Christian Kames1,2, Jonathan Doucette1,2, and Alexander Rauscher1,2,3
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2UBC MRI Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Department of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
A deep learning model, ProxVNET, is proposed to solve the ill-posed
dipole inversion in susceptibily mapping. ProxVNET is derived from
unrolled proximal gradient descent iterations wherein the proximal
operator is implemented as a V-Net and is itself learned. ProxVNET is
shown to outperform the U-Net-based dipole inversion deep learning
model QSMnet when compared to COSMOS reconstructed susceptibility
The variational minimization problem for the ill-posed dipole
inversion in susceptibility mapping is given by:
$$\text{argmin}_{\chi}\frac{\mu}{2}||D\chi - \varphi||_2^2+R(\chi)$$
where $$$\chi$$$ is the magnetic susceptibility, $$$D$$$ is the
dipole convolution matrix, $$$\varphi$$$ the local field, and
$$$R(\cdot)$$$ a regularizer. Equation [1] can be solved using a
proximal gradient descent (PGD) method:
where the proximal operator prox depends on $$$R$$$. Mardani et al.
proposed to learn the proximal operator using residual networks for
2D undersampled compressed sensing image reconstruction1.
We adopt this strategy of learning the proximal operator for the
dipole inversion, but due to memory constraints inherent to 3D
problems, we have to adjust the neural network architecture. Given a
zero initial input $$$\chi_0$$$, unrolling the first two iterations
of the above iterative scheme yields:
where we absorbed $$$\tau_1$$$ into the first proximal operator.
Ignoring the second prox operator temporarily, we are left with
$$$D^*\varphi$$$ as input into a neural network whose output is
passed into a single gradient descent step. As multiple iterations
are increasingly memory intensive we propose to maximize the capacity
of the neural network in the first step and only use the first two
iterations of the learned PGD. To do so, we choose the V-Net
We demonstrate that V-Net alone outperforms the U-Net3-based
QSMnet4 model. Then, we improve the V-Net model by
combining the physics of the dipole problem with the expressive power
of the V-Net; the proposed ProxVNET model is trained utilizing the
iteration scheme in Equation [3].Methods
Data acquisition
3D-GRE data was acquired from 5 healthy volunteers, with 12
multiple-echo scans at varying head orientations on a Philips Achieva
3T scanner. Images were upsampled to isotropic resolution by
zero-filling in the Fourier domain. Quality assurance inspection was
performed on each scan in order to check for motional and foldover
artifacts. A total of 48(=8+11+11+10+8) multiple-echo scans remained,
with subject #4 (10x4=40 3D images) used for testing, and the
remaining 4 subjects (11x4+(8+11+8)x5=179 3D images) used for
training and validation. The scan parameters for all 5 datasets are
summarized in Table 1.
each volunteer, the multiple-orientation reference COSMOS was
computed for each echo using all remaining scan orientations. Each
echo was unwrapped using Laplacian unwrapping5;
the background field was removed using v-SHARP6;
NiftyReg was used with default parameters to register the scans to
the neutral frame7.
These COSMOS reconstructions were then used as the target
susceptibility maps during training and testing.
For the proximal operator in the first iteration we use a V-Net with
pre-activation (BatchNorm + ReLu) convolutional layers with 3x3x3
filters. We further incorporate a single pre-activation residual
block after the first convolutional layer (before downsampling) and
in front of the very last 1x1x1 convolutional layer. A skip
connection between the input and output was added for residual
learning. For the second proximal operator we use a 7x7x7x1x32
convolutional layer followed by a 3x3x3 convolutional layer + ReLu,
another 3x3x3 convolutional layer without activation and finally a
1x1x1 convolutional layer.
were trained
on 64x64x64 patches. Training data was generated by randomly sampling
100 patches from each of the 179, multi-orientation, multi-echo,
multi-resolution images. Adam with decoupled weight decay
(AdamW)8 was used to train the network, with a constant
learning rate of 3e-4 and weight decay of 1e-5. The $$$\ell_1$$$ loss
function was used. No further data augmentation was performed. Batch
size used was 8. The network was implemented using the Julia
programming language. All networks were trained using the same
training data and optimization algorithm + parameters on a NVIDIA
Quadro P6000 GPU with 24GB of memory.Results
Both V-Net and ProxVNET outperform our in-house LSMR-based dipole
inversion algorithm9 as well as QSMnet, as seen Table 2.
V-Net and ProxVNET perform similarly well. Figure 1 shows higher
visual reconstruction quality for V-Net and ProxVNET compared to
QSMnet, as well.Discussion and Conclusion
this work we proposed a deep
learning model, ProxVNET, in
order to solve the ill-posed
dipole inversion in susceptibily mapping. ProxVNET is derived from
unrolled proximal gradient descent iterations wherein the proximal
operator is a learned V-Net.
Both V-Net and ProxVNET
outperform the U-Net-based dipole inversion deep learning model
QSMnet when compared to the
COSMOS reconstructed
susceptibility maps.Acknowledgements
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Grant/Award Number 016-05371 and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Grant Number RN382474-418628.References
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