Shu Zhang1, F. William Schuler1, Tianzhe Li1, Ken-Pin Hwang2, Mitsuharu Miyoshi3, Xinzeng Wang4, and Mark D. Pagel1
1Cancer Systems Imaging, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 2Imaging Physics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 3Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 4Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States
clinical CEST MRI methods have been developed and disseminated during the last
few years, and the expansion of clinical CEST MRI will likely continue. A common phantom is needed to standardize the
development and implementation of CEST methods. In this study, we have developed
a clinical CEST MRI phantom with high-quality gelatin to test a range of concentrations,
pH values, and T1 relaxation times. The experimental conditions of the CEST
saturation and various post-saturation acquisition methods can be tested. This standard
phantom can be used to support many applications within the CEST MRI research
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI continues to generate strong research
interest for improving diagnostic assessment and treatment response monitoring.1
Although CEST MRI methods have been developed on many MRI instruments and
across institutions, currently no framework exists for standardizing these
methods or performing QA/QC for multicenter trials. In this study, we developed
a CEST MRI phantom using high-quality gelatin with a range of concentrations,
pH, and T1 relaxation times, which can be used to test a variety of CEST applications
and other similar MRI experimental conditions.Methods
main structure of the phantom was based on the clinical diffusion phantom (QalibreMD,
Inc.) developed by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST)
and the Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA). It has 13 sealed vials
within a water-filled, 18-cm-diameter sphere that fits within a standard head
coil (Fig. 1). Three
sets of phantoms were investigated: (1) 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0% gelatin; (2)
7.5% gelatin at
pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 and 8.0; (3) 7.5% gelatin at pH 7.5 with T1 = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 2.5, 3.0 sec (doped with Magnevist) and 3.4 sec (without Magnevist). A vial
of distilled water and a vial of vegetable oil were also included.
The phantoms were scanned with a 3T GE human scanner
(Discovery MR750) using an 8-channel head coil at room temperature. CEST images
were acquired using a 2D, single-shot fast spin echo (SSFSE) sequence with FOCUS
outer volume suppression. The CEST preparation was achieved using phase cycled
RF pulses.2 For each CEST scan, 29 saturation frequencies from -7 to
7 ppm were acquired, plus a reference image acquired without CEST saturation. CEST
images were acquired with saturation power 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 μT and a
fixed saturation time of 2000 ms. CEST images were also acquired with saturation
time 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 ms and a fixed saturation power of 2.0 μT. WASSR
field inhomogeneity correction 3 was acquired in the same scan
series as CEST with a saturation power of 0.5 μT and a saturation time of 2000
ms. 11 saturation frequencies from -1.88 to 1.88 ppm were acquired for WASSR. Fat
saturation pulses were used for fat suppression. Other parameters included FOV
= 210 mm × 189 mm, slice thickness = 8 mm and matrix size = 128 × 128. In
addition to CEST images, a B1 map was acquired using the Bloch-Siegert method 4
and a T1 map was acquired using the variable flip angle method 5.Results
and MTRasym of the gelatin were obtained at different concentrations
and pH (Figs. 2, 3). The peak at 3.5 ppm was not present at pH 6.0 (Fig. 2a)
and was not well-defined at other low pH values (Fig. 3a), but it became
visible in the Z-spectrum at pH 7.0 and increased in amplitude as pH increased
(Fig. 3). The peak at 2.0 ppm was broad and visible at all pH values, and
increased at higher pH values (Fig. 3). The MTRasym at 2.0 and 3.5
ppm increased as gelatin concentration increased. However, the MTRasym
at both frequencies were close at 7.5 and 10.0% concentrations (Fig. 2b). The
gelatin phantoms doped with Magnevist showed an increase in MTRasym as
T1 increased (Fig. 4). As expected, the MTRasym at both frequencies
increased as saturation power or time increased (Fig. 5). Discussion
The gelatin phantom produced CEST
MRI results that met expectations with regard to the effects of concentration,
pH, and T1 relaxation time. The excellent B0 and B1 homogeneity of the phantom
improved the quality of these results. Reconfiguring a NIST-approved phantom
provides assurance that this phantom can be established for clinical CEST MRI
Although recapitulating the CEST characteristics
of specific tissues is very challenging, the gelatin phantom provides a
reasonable approximation of endogenous CEST MRI conditions. Therefore, this study establishes a standard
phantom for clinical CEST MRI. Future studies will test the incorporation of
fat, glutamate, glucose, and iopamidol in the gelantin phantom, to demonstrate
that the phantom can be customized for common variations of clinical CEST MRI
studies. Repeatability and reproducibility tests are also on-going to establish
QA/QC criteria for the clinical CEST MRI phantom. Finally, the same criteria
are also being applied to develop a breast phantom, by reconfiguring the
clinical breast phantom from QalibreMD for CEST MRI.Conclusion
We have established a standard phantom that can be used
by the clinical CEST MRI research community to improve the validation,
implementation, and dissemination of clinical CEST MRI methods. Acknowledgements
work was supported in part by the Odyssey Program and Cockrell Foundation Award
for Scientific Achievement at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
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KM, Pollard AC, Pagel MD. Clinical Applications of Chemical Exchange Saturation
Transfer (CEST) MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2018; 47(1): 11-27.
M, Matsuda T, Kabasawa H. CEST imaging with phase cycled rectangular RF
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