Andres Saucedo1, Manoj Sarma1, and M. Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
In this pilot study, we implement a radial echo-planar spectroscopic imaging
(rEPSI) sequence and compare its performance to the Cartesian (EPSI) sequence
under multiple rates of retrospective undersampling, for the case of 2D
acquisitions in which a single phase-encoded direction is undersampled for
EPSI, and a reduced number of radial profiles using golden angle view ordering
are reconstructed for rEPSI. Fully sampled data from a healthy
volunteer brain and from a brain phantom are acquired. The retrospectively undersampled
data is reconstructed using compressed sensing with Total
Variation regularization, and the performance of both methods are compared.
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging
(MRSI) is a powerful tool for measuring biochemical concentrations and spatial
distribution of various metabolites. However, long acquisitions times hinder
the practical use of conventional MRSI techniques. Echo-planar trajectories, in
which one spatial and one spectral dimension are sampled simultaneously, have
been implemented to reduce acquisition time by an order of magnitude1.Other
echo-planar-based approaches utilizing non-Cartesian sampling, such as
concentric circular rings, rosettes, and spirals, have also been applied for
efficient and fast MRSI2,3,4. Recently, radial sampling techniques
have gained more widespread use for MRI applications, due to their increased
motion robustness, inherent SNR advantage, and potential for high acceleration5,6,7.
In this pilot study, we implement a radial echo-planar spectroscopic imaging
(rEPSI) sequence and compare its performance to the Cartesian (EPSI) sequence
under multiple rates of retrospective undersampling, in the case of 2D
acquisitions in which a single phase-encoded direction is undersampled for
EPSI, and a reduced number of radial profiles from golden angle sampling8
is used for rEPSI. A flyback trajectory approach, as opposed to alternating bi-polar
readout gradients, is implemented for both sequences due to its increased
spectral width, simpler post-processing, less T2*-weighting, and relative
insensitivity to timing errors9. Fully sampled data from a healthy
volunteer brain and from a brain phantom are acquired. The 2D retrospectively undersampled
data for both EPSI and rEPSI are reconstructed using compressed sensing with Total
Variation regularization, and we compare the performance of both methods.Methods
The flyback EPSI and rEPSI (Figure 1) sequences
were implemented on a 3T clinical scanner. One healthy 26 year-old healthy
volunteer was recruited with IRB approval for the acquisition of in vivo brain data. Data from a brain phantom containing
metabolites at physiological concentrations was also acquired. Both data sets
were acquired with a 32×32 matrix size, a 32×32×1.5 cm3 slab using
volumetric semi-LASER localization, TE = 40 ms, TR = 1.5s, and a spectral width
of 1351.35 Hz, with 512 t2 points. With 10 averages each, acquisition
time for fully sampled water-suppressed data totaled 6.5 minutes for EPSI (32 ky
phase-encoding steps) and 10 minutes for rEPSI (50 radial spokes). A
separate water scan was also acquired for eddy-current phase correction. The
radial spokes were acquired and undersampled using a golden-angle view ordering scheme. For
EPSI undersampling masks in the ky direction were implemented using
a Gaussian probability distribution with a fully-sampled central region of 4 ky
lines. Acceleration factors (AF) for EPSI were 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 2.9, 4, and 5.3,
corresponding to 21, 16, 13, 11, 8, and 6 ky phase-encodes,
respectively. For rEPSI, AF = 2.4, 3.1.
3.8, 4.5, 6.25, and 8.3, corresponding to 21, 16, 13, 11, 8, and 6 radial
spokes, so that EPSI and rEPSI were compared on a time-equivalent basis, although
higher AF’s are technically feasible for rEPSI.
Total Variation (TV)-based compressed
sensing reconstructed was implemented using the MFISTA10 framework
to solve the following minimization problem:
$$ \min_{u} \frac{1}{2} \| Fu - y \|_2^{2} + \lambda TV(u) $$
where F is the Fourier transform, or
non-uniform Fourier transform11 (NUFFT) for radial data, u is the
spatial-spectral data, y is the undersampled data, and λ is a regularization
parameter empirically chosen as 𝜎 · 10-1, where 𝜎 is an estimate of
the noise standard deviation. Coil-by-coil reconstruction was performed with 80 outer
iterations and 20 inner iterations of the TV proximal mapping. The fully-sampled and
reconstructed data was used to compute spectral normalized root mean square
error (nRMSE) maps, absolute difference images, and metabolite maps of
N-acetylaspartate (NAA), Creatine 3.0 (Cre 3.0), and Choline (Cho), as a
function of increasing acceleration factor.Results
The NAA metabolite maps in Figure 2 and Figure 3 show
that radial sampling results in greater reconstruction accuracy and is more robust to increasing undersampling rates. Even at a high acceleration of 8.3, rEPSI still outperforms
EPSI in terms of the fidelity of the reconstructed map. The absolute difference maps of NAA display reduced differences within the VOI for rEPSI
compared to EPSI. Reconstructed spectra from rEPSI also appear more consistent
with the fully-sampled spectra (Figure 4), whereas spectra reconstructed from EPSI data loses SNR at a greater rate than those from the radially sampled data, in agreement with earlier results in radial MRI. In terms of imaging fidelity, the nRMSE of the
NAA, Creatine 3.0, and Choline maps are lower than those from the EPSI
acquisition (Table 5), particularly at high undersampling rates.Discussion and Conclusion
Radial EPSI is shown to be more robust
to acceleration for undersampled 2D spatial acquisitions. For MRSI applications,
in which the resolutions are relatively low, radial acquisitions can provide a
good trade-off between acquisition speed and spectroscopic image quality. While 2D Cartesian EPSI undersampling is limited to one phase-encoding dimension, rEPSI offers greater flexibility by allowing undersampling across the entire k-space plane, while still preserving spectral and imaging quality. Streaking artifacts can be a limitation in rEPSI, but this is true outside the region of interest only, and this effect can be further reduced through more optimized reconstruction schemes. Furthermore, golden angle view ordering offers a further potential for motion-robust and temporally resolved spectroscopic imaging.Acknowledgements
Authors acknowledge grant support from DoD CDMRP Breakthrough I Award #W81XWH-16-1-0524.References
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