Hyunyeol Lee1, Dongyeop Han2, Cheng-Chieh Cheng1, and Felix W Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
The relaxation parameter R2’ characterizes susceptibility-induced voxel signal
modulations, for example, in the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin in brain
microvasculature or iron deposits in deep gray matter structures. Current R2’ measurement methods build on a spin-echo sequence configuration, and
hence require impractically long scan time for volumetric 3D R2’ mapping.
Furthermore, large susceptibility gradients around air/tissue interfaces result
in signal distortions with increasing echo times, thus making it
challenging to achieve accurate R2’ estimation in deep GM regions. Here, we
propose an alternating, 3D z-shimmed, unbalanced steady-state-free-precession
(SSFP) technique for rapid and B0-corrected R2’ mapping in the human
The transverse
relaxation rate parameter R2* represents the rate of free-induction-decay (FID) in the absence of macroscopic magnetic field (B0) gradients. It is composed of
reversible (R2’) and irreversible (R2) contributions as R2*=R2+R2’. R2’ is of
particular interest as it characterizes susceptibility-induced voxel signal
modulations, for example, in the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin in brain
microvasculature1 or iron deposits in deep gray matter (GM)
structures2. Currently practiced R2’ measurement methods3
build on a spin-echo sequence configuration to eliminate the R2 effect, and
hence require impractically long scan time for volumetric 3D R2’ mapping.
Furthermore, large susceptibility gradients around air/tissue interfaces result
in signal distortions with increasing echo times (TE), thus making it
challenging to achieve accurate R2’ estimation in deep GM regions. Here, we
propose an alternating, 3D z-shimmed, unbalanced steady-state-free-precession
(SSFP) technique for rapid and B0-corrected R2’ mapping in the human
brain. Methods
Sequence configuration: Figure 1a shows a timing diagram of the proposed
pulse sequence. SSFP-FID and SSFP-ECHO
modules are alternating along the entire echo train, while producing a plurality of
gradient-recalled echo signals within each time-of-repetition (TR). The
temporal evolution of these two sets of signals can be expressed in terms of
rate constants, R2* (=R2+R2’) and R2** (=R2-R2’), for SSFP-FID and SSFP-ECHO,
respectively (Fig. 1b). It is noted that this scheme is essentially analogous to
the GESFIDE method4, but runs in a steady-state regime, thereby
allowing rapid encoding of the relaxation information. Second, a radial stack-of-stars
k-space sampling scheme (Fig. 1c) is employed so as to make the method relatively
immune to physiologic motions5 that manifest as ghosting artifacts in
Cartesian sampling. Finally, z-shim gradients and corresponding rewinders are
alternately inserted along the z-axis (Fig. 1a) as in Han et al.6,
making every even echo z-shimmed and thereby able to capture signals in regions
with large B0 gradients (gz). The polarity of the z-shim
gradients in SSFP-ECHO is reversed relative to that in SSFP-FID to account for
the phase-reversal effect of the SSFP-ECHO signal mechanism. Figure 2
represents a simplified extended phase diagram for the present pulse sequence.
Data processing: Figure 3 illustrates
a three-step data processing scheme consisting of image reconstruction, B0
correction, and model fitting. K-space data were Fourier-transformed along the
through-plane direction, followed by 2D gridding reconstruction for individual
slices. Subsequently, a gz map, obtained using the phase images from
both SSFP-FID and SSFP-ECHO, was used to estimate the voxel-spread-function
(VSF) along the z-direction. Briefly, the VSF method7 approximates a
B0 inhomogeneity induced voxel signal modulation as convolution of a
signal-leakage function (VSF) with ideal signals in the neighboring voxels,
leading to the correction of such effect. It has previously been shown that
incorporating z-shimmed signals in the VSF method improves the accuracy of R2*
estimation in regions with large gz values6. Finally,
mono-exponential fitting of the B0-corrected signals was performed
voxel-by-voxel to yield R2* and R2** from SSFP-FID and SSFP-ECHO multi-echo
data, leading to R2 = (R2*+R2**)/2 and R2’ = (R2*-R2**)/2 maps.
In vivo experiments: Experiments were performed
at 3 T (Siemens Prisma) in two healthy subjects. A 32-channel head coil was
used for signal reception. Imaging parameters were: TR = 32 ms, echo-spacing =
1.5 ms, number of echoes = 19, number of radial views = 160; FOV = 240 x 240 x
120 mm3, image matrix size = 160 x 160 x 40, voxel size = 1.5 x 1.5
x 3 mm3, slice oversampling factor = 25%, and scan time = 8.5 min.
High-resolution T1-weigthed images were additionally acquired for
brain segmentation with SPM12 software8. Derived R2 and R2’ maps
were overlaid onto the T1-weighted images, while those in each voxel were
averaged over segmented gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) regions,
Figure 3c shows the effectiveness of the present B0
correction approach (z-shimming in combination with the VSF method). Without B0
correction, both R2* and R2** are erroneously estimated in regions where the
magnetic field varies rapidly (corresponding to high gz in Fig. 3b),
while with correction such errors are largely eliminated. Figure 4 shows R2 and
R2’ maps in the three orthogonal planes, obtained in the two subjects (see
Figure 4 for regional averages of the two parameters). Heavily T2-weighted
images (SSFP-ECHO at TE=2ms) are also provided as anatomical reference,
particularly for deep GM structures in which, compared to cortical GM areas, both
R2 and R2’ are substantially overestimated. Discussion and Conclusions
The unbalanced
SSFP-based approach makes it possible to achieve rapid 3D encoding of
transverse relaxation parameters, while the VSF model with z-shim gradients
allows estimation of those parameters in regions with strong B0
inhomogeneity. While regional averages of R2 (Fig. 4) agree well with literature values9,
R2’ values are higher than those reported by Ni et al.’s3, which may be attributed to the large R2’
values obtained in deep GM regions known to be rich in non-heme iron10,
an issue that warrants further scrutiny with larger number of subjects and
compartmentalized analysis. Upon further validation, the present method may
serve as a tool for quantification of metabolic parameters as well as iron
content covering much of the brain including regions suffering from large
intrinsic gradients. Acknowledgements
NIH grants R21EB022687 and UL1TR001878References
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