Properties and implementation issues of phase based cr-MRECT for conductivity imaging
Yusuf Ziya Ider1 and Merve Nur Akyer1
1Dept of EEE, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey


Phase based cr-MRECT aims at reconstructing tissue conductivity without boundary artefacts. In this work some properties and implementation issues of the Phase based cr-MRECT are studied, namely, discretization methods, ill conditioning, bias due to neglecting the gradient of abs(B1+), and regularization. It is shown that by properly weighing the regularising artificial diffusion, bias-correction, and the convection term, artefact free and accurate conductivity images can be obtained. The system matrices are shown to be relatively well-conditioned and that there is no need to specify Dirichlet boundary conditions.


MREPT formulations are given in Figure-1. Helmholtz-equation based std-MREPT1,2 is derived assuming homogeneous electrical properties and therefore has boundary artifacts. To circumvent this problem, cr-MREPT is developed3. In general MREPT requires the knowledge of both the magnitude and phase of $$$B_1^+$$$. Since the phase alone can be measured faster and with higher SNR, phase based versions of reconstruction, of only the conductivity however, have been developed4,5, which also assume that $$$\triangledown\mid{B_1^+}\mid$$$ is negligible. In this work some properties and implementation issues of the Phase based cr-MRECT are studied, namely, discretization methods, ill conditioning, regularisation, bias due to the $$$\triangledown\mid{B_1^+}\mid=0$$$ assumption, and weighting of the convection term.


Forward problem simulations are performed using Comsol Multiphysics (COMSOL AB, Stockholm, Sweden) in a 2D setting in order not to be effected by $$$B_z$$$. A conductive phantom of 12cm diameter is placed in a square computation domain of 2m side-length, at the boundary of which the transverse magnetic field is taken to be $$$\mu_0(-iu_x-u_y)$$$, thus simulating an applied rotating magnetic field and obtaining an otherwise uniform $$$B_1^+$$$ in the place of the conductive object. Finite element method with triangular (<0.5mm) mesh is used to solve for $$$B_1^+$$$. Solution is exported to Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) on a 1.5mm Cartesian grid.

Gaussian noise of $$$stdev=mean\left(\mid{B_1^+}\mid\right)/1000$$$ is added to both components of complex $$$B_1^+$$$ which is then LP filtered (3X3 Gaussian, stdev=0.5pixel). Laplacian and gradient of $$$\phi=angle(B_1^+)$$$ are calculated using the discretization formulae given in Figure-2. Region-of-Interest (ROI) is selected via mouse clicks using the “impoly” function of Matlab, such that the boundary errors due to filtering and calculation of Laplacian and gradient of $$$\phi$$$ are excluded.

Discretization of the Phase based cr-MRECT equation is implemented by (i) using the Cartesian-mesh in the ROI, and (ii) using a triangular-mesh generated in the ROI (Figure-2). The system equations are solved using the backslash operator of Matlab. No Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed.

A fourth order polynomial is fit to $$$\mid{B_1^+}\mid$$$ and then the bias correction term $$$ \sigma_{bias-corr}$$$ is calculated from the fit surface, which has the weight coefficient “b”.


Figure-3 shows the reconstruction results using a triangular-mesh in a circular ROI of 5.5 cm radius. For a homogeneous object with sigma = 0.5 S/m, without the diffusion term (d=0), the reconstruction is noisy and more profoundly so in the Low Convective Field (LCF, $$$\triangledown\phi≈0$$$) region. With d=-0.01 however, noise and LCF artifacts disappear. Adding also the bias correction term (b=0.45), a uniform 0.5S/m image is obtained. For an object with 4 anomalies introduction of the diffusion term (d=-0.01) and adding the bias-correction term (b=0.45), clean images with no boundary artifacts are observed. Some blurring and some remains of the boundary artifacts are however observed.

Figure-4 shows the Cartesian-mesh reconstruction results for the same simulation phantoms. Most importantly, if diffusion term is not used spurious oscillations are observed around sharp edges which are however easily eliminated introducing diffusion (d=-0.01). Otherwise the results are similar to the triangular-mesh case.

It is not necessary to impose Dirichlet boundary conditions. This is clearly evident in Figure-5, where a small ROI is selected such that the boundary of the ROI cuts several anomalies through their centers. The boundary of the ROI is accurately reconstructed.

The ill-conditioning of the system matrices are also studied as shown in Figure-5. Without diffusion, condition numbers are 325 and 313 for the Cartesian and triangular-mesh cases respectively. With diffussion these are reduced to 123 and 97 respectively.

Figure-5f shows the x=2.4mm profiles of $$$\mid{B_1^+}\mid$$$ and its polynomial fit. A 4th order polynomial fits almost perfectly to the uniform case (not shown), and for the 4-anomaly phantom, with 4th order fitting, details are omitted and the main trend is modelled.

With c=1.75 we find that the boundary correction due to the convection term is more effective as shown in Figure-5g.

