-ventilation-image and a T2*
map (by using a long-TE (10ms) static-ventilation-image (b=0)) for both accelerated and fully-sampled cases.4 A 7.4o
constant-flip-angle (120 [20 per b-value] RF pulses-per-slice) was used for the
AF=7 (all participants, 12sec single breath-hold).4
Fully-sampled data were retrospectively
under-sampled to mimic AF=7, then the lung function maps were generated for
three cases (full-sampling; retrospective under-sampling; and accelerated
sampling) in two steps. Firstly, the
signal intensity of the under-sampled k-spaces were represented as a functions
of the image number (Figure1c) and then fitted following Abascal et al
method.2 n=0,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 was used to fit HV and AATD under-sampled data
respectively (Figure1c). Secondly, the ADC (b=0/b=12s/cm2)
and LmD1,9 were generated for all cases as previously
Figures 2
and 3 show representative center-slice
ADC/ADCR/ADCA, LmD/RLmD/ALmD, and T2*/RT2*/AT2* (where R indicates retrospectively under-sampled
and A indicates under-sampled acquisition) maps for
all subjects while
Table1 shows mean estimates. The
pixel-by-pixel differences between the original fully-sampled short-TE/b=0 and short-TE/b=0 images reconstructed after the retrospective under-sampling was
within the interval of 11%-15% for all study subjects. For the HV/AATD subgroups, mean differences less than 10.0% were
observed between fully-sampled and under-sampled (both R
and A) k-space for the ADC, LmD, and T2* values respectively. Discussion and Conclusion
In this
proof-of-concept study, we showed that the SEM
equation can be adapted for fitting the “spin density” dependence of the MR
signal similar to fitting to the time or b-value dependences. The differences
in 129Xe MRI-based ADC/LmD
and Lm estimates from
fully-sampled and under-sampled (AF=7) k-space were similar to those observed with accelerated
129Xe multi-b diffusion-weighted MRI.9 Thus, the
ADC and morphometry estimates obtained using the proposed approach can be
considered for translation to use in patients.
Furthermore, the total number of sampled k-space lines was 120 (20x6images),
so by utilizing AF=10 (13 k-space lines out of 128 per image), one can
acquire three more maps (longitudinal-relaxation-time-constant (T1) map,15 partial-oxygen-pressure (PO2) map16 and a
RF flip-angle (B1) map17, or thee more short-TE images) and still finish data acquisition
in 16sec (13lines x 9images=117). We believe
that the adapted SEM equation can be used to reconstruct all nine
images which in turn can be utilized to generate SV/ADC/LmD/T2*/T1/B1/PO2
A. Ouriadov was funded in part by a fellowship from
the Alpha-1 Foundation (USA).References
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