Sugil Kim1, HoonJae Lee2, and Seong-Gi Kim2,3
1Siemens healthineers Ltd, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (CNIR), Institute for Basic Science (IBS), Suwon, Republic of Korea, 3. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic of Korea
CEST MRI exploits
saturation transfer-induced proton exchange and its corresponding, indirect loss
of water signal, has been shown to provide a novel contrast mechanism in MRI. However, CEST MRI is prone to B0 inhomogeneities. To resolve this problem, CEST
MRI requires multiple-acquisition. To acquire z-spectrum of whole brain at ultrahigh
field of 7T, there are multiple issues to be tackled; a prohibitively long
acquisition time, potential high power deposition, and B0 drift during
a long scanning time. In this work, we proposed the rapid steady-state CEST MRI
pulse sequence incorporating with incoherent sampling in 3D segmented EPI at 7T
Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI exploits saturation transfer-induced proton
exchange and its corresponding, indirect loss of water signal [1-2]. Since multiple
exchangeable protons and nuclear Overhauser effects contribute to CEST MRI, the
separation of multiple CEST contributions to individual CEST contribution is useful.
This requires to spread chemical shifts as wide as possible by using high
magnetic fields, and to acquire multiple frequencies (z-spectrum) for the deconvolution
of multiple components. Additionally, CEST is prone to B0 drift,
causing serious artifacts. To acquire z-spectrum of whole brain at ultrahigh field
of 7T, there are multiple issues to be tackled; a prohibitively long
acquisition time, potential high power deposition, and B0 drift during
a long scanning time. In this work, we proposed the rapid steady-state CEST MRI
pulse sequence incorporating with incoherent sampling in 3D segmented EPI at 7T.Method
Steady-State 3D CEST MRI Pulse Sequence
sequence diagram of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1. Gaussian-shaped RF pulse
was applied for generating rapid steady-state CEST contrast, followed by
spoiling gradient. The length of a non-selective rectangular RF pulse was
adjusted to set fat resonance frequency to the zero-crossing offset frequency
of the sinc-shaped excitation profile. This fat suppression scheme selectively excite
water signals at ultra-high field 7T, resulting in shorter RF pulse duration and
lower SAR than the conventional fat suppression method [3]. Finally, segmented 3D
EPI acquisition was employed in the step of z-spectrum encoding with an incoherent
compressed sensing (CS) sampling pattern.
Sampling for Segmented 3D-EPI Encoding
CS techniques require incoherent random sampling. However, implementation of incoherent
random sampling to the 3D segmented EPI is sensitive to signal modulation due
to changing blipped gradients. To tackle this problem, we proposed grouped random
sampling approach (Fig. 2(a)). Thirteen k-space segments (see Group shot number
in the kz direction in Fig. 2a) were used; in each segment, k-space sampling
points were grouped along both kz and ky direction to restrict the maximum size
of the blip gradient size In this specific case, each segment covered 8 kz and
29 ky points. To make signal modulation smoothly, encoding order of ky-segments
matched with EPI factor of echoes. Then the central fully-sampled k-space lines
were acquired at the end of the encoding order (in our case #13) to ensure steady-state
of the CEST contrast. To maximize the CS performance, the sampling pattern was randomly
varied along the frequency direction (see Fig.2 (b))
We used
a 7T scanner (Magnetom Terra, Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany) with a 32-channel
receive array head coil. CEST irradiation amplitude and duration were 0.7µT /
25ms. A total 51 images of human subjects were acquired at different saturation
offset (±10, ±7, ±6, ±5.5, ±5, ±4.75, ±4.5, ±4.25, ±4, ±3.75, ±3.5, ±3.25, ±3, ±2.75, ±2.5, ±2.25, ±2, ±1.75, ±1.5, ±1.25, ±1, ±0.75, ±0.5, ±0.25, 0, ±300) relative to the water frequency. Other image parameters:
FOV=210x173x230; matrix size=128x116x96 (kx,ky,kz); 1.8mm isotropic resolution;
flip angle=10 degree; TR = 75ms, TE = 20ms, EPI factor =29, and total imaging time
= 5min. All images were reconstructed using k-t sparse SENSE technique [4] and
B0 correction was made with the WASSR technique [5].Results and Discussion
Fig. 3(a) shows (unsaturated) reconstructed images
using k-t sparse SENSE. Acquired highly accelerated 3D segmented EPI shows excellent
image quality without aliasing artifact. This indicates that sparse sampling
and reconstruction produce high quality images with high temporal resolution.
In Fig. 3(b), z-spectra images were shown for one selected slice. An image with
direct water saturation (DS) effect near 0ppm shows at the middle of series of
CEST images, indicating saturation is effectively achieved by steady-state saturation
pulses. Clearly, 3-D CEST images were acquired rapidly without much artifacts. Fig. 4 represents feasibility of CEST effect using z-spectrum and MTR asymmetric method. As a result, the proposed method is highly effective in generating proton
exchange induced image contrast at
ultra-high field 7T.Conclusion
We successfully demonstrated
that whole-brain CEST MRI can be acquired highly accelerated a novel steady-state
3D CEST pulse sequence potentially enabling whole brain CEST about 5min at ultra
-high field 7T.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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