Yuqing Huang1, Haolin Zhan1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Measurements on heterogeneous samples, such as semisolid
food and biological tissues, constitute
a significant research topic in various fields. However, measurements on heterogeneous
samples by conventional 1D 1H NMR generally suffer from two challenges,
namely magnetic field inhomogeneity caused by anisotropic interactions and spectral
congestion induced by crowded NMR resonances. In this report, we introduce a spatially-selective pure
shift NMR approach for high-resolution measurements on heterogeneous
samples based on the suppression on effects of magnetic
field inhomogeneity and J couplings, thus
useful for investigating heterogeneous sample systems with extensive
chemical and biological applications.
NMR spectroscopy presents a powerful tool for
furnishing molecular-level information including molecular structures, chemical
compositions, and dynamic processes.1 Measurements on heterogeneous
samples, such as semisolid food and biological
tissues, constitute a significant research topic in various
fields throughout food science, biology, and medicine.2 However, measurements
on heterogeneous samples by conventional 1D 1H NMR generally suffer
from two challenges, namely magnetic field inhomogeneity caused by anisotropic
interactions and spectral congestion induced by crowded NMR resonances.3
First, field inhomogeneity caused by intrinsic anisotropic interactions in heterogeneous
samples would generate line broadening effects, directly degrading spectral
resolution. Second, heterogeneous samples characteristically contains numerous chemical
compositions along with crowded NMR resonances, leading to spectral congestion
in acquired spectra. In this report, we introduce a spatially-selective
pure shift NMR approach for high-resolution measurements on heterogeneous
samples based on the suppression on effects of magnetic
field inhomogeneity and J couplings.METHODS
The pulse sequence diagram for spatially-selective pure shift experiments
are shown in Fig. 1. is composed of a π/2 selective/non-selective
excitation pulse, two indirect evolution period t1/2, a
spatially-selective decoupling
module4, consisting of a non-selective inversion pulse and a selective inversion pulse combined with a simultaneous
weak gradient. This spatially-selective
decoupling module introduces a spatial
effect dependent on different slices of sample tube. In a certain spatial
slice, the selected spin by the selective inversion pulse experiences the
overall 360o rotation, indicating no net significant effects, while
other spins in this slice which are not selected merely experiences the single
180o rotation, resulting in a net inversion. Experiencing two
symmetric indirect evolution period t1/2, J coupling evolution is refocused while chemical shift evolution remains
undisturbed. A synthetic dataset is obtained by concatenating a series of t2-dimension data chunks of
1/SW1 duration with different t1
increments. After 1D Fourier
transformation (FT) over the synthetic dataset, pure shift spectra can be obtained with the elimination of J coupling
splittings. Benefitting from the reduced sample volume per signal, spatially-selective
experiments are tolerant to field
inhomogeneity along the z direction.
Thus, the spatially-selective
pure shift experiment is capable of overcoming both
challenges of field inhomogeneity and spectral congestion, suitable for
high-resolution measurements on heterogeneous samples.
All experiments were performed at 295 K using a
Varian NMR System (Varian 500 MHz spectrometer, Agilent Technologies, Santa
Clara, CA, USA), equipped with a 5 mm XYZ indirect detection probe. Two heterogeneous
samples, a complex sample of azithromycin under externally
inhomogeneous magnetic fields, and a biological sample of intact grape tissues
with macroscopic magnetic susceptibility variations and crowded NMR resonances, are
tested to verify the effectiveness and applicability of the spatially-selective
pure shift NMR spectroscopy.RESULTS
Measurements on azithromycin, a clinical macrolide
antibiotic, performed under an inhomogeneous field are presented in Fig. 2. Under
the inhomogeneous field, severe inhomogeneous line broadenings
ruin all useful information in the standard 1D spectrum (Fig. 2A). In contrast, inhomogeneous
line broadening and J coupling
splitting are eliminated in the resulting spatially-selective pure shift
spectrum (Fig. 2B), thus providing high-resolution information for analyses, even for the congested spectral region between 1.4 and 2.4 ppm. Standard 1D NMR spectrum
acquired in a well-shimmed field is also given for comparison (Fig. 2C).
Experimental results on intact grape tissues are shown in Fig. 3. Because intact
grape tissues are characterized with the intrinsic magnetic susceptibility variations and metabolites
with crowded NMR resonances, spectral congestion and line broadening lead to a
broad peak envelope of 130.8 Hz in the standard water-presaturated 1D NMR
spectrum (Fig. 3A), hindering
almost all useful spectral information. Fortunately,
high-resolution 1D measurement can be achieved by the spatially-selective
pure shift experiment (Fig. 3B). The spectral
resolution is improved from 130.8 Hz to 11.3 Hz, and complex multiplets are
simplified into singlets, facilitating metabolite assignments even for the
overlapped region between 3.0 and 4.2 ppm.DISCUSSION
can be seen that the spatially-selective pure shift spectroscopy presents an effect
tool for high-resolution measurements on heterogeneous systems that contains field
inhomogeneity and crowded NMR resonances. Compared to conventional 1D NMR, field
inhomogeneity effect can be eliminated and all multiplet resonances can be
simplified into singlets in spatially-selective
pure shift experiments, benefitting to high-resolution
measurements on biological
tissues with intrinsic field inhomogeneity and complex metabolites. Due to the implementation of
reduced sample volumes, spatially-selective pure shift experiments suffers
the lower signal intensity than conventional 1D NMR, and improvement of this
method for wide applications may be achieved by combining with other pulse
sequence techniques and data processing approaches.CONCLUSION
Here, we demonstrate
a spatially-selective pure shift NMR approach for high-resolution measurements
on heterogeneous samples by suppressing effects of magnetic
field inhomogeneity and J couplings.
This approach may provide a different perspective to
existing pure shift NMR applications and presents interesting prospects for investigating
heterogeneous samples.Acknowledgements
This work was
partially supported by the NNSF of China under Grants 11675135 and 21327001.References
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