Discussion and Conclusion

One important conclusion is that there is no need for specifying conductivity on the boundary of the ROI.

Since the diffusion term is in any case necessary to combat noise and LCF artifact, we therefore conclude that the Cartesian and triangular discretizations are equally applicable. More equations in the triangular case makes the solution smoother.

The fact that cr-MRECT can be applied for any ROI is important because having to apply it to the whole domain results in the handling of an unnecessarily large system matrix and also inclusion of some possibly corrupted measurements. In practice, the ROI may be selected from an image of the MR magnitude.

The bias-correction term needs to be weighted by less than 1 (b≈0.45). This is probably because while the convection term basically works for correcting the boundary artifacts, it also somewhat alters the overall bias. In practice, $$$\mid{B_1^+}\mid$$$ may be measured with a quick and low resolution method, like DREAM6, and the bias-correction term can be calculated by fitting a polynomial to $$$\mid{B_1^+}\mid$$$ which captures the main trend in it.

Using a somewhat higher weight for the convection term is more effective for combatting the boundary artifacts. However the bias is also effected and the bias-correction weight must also be adjusted (as future work).


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1. Haacke E M, Pepropoulos L S, Nilges E W, and Wu D H. Extraction of conductivity and permittivity using magnetic resonance imaging. Physics inMedicine and Biology, vol. 36,no.6, pp. 723–734, 1991.

2. Katscher U, Voigt T, Findeklee C, Vernickel P, Nehrke K, Dossel O. Determination of electric conductivity and local SAR Via B1 mapping. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 1365–1374, Sep. 2009

3. Hafalir FS, Oran OF, Gurler N, Ider YZ. Convection-Reaction Equation Based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (cr-MREPT). IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2014;33(3):777-793. doi:10.1109/tmi.2013.2296715.

4. Katscher U, Kim DH, and Seo JK. Recent Progress and Future Challenges in MR Electric Properties Tomography. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 546562, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2013/546562

5. Gurler N and Ider YZ. Gradient-Based Electrical Conductivity Imaging Using MR Phase. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2016;77(1):137-150. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26097

6. Ehses P, Brenner D, Stirnberg R, Pracht E D, Stocker T. Whole-brain B1-mapping using three-dimensional DREAM. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2019;82:924-934. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.27773


Figure-1: Definitions and equations of conventional (standard) and convection-reaction partial diffrential equation (PDE) based MREPT and MRECT formulations. After reconstruction of the conductivity using the Phase based cr-MRECT, the σbias-corr term is added to the solution in order to remove the bias due to the assumption that the gradient of the norm of B1+ is zero.

Figure-2: Discretization of the Phase based cr-MRECT to obtain linear system of equations. Left Panel: Discretization on a Cartesian mesh with 1.5 mm step length in both directions. Equations are derived on a node basis. Right panel: Discretization on a triangular mesh with maximum triangle size of 1.5 mm. Laplacian and gradient of φ are interpolated to triangular mesh nodes and then to triangle centers using “pdeintrp” function of Matlab. Equations are derived on an element basis.

Figure-3: Conductivity reconstructions using the triangular mesh (max triangle size < 1.5mm): a) Uniform case (0.5 S/m) with d = 0 and b = 0. b) Uniform case with d = -0.01 and b = 0. c) Uniform case with d = -0.01 and b = 0.45. d) Target conductivity distribution of the 4-anomaly simulation phantom. e), f) and g) Reconstruction of this phantom with d = 0 and b = 0, with d = -0.01 and b = 0, and with d = -0.01 and b = 0.45 respectively. h), i), j), k) Y-Z views of the images in b), c), f), and g) respectively.

Figure-4: Conductivity reconstructions using phase based cr-MRECT using a Cartesian mesh with step length of 1.5 mm. a) Uniform case (0.5 S/m) with d=0 and and b=0. b) Uniform case with d = -0.01 and b = 0. c) Uniform case with d = -0.01 and b = 0.45. d) target conductivity distribution of the 4-anomaly simulation phantom. e), f) and g) Reconstruction of this phantom with d = 0 and b = 0, with d = -0.01 and b = 0, and with d = -0.01 and b = 0.45 respectively. h), i), j), k) Y-Z views of the images in b), c), f, and g) respectively.

Figure-5: a) ROI selected using the Laplacian of the noiseless phase. b) Conductivity reconstructed using the phase in the ROI only (d=-0.01, b=0.45). c) 3D image of part b. d) Logarithmic normalized singular value plot for the triangular mesh (4-anomaly case, r=5.5 cm, A is 13956 X 7093, d=-0.01 (red), d=0 (blue). e) Cartesian mesh case (4-anomaly case, r=5.5 cm, A is 3831X3831, d=-0.01 (red), d=0 (blue). f) x=2.4 cm profiles for the B1+ magnitude (red) and the 4th order fit (blue) for the 4-anomaly simulation phantom. g) Same simulation as in Figure-3g but with the weights c=1.75 and b=0.3.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)