Adam V. Dvorak1,2, Guillaume Gilbert3, Alex L. MacKay1,4, and Shannon H. Kolind1,2,4,5
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3MR Clinical Science, Philips Canada, Markham, ON, Canada, 4Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 5Medicine (Neurology), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Multi-component quantitative T2 mapping can provide a range of valuable, in-vivo biomarkers, but is limited by
lengthy acquisition times. Here we introduce multi-component quantitative T2
shuffling, a subspace-constrained CS method for reconstructing highly
under-sampled multi-component relaxation mapping data using principal
components of a temporal basis. We demonstrated reconstruction of myelin water
imaging data with simulated under-sampling acceleration factors of ~20-30, which could provide accurate images, higher resolution and fit-to-noise ratios, and
improved metric maps in a fraction of the acquisition time.
Multi-component quantitative T2 (mcQT2)
mapping can characterize water pools present in human tissue.
One such technique, myelin water imaging (MWI), provides the
myelin water fraction (MWF) metric, one of the most myelin-specific MRI biomarkers
MWI techniques
generally acquire ~50 separate T2 weighted images, necessitating
extremely lengthy acquisition times.
Compressed sensing3,4 (CS) can exploit a
temporal or parameter mapping dimension to facilitate additional under-sampling5. Pivotal work by Huang
et al., Tamir et al., and others demonstrated that accounting for
signal evolution allows data acquired throughout the echo train to inform image
reconstruction6-9 without the blurring
induced by alternative methods, such as the GRASE sequence10,11 or fast spin-echo
Recently, principal component analysis denoising
has been shown to be highly effective at reducing errors in mcQT2 metrics13.
The purpose of this study is to introduce
multi-component quantitative T2 shuffling, a subspace-constrained
CS method for reconstructing highly under-sampled multi-component relaxation mapping
data using principal components of a temporal basis.Methods
MRI Data
A fully-sampled, gold-standard MWI
dataset was acquired in 2h:2m:40s for a single healthy volunteer (male, 25
years) with a 3D multi-echo Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill
spin-echo sequence (56 echoes, echo spacing 5.7ms, repetition time
1277ms, acquired resolution 1x2x2mm3, field-of-view 230x100x192mm3)
at 3T with a 32-channel head coil (Ingenia Elition X, Philips Healthcare, Best,
The Netherlands).
To reduce computational demands, k-space data with 8 virtual channels was generated from the fully-sampled dataset and simulated coil sensitivity maps. Retrospective under-sampling was performed for axial slices using variable-density Poisson-disk sampling masks with an elliptical shutter.
mcQT2 Shuffling
10,000 signal evolutions
were used to generate a temporal basis set with singular value decomposition,
from which principal components were taken to form a temporal subspace (process
outlined in Figure 1). Data can be represented
in a lifted k-t space as temporal basis set coefficients $$$\alpha = \Phi^Hx$$$.
A low-dimensional
subspace constraint is applied by taking K
principal basis
components, where $$$x\approx\Phi_K\Phi^H_Kx$$$, within model error.
Extending the CS
forward model, the reconstruction problem becomes:
$$\min_{\alpha}\frac{1}{2}\parallel y-MFS\Phi_K\alpha\parallel^2_2+\lambda\parallel T(\alpha)\parallel_1 $$
for sampling mask $$$M$$$, Fourier
transform $$$F$$$, coil sensitivity maps $$$S$$$, temporal subspace $$$\Phi_K$$$, regularization $$$\lambda$$$
, and wavelet transform $$$T(\alpha)$$$, solved in Matlab using BART14 with FISTA15.
MWI analysis used a regularized
non-negative least-squares fitting algorithm with stimulated echo correction16. Fit quality was quantified by fit-to-noise ratio
(FNR) maps, calculated for non-negative T2
component amplitudes $$$a_i$$$
$$FNR = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{nT_2}a_i}{\sqrt{\frac{\sum( residuals^2)}{nEchoes-1}}}$$
Normalized model error (NME)8 was calculated for single
component exponential decays, generated using the extended phase graph
algorithm17. Fully sampled images and metric maps were compared to
under-sampled mcQT2 shuffling results
visually and with normalized mean-square error (NMSE) for a range of subspace
sizes, K, and under-sampling acceleration factors, R.Results and Discussion
Subspace Accuracy
Interestingly, without enforcing expectations
regarding the number of distinct water pools or their mean T2 values,
the first 3 temporal basis components resembled decays with distinct relaxation
times (Figure 1). From Figure 2, ~6-8 subspace components were required to flexibly model a wide range
of (simulated single-component) signal evolutions with NME of ~0.1 or less. Unsurprisingly,
the subspace better models the multi-component relaxation it was designed for (Figure
3). With 6 subspace components, NME for all measured signal evolutions not
included in subspace generation was 0.01.
Temporal Denoising
Figure 4 demonstrates the temporal denoising effect the subspace constraint had on
images and metric maps, influenced by reconstructing with larger or smaller
values of K.
For K<6, MWF map features are lost and for K>6,
noise-like features, present in the fully-sampled MWF map, begin to be re-introduced. The value of K must be carefully chosen
to balance the trade-off between noise and bias8. Ideally, K would be derived objectively for each dataset
using the Marchenko-Pastur
distribution18 or an alternative method.
Image and Metric Quality
For mcQT2 shuffling
with K=6 and R=25.8 (for which acquisition time
would be 4m:45s), mean FNR was 623, compared to 370 for fully-sampled data. For
K=6 and R<~30, MWF maps remained qualitatively similar (Figure 5) with
relatively stable NMSE (R|NMSE: 5.2|0.045, 10.3|0.045, 16.8|0.050, 20.6|0.052,
25.8|0.063, 31.0|0.084, 36.1|0.119). NMSE of all echo images was <0.005 for
R<=31.0, 0.013 for R=36.1. The mean MWF was robust to acceleration, differing
from the fully-sampled mean by 0.2% absolute MWF units or less for all R.
Stimulated echo correction is essential for accurate MWI
analysis, which may explain why including up to at least K=6 (which appears to be a stimulated echo amplitude modulation) was essential for recovering accurate
MWF maps.
Further Considerations
For various mcQT2
mapping techniques, achievable acceleration factors will largely depend
on the number of spatial and temporal samples (phase-encode steps and echo
times). For example, increased benefits can be
expected for techniques with longer echo trains, such as luminal water imaging
of prostate19.
The acquisition has been implemented, and
preliminary data acquired, with a modified version of the PROUD patch for pseudo-spiral
4D-flow MRI20,21. Each phase-encode value at each echo time can be uniquely
specified, which allows for flexible, temporally-incoherent sampling schemes.Conclusion
mcQT2 shuffling can reconstruct myelin
water imaging data with under-sampling acceleration factors of ~20-30, providing
accurate images, higher resolution and fit-to-noise ratio, and improved metric
maps in a fraction of the acquisition time.Acknowledgements
Adam Dvorak is in receipt of a 4-Year Doctoral Fellowship
from the University of British Columbia. Shannon Kolind is supported by a Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research salary award. Additional funding support was provided by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant [F17-05113].
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